Last week a fraternity brother of mine stopped by the dealership for a test drive. After he was finished he asked me to follow him out to his car, because he had something to give me. To my surprise, he had the 2ftx3ft composite picture that hung in our frat house meeting room. He said that I probably saw more people from the past than he did and asked if I wanted it...Of course I wanted it!
I served and held many different positions in the frat while I attended college, and during this semester I was The Chaplain....Hehehehe...Reverend Galen!!!
Pax Vobiscum...!!!
Great picture, Reverend Galen. I said Reverend. Now I'm going to have to dodge lightning bolts. Maybe I'd better go say a novena. Later, Rev.:-)
Hey Sista Sherry....I got your novena right here!!!
You're not going to make me wear a plaid skirt and mutter a bunch of mumbo-jumbo over me, are you, Rev.?;)
How cool is that? 40 years ago...where does the time go? Quite a bunch of handsome frat boys :o)
wow, you have
so much hair...
still, too,
lucky you!
time do fly...
And that's a prized possession for you to keep.
You in a fraternity? NOT that's like me being in AEPi go figure. Awesome my friend. There's another award for you on my blog tomorrow :)
All I have to say is when I have a need to confess my most egregious sins I now know where to go. Does beer come with the absolution?
wow, what a treasure you got there. but you! a chaplain??????
Way too cool. Who was it? I saw Dunc yesterday in Meijers. He might have a few pounds on you.
And all this time I thought you were working for the guy down below...;)
You haven't changed a bit.
Jimmy...It was Honest John Palmer!
Wow - chaplain! Did you want that job???
I've always wondered why fraternities and other school organizations felt the need to assign someone a "chaplain" role.
rev. galen, hehehehehe. where's your collar?
1970- my high school graduating year... Good memory, Padre...
nice. i was a chi phi...sure the pic brought back some memories...was a historian, secretray and judicial head...so i was a judge at one point, very out of character...lol. happy thursday rev!
Reverend Galen. I love it!
I *love* that photo-- what a smile! (also love your comment novena LOL)
What a wonderful gift, the more so for being such a surprise. Very cool!
very cool!
Wordless Wednesday - King of the Field
Hail Ceaser,,,Er Reverend!
My head is spinning! I can't believe the frat part of you...but then again, just getting to know you! But, in this picture...are you Pres.?
I was a GDI but, VERY popular with the frat boys. he
Ahhhh. looked at it in a bigger form...chaplain. Then...amen.
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