Hi Everybody...
I hope your Week-End was Kick-Ass!
As You know, I have TWO Passions in life, and I enjoyed both of them to the MAXX these last couple of days!
Saturday at the game it was Sunny but a high of 44.
Sunday was a Grand day for an Autumn Color Ride...WOW!!!
Have a Great Week.....G
(Hehehehe...Helmet Hair)
Well sounds like a cold weekend to me. I'm sure the game was fun. We lost yet again pffft Have a great Sunday :)
You have a great one, yourself.
nice. today would have been a great day for a ride on the parkway.
Too cold to ride here which sucks, unless you're a lunatic or a geek with a heated suite! Hope I get a couple more putts in before the years out. I'm jealous! jeNN
I'm glad you got the chance to indulge your passions. I know it's a tossup as to which you enjoyed more, the game or the ride.:)
I can't imagine a better weekend - football AND fall color rides. Sweet!
Sounds like a great weekend. Lot's of color out west, too. No football for my home team...couldn't find a community college to play the way Michigan did. ;-)
Is it Thursday already????
Galen (Hugs)
yip, that would make hubby's weekend too...
Nice victory for the boys in blue. Which high school do they play this weekend?
I'm glad Michigan did you proud & you enjoyed your hogg ride (is it on 'g' or 2?)
I love the fall colors -- the cold air, not so much...
I DID report to the all powerful G-Man that I had posted. I didn't have a chance to read everyone's yet ... I'm heading that way in a few.
thanks for the kind words and enjoy the week!!
For the first time in my life, I took Michigan and gave 36 points on a bet! Won it easily! I wonder how many points Michigan will get this week-end?
Sounds like you had a seriously kick ass weekend. Whoohoo!
I have something for you.
Sounds like a fun weekend G-man. :)
It did sound kickass, G-Man! Mine was just kicked! :))
glad it was such a great weekend for you. we froze here.
Sounds like a near perfect weekend if you got to do both things you are passionate about!
You don't have to do anything but be yourself. It's the people around you who earned it for you.
Now, THAT'S a good weekend!
Yeah Michigan State football! Yeah crunchy autumn leaves! Yeah motorcycles! I love this place;)
This guy I met the other day had heated grips and electric gloves, I think he was trying to roast his hands. He was complaining that his hands were sweaty...hope he doesn't electrocute hisself. =8-0
I am glad you got to enjoy your passions.
Ride on!!!
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