The psychiatrist closed the folder, smiled, and said to the patient...
"Mr. Haynes, I firmly believe that you are now one-hundred percent cured"!!
The patient immediately broke into uncontrollable sobbing...
"I don't understand, aren't you happy"?
'Why should I be'? He shot back...
'A year ago I was Alexander the Great...Today I'm Nobody'!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!
You humans can be funny. Now that was funny.
We are posted
Awww... I wanted to be first.
*giggle* Cute story, G. Mine is not so funny. But it's up! And early this time!
Very amusing 55. I wonder if I'll ever be "cured" :-)
Here is my entry for this week, fresh from Milan:
Brilliant, just brilliant.
Mine is funny and here
I didn't do one this week. *hangs head*
But yours is cute! :-)
Excellent! I love it!
I'm early (at least on the West Coast) but I always got As for being prompt...
Rachel's 55
That's a really good one! LOL! Mine's posted too. jeNN
i'd love to be with you
during the part of each week
when you get
your inspiration
for your 55's.
you're so adorable sometimes.
and yes,
a true creature of habit...
Lana loves you,
wherever the heck you are...xo
Very cute and clever little parable. Shrinks have no doubt ruined many a rich fantasy life, my dear. Don't tell!;)
P.S. - We know it's the time of the Moon Madness, but it's all copacetic, you know what I mean?:-)
Dusted this one off didn't you? It's still funny and in 55. Pretty impressive. Mine is HERE.
Galen you are funny! :D
My 55ve is up too!
Good one!
I've been busy lately, but I've got one for this week.
I want to be special too!! love this man, by the way, mine is up too
I am back. Nothing to write home about but I owed ya.
Very funny Mr. G. Where do you get your inspiration...please do tell. I posted mine early too, but alas, no linky thing.
A year ago I was Jascha Heifetz. Now I fiddle on street corners, and they throw money at me. (sigh)
I have TWO 55's at:
It's so hard to give up our delusions of grandeur.
Well done, G-Man.
Mine is here.
LMAO - that's awesome ;-)
Mine will be up in an hour.
Loved your 55. Hilarious :-)
You'll find mine here.
Pure perfection! And delightful, too!
Here's mine (less gruesome this time!)
Hehe cool as!
Loved your Flash 55. Why is it that delusional people think they are famous people? Why don't they think they are real estate agents, bankers, or teachers?
You can find my Flash 55 for this week HERE.
ha ha ha Really cute dear G-MAn!
mine is UP now
Thanks for sharing :)
Wonderful my friend. I love it...nothing better than being a couch potato chip LOL. Mines up HERE Have a great Friday and a wonderful Labor Day Weekend :)
Here's to the cure and the renewed anonymity of being Napoleon!
Hmm... this is turning into quite an addiction. 55 words on a Friday - who can't manage that!?
Mine's here - all the very best to you.
But, what'll tomorrow be like for the patient? Perhaps he could be someone like.....ummmmm, VP? Who knows.
My 55 is posted here [again, scroll down below the show n tell.] And, have a great long weekend holiday if you celebrate!!
I thought I was in charge of groaners. THat story just might qualify.
I am posted
Awww, poor guy! But, his tragedy makes an excellent 55!
Mine is up.
LOL that's a good one G-man! :)
Mine's up too.
lol, that was good stuff, Galen.
I've made a humble offering as well...
Funny Mr. G.
p.s. Mine is up
This is just fantastic!!! I didn't do mine (yet). It's been a long, hard week. TGIF.
Have a nice Labor Day Weekend!
Oh you are so good at this.
How sad for this patient, what a height to fall from... :)) Have a great weekend and enjoy your day off, least ways I assume Labor day means a day off work.
It's so hard to be important today.. :)
However, my little offering is up. When I get home, I'll start reading the rest of yours.
Everyone have a great [and safe] Labor Day Weekend!
I needed a joke to tell to my dentist and his receptionist today- Thanks!
Good one. I like it.
Here is mine.
ha! and that's why i don't go to therapy!!!!! have a super weekend g-man!
me like this. LOL
im 55ing today.
be blessed
Brother Frankie
That's a wonderful 55, maybe the best yet! I laughed out loud... and think it's perfectly true that perhaps 'cures' aren't what most of us want at all.
I was lazy about it this week (and late) but got going at last, right here.
Thanks again for hosting this fun thing!!
G-Man your are The Greatest! :)
Mine is up...
Hello to all I am back I am back yay and my 55 is up. Thanks to all of you who visited and wished my lil guy a happy bday I appreciate that. I will get around to blog reading this weekend. Mine is up please stop by and read. Oh yeah Gman you will always be someone sir love the 55 hugs to you and have a great weekend.
Hi, Galen! I REALLY got a kick out of that one. Very good!
Mine is up! I am back home in Oklahoma. Will get around and visit some writers this weekend. D
Holy crap Gman, next thing you know it'll get like HNT and you will have over 300 entries a week to visit!
I am so proud of you for turning this into one great big writing fest! The world is a truly better place for it.
Now, when you get famous dont forget to mention that it was "gifted" to you by Susiestheboss and now youre stuck with it!
Very cute 55. Very fun.
My 55 is up.
Those spambots are usually links that include malware of some sort - might want to delete it.
Never had a patient who was Alexander the Great - but some other interesting folks.
Great 55! Guess what, I did write one and scheduled it for posting...then never found the time to come let you know...sorry! Anyway, it´s out there.
Like a Reader's Digest Blurb! Cute!
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