Hi Everybody, I hope you all had a dry relaxing week-end!
We didn't get any rain at our golf outing, and I won a very nice 123 piece tool set!
Which was promptly claimed by my son Reese...
I don't have any food pics since they fed us at the outing. So I pretty much have nothing for today, but I will say this....
Who on God's Green Earth is Geicko's Ad Agency?
I absolutely HATE the Caveman ads, and the Money-Eyes is just plain creepy!!
So let me ask you this...Which TV commercial makes you get up and pee, even if you don't have to?
Have a Great Week...
Can't answer that one hon because we live beyond the reach of TV signals here, and are too cheap to get a satellite. I will say that at my age, who needs an excuse for a pee?? ROFL
In commercials, anything is good if it makes you remember the name - even if you hate it.
the mountain dew ad, which says, "do the due" !
Actually some of the adverts here are better than the programmes! LOL
The money eyes ARE creepy, but it is that uber-annoying gecko that drives me from the room. I also hate anything with Billy Mays screaming at me.
There is a glass-cleaner ad that I love. A man and woman are outside. The woman says, "I'll clean the pool if you do the windows." He says no windows for me, I'll do the pool. She uses the glass cleaner on the windows and is done in like two seconds and then you see her floating around in the pool relaxing and he is still working. Man smart, woman smarter!
i happen to think the cavemen are kinda funny. and i love the capital one vikings. i'm weird i know. i agree with you on the money eyes thouhg. and vince the shamwow guy...he is equally creepy. just terribly disturbing.
Burger King -- Mr. King is creepy!!!
the national american university commercial with that STUPID theme song it is already stuck in my head...
Agree with Jessie... I guess that one is internationally crappy
i'm with jessie and dulcie...those bk ads are weird....
Congrats on the tool set. Well done. Did ya cheat on your score to get that prize? LOL...ya know...take a little to many "gimmes" LOL
I can't stand those male enhancement commercials or those viagra commercials. Just plain ass dumb
I like the cavemen and I'm starting to like the eyes...call me a goof ball! OK, I know The ad company is in Richmond, VA...so, I'm sticking with my homies! :D
I'm very happy we now have the DVR so we just whiz thru all that crap!!
Glad you had a wonderful day golfing and won the tools...it's always fun to win something.
In answer to your last question, they all do. I never, ever miss an opportunity.:)
If I hear the words "erectile dysfunction," I'm out of there!
Actually, from my years in advertising, I have learned to either love or ignore most ads. But my favorite is any ad for KFC. You know they changed the name so you don't say FRIED in your head every time you eat there. KFC is HEALTHY, after all..
Cavemen? I thought they were dressed as monkeys...you can tell I don't watch tv. If you squint your eyes, the money looks like it's smiling ;O)
The caveman thing creeps me out. And is one of the reasons I dvr everything. :)
I don't like most ads, except for the California dairy cows. They are funny.
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