When my brother Mark was deployed to Kuwait about 6 years ago,
My nephew Kurtice came and lived with us. Him and Reese are only 2 years apart, and they are very close. Well, Mandy is married and lives abroad, Reese attends the local Junior College, and Kurt just enrolled in Airline Mechanix Trade school. My brother lives up north in Oscoda about 160 miles away, and the school is about 40 miles south of here, we have lots of room so I invited him to live with us again until he finds a place closer to his school. He is a fine young man, and he is no bother at all. I asked him to pose for a pic for old Uncle Galen's blog, and he agreed. But I think he is trying to tell me something.....I wonder?
so nice that you can help kurtice out that way. isn't that what family is all about? what a good uncle you are!
Cute kid! I think it's wonderful that you're there for him when he needs you.
Back off Uncle G LOL Mughty nice of you. :)
very cool when family or friends is able to be there for each other like that. awesome man!
Ten? He thinks you're a ten. Kurt needs glasses. You are a good deed doer just the same.
I think he's saying he wants ten bucks for the photograph?
Very cool to have him back with you again--good luck to him in school, too!
I'm surprised that this is going over all your heads so far....
Is it too subliminal?
I am going on a camping trip so I won't be doing the 55 this week.
No more sh*t lists for me Ungle G. I was in CT for 10 days and sick in bed for 3 days after I got home...but you'd know that if you'd been around, eh?
I get the hint :o)
"look Uncle G, nothing in my hands...need some green for my palms dude."
I think he wants to live with you for 10 years! or perhaps 10 pictures is his limit!
Dont you just love when the house is filled with busy, exciting youth!
Our oldest daughter moved out to live near campus with 2 roommates, her best friend moved into the spare room! Nice swap!
You will pimp anyone out for your 55
; ) He's a fine fellow to go along with you.
you have such a nice attitude towards life and living. no wonder i keep coming back here...
Hey - that sounds like fun - having those kids around. I thought about you the other day when I was driving from Atlanta to Macon - a sign said, "Macon 55 miles" :)
Nice looking kid. Glad he has you.
I have something for you at my place!
Galen: My 55 is up WAY too early, but I am in Florida and having to use the library computer! SO-just in case I don't get back here tomorrow, I went ahead and posted.
You are a good uncle! Donnetta
OMG I FEEL SO STUPID! I GET NOW!! I will put up my 55 tonight too!
Well if you can't help family out who can you help? :)
I got the message. My 55 is scheduled to post honest. :)
of course, i got it right away,
but my 55 isnt ready yet...
should be done in about
4 more years...
Have you no shame g...pimping your nephew! Nice job...at first I thought he's showing us his dirty mechanic hands! :D OK...getting to work right now on my dirty, mechanized 55! ;)
Never in a hundred million thousand years would I have got that.
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