Hi Everybody....
It's way too hot and muggy to golf today, so I think a day of air conditioned bliss, cocktails, and some lolling around before I head home to Clunker Chaos is in order!
When I travel, I always like to eat at places that are not available to me in Flint Michigan, and one of those places is Five Guys Burgers and Fries.
Their menu is simple..Fresh Made Hand Pattied Hamburgers, Fresh Cut Fries NEVER frozen, and Hot Dogs. Although in all the times that I've been there, I've never seen anyone eating a dog. The buns are grilled, and you may have a myriad of toppings free of charge on your burger. All burgers are with TWO patties, unless you specify you would like a 'little' burger.
You may have free refills on your beverage, and free bulk peanuts are available...
Malt Vinegar is availabe with your Fries From Heaven, but I like ketchup!!
Five Guys Started in Arlington Virginia in 1986, and there are now over 300 of them in 25 states. If you are lucky enough to be near one...I envy you.
See you all tomorrow...
Yummo it is 130am here and I am hungree!!
Sounds like a great place and your idea for the day even better. Aloha
No Five Guys in So CA, but we have In and Out Burgers...sounds similar. I remember White Castles in Michigan...right?
Ooo, I've had that. It IS yummy.:)
interesting. we got one of these about a year ago and i have never gone to it. maybe i will have to give it a try after all.
I never heard of them, but it really looks great! :-)
Eat, drink and be merry because there are a bunch of clunkers waiting for you when you get home.
Never heard of it, but it sounds like my kind of place!
My brother and then my son lived in the Arlington, Va. area. My brother introduced my son to Five Guys and son kept telling me to try it. We now have two of them here where I live in Florida so I have tried it. Not bad!!!
There IS a Five Guys near where i work, and I've been curious whether it was any good. Now I'll have to stop in!
Btw, I was thinking of starting a line of jewelry aimed at dropouts. I'll call it Flash For Flunkers.
YESSSSSSSSSS. 5 Guys on a blog. I'm a happy girl - if only they had one in Portland...
mmmm, i'll have one of those, thank you!
I'm not a big burger fan but those sound really good!
Sorry I've not been around, we just got back from another weekend jaunt. :)
Is that seriously all they have? That would leave me no option but a meal of fries! Guess I won't be adding it to my must-go-to restaurant list!
Sounds delicious!
in florida, five guys is my wife and my secret place. we dont tell the teens..
great burgers.
brother Frankie
A Biker for Christ
Don't have 5 Guys out here. We have too many damn Mexican restaurants though. Have ya had an In-n-Out Burger? Best fast food burger in the west!
Plenty of Five Guys here, I miss Jack in the Box.
I knew the food was down here somewhere. That just looks awesome.
We dont have that eatery here.
We have In N Out which rocks and has a sexy name too.
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