(August 1955)
One More Out!!
Thats all the Braves needed to beat Chicago.
Rookie sensation Melvin Famey was sent to the mound.
And he walked SIX batters....The Braves lost!
(Unknown to him, someone filled their water cooler with Schlitz!)
Next morning's Chicago Tribune's headline read...
SCHLITZ...The Beer That Made Mel Famey Walk Us!!!
No Groaning Please....
I first heard this joke about 1965, and I've just been waiting to use it!
I know the Dragons and Doc have heard it before, but it may be new to some.
Anyway...If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
Now that was a real groaner.
Our 55 is up
That was pretty funny!
I have one up at www.otinsopinions.blogspot.com
I have no idea how to link inside a comment box?
Nothing wrong with a joke from my childhood.
Mine's up. But it's not funny like yours!
A happy weekend to everyone!
Definitely a groaner, but in a good way ~ loved your accompanying photo!
Have a great weekend Galen,
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Delete
and the story behind it,
Facebook: Fertile Ground for Manipulators
What a terrible joke! But I love it---and know that if I tried to tell it I'd only mess it up ROFL.
Mine's up: Happy Friday 13th!
ha. see you got a laugh...and a few groans. lol.
mine is up!
I feel dumb. I had to read that three times before I got it. THREE! Maybe I should put down my Schlitz and switch to water. *giggle*
I'm up!
Completely new to me but then I'm not a sports fan.
My 55 will be up at midnight Pacific time :)
Well, I had never heard it before, and it made me laugh.:)
I'm still too busy trying to wrap my head around that one to do any groaning.
Mine is here.
Here I'm thinking it's getting serious...please...pass me a cold one! I'm up too.
I love 55 Flash Fiction, and I actually remembered in advance this week. Yay me!!! Mine is up here...
Also check out my new domain at www.omountainman.com
Beer can make you walk? Now I know what The Walking Man consumes!
Galen my 55ve is up!
Was it the Atlanta Braves back then?? By the way - thanks for all your comments to all of us. You take the time to really comment individually and not superficially. I'm enjoying the Flash 55. Wish mine were JOYFUL, but they tend to be filled with angst! Thanks for all you do.
Nice... Lol!
After a few weeks off mine is up!
I think I have to give that another read :) I'm up.
as much as i checked and finally your up, i still can't get my comment in the single digits!! mine is up too. early even
I don't know anything about baseball, but even I groaned!! :)
Fun Flash Friday 55. (Try saying that quickly ten times without spitting)...
Mine is all ready too!
here it is! :)
Mine is up.
LOL, it's new to me. but then i don't follow sports all that closely.
i don't have a 55 but i do have a brief story my aunt shared with me.
Forgot to tell you, I have one up there this week, Mr G-Man.
BTW...."Groan"...Sorry 'bout that.
You really do need some new material...you may have heard in 1965, but...
Anyway...My 55 is here.
I think I remember that also Galin. I'll call it a groaner. okay I have my flash 55 up and ready for all you folks YOU'll find the link down below..
Drive In Movie
This is my first attempt at a 55. Tell me what you think :)
No wonder I don't drink Schlitz LOL. Indeed a groaner :) Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)
Groan groan groan... I like it again heee heee heee.
I couldn't resist it Galen man, and had to post something for you...
Nice weekend to yuo and all!
A strange, but fun, year. I was born in that year :-)
You'll find mine here.
All American 55 this week! Love the reference to Schlitz. Have a fantastic weekend.
Mine is up.
I've missed your 55s G. Mine's up.
its totally new to me! kinda 55.
Neat trick! And very funny 55, as always.
I did a pictorial this week. Please check it out.
LOLOL....being an avid baseball fan [tho not a fan of the brewers ---that is the ball club, not the "BREW" itself]....I love this.
My 55 is posted today --as always, scroll down below my show n tell Click Here -it's Tickle Me Elmo Style today
But a groaner is a good thing.
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.
I never heard it. I'll have to ask my dad. He used to drink Schlitz and he's a Braves fan.
I did beer this week, too.
Flash 55 - Blue Gill
I attempted 55 again
I attempted 55 again
okay ... i haven't heard that one ... but it came from you so it has to be good ... right??? lol
oh yea ... mine is up!
Yep, a groaner.
Mine's up.
Mine is up. You have to look under the Groucho Max photo to see it.
Cheers! Chris
I think I've told you before I have a numbered, commemorative belt buckle, cast from the original copper Schlitz brew kettles in 1976 (in their logo!), when they went to stainless brew kettles.. Wonder what it's worth?
Groaning is an acceptable form of exercise you know. :) And yours explains so much.
Mine's up. Will be reading the rest of you this weekend as work is calling.
I never heard that one...must be too young! It was a punny groaner!
Mine's up too.
Happy Friday the 13th!
Hello GMan.
Well that was one good Flash fiction 55.
With Larry's encouragement i made it to this finally. Hurray! Thanks to you and him.
Here's mine balcony
I didn't understand it because it's all in American! LOL
Mine's up.
Cute story!
... also groaning ...
hope you like it :)
Don't know nuthin' about baseball, beer, or you old timers' jokes.
How about:
When the time is right, the People will see the truth. When the time is right, the People will break their chains. They will rise, stand tall and shout in one bold voice, “no more !” And then we’ll mow those suckers down with machine guns and laser guided missiles. When the time is right.
masterymistery at cosmic rapture
okay Mr. Know It All ...
according to my counter on Microsoft Word I did have only 55 words ... ??? Maybe I should have hand counted, or is this a "chad" problem like the one in FL??? lol
Did Jim Croce really do Cats-In-The-Cradle? When I heard it, it was done by Cat Stevens. Btw, I love Jim Croce's music. Roller Derby Queen and who could forget Bad Bad Leroy Brown??? lol
thanks for the stop by
have a "kick ass" weekend!!!
OOOOOHHHHH! I never heard that one before! Good one.
Mine is up. Have a wonderful weekend, Galen! D
Ahh, Schlitz. It was one of the first beers I ever got loaded on, at about 14. Who'd a thunk 55 words would bring back so many memories.jeNN
I'll make the 55th comment...
G-Man had a very tough day, and needs an attitude adjustment in the worst way!
I'll answer ALL 55's sometime tonight...Be Patient.
Your 55th comment explains lots. I was going to come over here and call you Mr. SensitivePants, but since you're having a bad day...I won't do it! BTW-you were the FIRST to know...as always! Sending you a big 'hope your day gets better' hug! Love, Karen
I love this idea...I have been absent from bloggy world for a time ~ what a fun thing to come back to!
Hey Gman! Since it's winter Im giving some thot to doing a Thursday Portrait/55 post...
I said Im giving it some thot!
Have a fab weekend Gman
Oh hey, I brought some trash over with me. That's me knocking on your office door....
no fair, you didn't come see my 55 today and look how little is left of today!
being a braves fan even I had never heard it! But i like those kinda groaner jokes..ahh baseball cant wait for it to start again.
Crazy week!Find my Flash 55 for this week HERE
Looks like I "passed" on my first 55... thanks for visiting me :)
How many of these 55s do you get a week? It must be a groaner of a job to get through them all. Thanks for preaching patience at me. I shall in the future practice that virture. Fun game you have going--I don't know how you do it and hold down a job too.
ahh thanks for the "kick ass" send off! it always makes me smile and know ITS THE WEEKEND!
ditto Chris, it has really taken off and you reading every ones is time consuming but is the part that makes it fun
Cat's In The Cradle- Harry Chapin..Jeez..
Jess MofM..I never did see your 55
MasteryMystery...Thanks for the 55, but just post it on your site, then come tell me.
TK...Sorry I'm an idiot...:P
Chris...All is forgiven...:-)
Buff...Thanks, You'll be my age someday...IF YOUR LUCKY!!!
And everybody else...Thanks for another exciting Friday Funfest!
You All Rock!!!
I have a great one, if I could just find the time to write it.
I love reading everyone else's, though!
I have a great one, if I could just find the time to write it.
I love reading everyone else's, though!
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