And this years Blue-Ridge Garden Society's winner for 'Best in Show' is...
Margaret Strichnine for her beautiful Virginia Rose.(Rosa Virginiana)
Please come accept your award Margaret!
..."Well firstly, I'd like to thank my long time gardener. Who after many years of service, had to suddenly leave town"....
(Yeah, she thought...And he's still fertilizing!!)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!
Well I guess she should know.
We are posted
If you visit and leave a comment on our 55 we will visit yours and leave a comment.
Hi G-Man. Happy Friday!!
Mine's up http://boomerbabybliss-bfs.blogspot.com/2009/10/flash-55-fiction.html
EEEK!! I laughed at Margaret "Strichnine" but when I got to the end, oh noooooo.....
Oh Galen you outdid yourself this week. Me likey!
And mine is up. Have a great weekend!
She's a beauty, that erstwhile fertilizing gardner notwithstanding.;)
Beautiful flower! My kind of story, too! Happy weekend, Galen. I had to put mine up early this time as we have things going on tomorrow. So, believe it or not, mine is up! D
hehehe. Loved that!
mine's up! for all to see..er read...
wow, we are both a bit dark this week. Hey, G-man. I turned a new guy onto 55 (Orionsbow) but he had never blogged before and posted his piece on your comments.
Very slick 55. Very clever.
Mine is up.
have watched from afar through a couple friends...thought i would jump in this week....
nicely played, maybe thats just what my garden needs....
Margaret is a very dangerous woman.
Mine is here.
Ohhhh! Very clever!
Mine's HERE
Had to read it a couple of times ~ very clever indeed.
Mine is up HERE. Enjoy your weekend.
Chef Kar
What a clever woman that is... Where is he? he hee ( macabre..)
Very Good G-MAn I am starting to think you are the best at this!
Mine is UP too.
Nice weekend!
Now that was a good one! :-)
You'll find mine here.
hey Gman hope you have a great weekend my 55 is posted.
click it
OMG "Margaret Strichnine" what a name and what a clever 55 I'm staying away from her I tell Ya LOL.
Mine is up HERE
Have a great weekend :)
A great name. Ms. Strichnine... :)
I'm a little slow. I had to read it twice. It wasn't the garden she was referring to. He was using a different fertilizer. Cute.
Mine is posted
I like it! The things people do for recognition . . .
I tried again this week: http://jabblog-jabblog.blogspot.com
Some might say I'm just very trying ;-)
Great post.
Mine is here
Brother I say you should garden in DC.
Pretty flowers and murder. What more could you want? I love your 55.
Mine is HERE
first thing in the mornign and so many have posted already!
i wonder if my strichnine's neighbor ms. belladona is going to challenge her next year?
Margaret Strichnine? LOL Ingenious!!!
Mine's here it's creepy this week [scroll past my Friday's show n tell]
I'm still thinking about your Thursday post and your little girl in Austria!!! Very funny! Told so much in so few words. Thanks, Mr.
I posted my Flash 55. It may hit a chord with some. . .
Love the purple flower. After a lengthy absence, I've played again this week.
the flower is beautiful -- the story funny.
oh ... and mine is up.
have a great weekend.
Stichnine lol G. Sorry I missed last week but I am up this week yahoo. I hope you can enjoy a long weekend. Hugs to you. Mine is up everyone come and see lol.
Hiya Galen, I have a 55 for you this week. :)) The poor gardener, makes ya wonder what really did that got him used for fertilizer. ;)
Have a wonderful weekend.
That's right, it's Friday isn't it?
I'm losing all track of time here, G-Man! A lovely tribute to the winner!
Have a wonderful weekend! :))
Still fertilizing.....as are you. My crime 55 is here.
This is first go at Friday Flash 55... I'm blaming Susan.
So, THAT'S what my garden needs!
Okay Galen ... I just discovered that today's post (10/9) was filed in the wrong month. I have corrected the situation.
So, if there's anyone out there who has stopped by earlier, and would like to take a turn-about and return ... well, it would put a smile on my face (it's been gone for the week) ...
THIS is why i don't garden!!!!!Well done G...Mines up
Pretty twisty today... good one..
It's always those nice little ole ladies you got to watch out for...:D Have a great weekend!
As usual, a great 55 with a "kick-ass" ending, as you would probably say yourself.
I'm taking a break for few weeks. I spend way too much time blogging and have ignored by house, paperwork, correspondence, financial matters, my husband and the cat. I have to do some freelance art work and digital photo retouching and take care of a few matters for my 95-yr-old mom ---all time-consuming tasks. So I'll be back flashing 55s in a couple of weeks.
You have a way with words.
Here is mine.
A rose by any other name.......
Good one G-man. :)
Maybe any true gardener should end as fertiizer?
Loved it! I owe you mine - but you'll have to wait *cough* 'cause I'm sick.
Go wash your hands :-)
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