Did I piss Mother Nature off somehow?
I'm standing in front of my beloved Birch Tree.
See the perforated leaves behind my head?
See the bags filled with Japanese Beetles?...hehehehe
The Squash from Hell has grown up wild next to the porch.
I think it's a Squash...I guess it could be a Pumpkin!
It's trying to get in the house!!!
Japanese Beetles - a plague?
They used to create havoc with all our plants when I lived up North years ago.
Poor tree. Darn beetles. I guess if the mystery vine is squash, you'll have some good eating. And if it's pumpkin, you'll be set for Halloween. You win either way. Great picture, albeit you should be SMILING.;-)
Those look like ladybugs.
Oh and I'm so ready with a 55 this week. I had mine all done on Monday. ;-) I think everyone will get a kick out of this one.
Yikes! I need inspiratin for my 55.
*bangs head against wall*
Damn bugs...love the bag-o-bugs!
it amazes me that the things you want to grow get attacked and the things you didnt even plant grow just fine...
We had an "earth box" this summer with two big beautiful producing tomato plants...attacked by bugs, squirrels, birds, etc. but in the island around a tree beautiful sunflowers took root ;o) not to mention how beautiful the grass grows in the concrete of the walk way but wont grow in the YARD!
nah, nature does funny things all on its own....
I don't care for Japanese beetles, but when we used to put out those beetle bags, they'd fill so quickly I began to suspect we were just luring in every Japanese beetle in the county. Plus, the bags gross me out!!
Are the Japanese beetles carrying cameras as they visit?
No plant would ever try to creep into my house. The only reason the chilis have made it this far is because they tell me when they want something to eat or drink :P
keep us posted on that squash. you could have the makings of a fun b movie.
Go get them beetles!
I'm playing FF55 tomorrow - I've scheduled my post but I'm going out for the day so will catch up with you and all the other players later - just so you know! ;)
be careful -- it may belong to the POD people. you know the ones. they're here to take over our world... lol lol
Sweet Sherry Wine..xo
Tall Karen..
Shadow Dancing..
Jane Bond..
Puke Mom...:-)
Melissa...It'a a Pumpkin, and it's the subject of my Friday 55!!!
Uuuuh, scary! ;-)
Those beetles have wiped out so many trees in my area its unbelievable...
I've never seen one, that I know of.Over here, it's tentcaterpillars that demolish everything in site. Oh,a nd ants. Who would have known that ants gorge on all the ornamental trees in my yard?
Go get 'em, G-Man!
Those squash are sneeky but for God's sake beware of the rutabagas!
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