Robert Heinlein said..."A self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity."
That MAY be true, but I think that total absence of jealousy, means a total absence of love!
Quite a conundrum Eh?
As Erica Jong says..."Jealousy is all the fun, you think they had!!"
Don't read anything into this 55 folks, I get Philosophizy ever so often. And I didn't want to catch any flak about Doggie Mayhem...hehehehe
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55..
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!
We dragons ain't much for that philosophical stuff. When it comes to love we know what we love to eat.
Ours is posted
Oh the green eyed monster can make people do crazy things. Mine's up.
"All the fun you think they had" LOL Great quote, super photo for it! What an excellent 55.
Mine's up already, and it's not even Friday evening yet--wonder what got into me?? LOL
Heinlein & Jong in the same 55? Strange bedfellows!
mine is here:
I've posted!!!!! Had a bit of fun this time, though. Shared a family story!
WOW...and your 55 is intense!!!
Ooooh now that was a good one!
Mine too is up and on time for a change!
i do believe i agree with you. just a smidge of jealousy is ok so you know you matter. more than that gets real old, real fast.
mine will be up bright and early tomorrow morning.
Jealousy... I rather call myself an envious person
Are they both deadly sins? lol
Great post
I used to read Robert Heinlein. Loved some of his science fiction. Liked the 55. I was a philosophy minor in college all those many years ago. Loved it too.
My 55 is posted.
Heinlein has never been a favorite of mine. I think it is usually horndogs and scoundrels who talk like that, because it serves them to do so.
On the other hand, too much jealousy is indeed all about that person's insecurites, guilts and fears. (guilts because the one who always suspects rivals hiding behind the door, has very often hidden behind that door themselves.)
Ah, well put, Galen. A fine 55 indeed.
My humble offering is up...
I admire Heinlein, but he totally missed the mark with that one.;)
Mine's HERE
I was not reading anything into it until you said " Don't read anything into this 55ve folks..."
Now I am reading so many things...:D
My 55ve is up too!
I wouldn't dream of accusing you of anything. I'll just sit here and be... ok, I'm not real jealous of you, but give me time.
I did a little tribute to Fandango this week.
Mine is here.
Sheeesh! I thought HEINLEIN was a BEER --grin!
Mine is in this place:
A conundrum indeed. Too tired to weigh in but I'm jealous that others have the energy to do so.
Here's my sophomore effort:
Friday Flash 55
I'm jealous I don't have a 55 at all this week. Oh well, it's been a rough couple of days...I just love your wild ideas!
Great, now I'm going to stay up all night trying to figure out how a total lack of jealousy means a lack of love.
My 55 will go live at midnight pacific time. ;-)
I like a bit of philosphy G-man and this is wise. :)
Mine's up.
just barely got one up this week. ugh! loved ur philosophizy. hey, i get jealous but then i admit to my insecurities haha
I do a fair bit of philosophising myself, so I enjoyed your 55. As I see it, the more confident a person appears to be, the more underconfident they are inside.
You'll find mine here.
Well that was deep I must say. Watch out for animals with Green eyes huh? Mine is up HERE. Have a great Friday :) Aloha
mmm, the quote is very very true! nice one!
Jealousy... I like your obervation G.MAn
My 55 is UP NOW!
Does anyone ever count the words? I wonder..
I'll go with Heinlein on this one.
In philosophy if your premise is true then your conclusion is deemed true.
The premise " true love has no room for jealousy" is also true.
Only in philosophy can you have two conflicting statements both deemed true.
I love philosophy.
My 55 is finally posted
I love that Erica Jong quote!
Mine is up!
First...your self portrait?!!! My how you've changed over the week. LOL [seriously, cute dog!]
Not that I'm calling YOU a dog...oh dear. I just put my size 7 foot in my mouth didn't I?
Forget what I just typed...let's move on to your 55. Ewwwwwwww, evil eyes. And I love the Jong quote too. fabulous fiction, yours is.
Mine's posted: HERE
Mr. Knowitall...you are onto something there.
I found a 55 from a good blogger friend who I noticed did not alert you to it! Here is where she blogs:
You are very philosophized this morning sir G. I have two posted for you today cause last week I was very very busy. I hope you have a great weekend and TGIF by the way you missed my last 55 two weeks ago where the heck were you? LOL
To detach yourself from one emotion, generally means you are capable of detaching from all emotions...
Hi, Galen. Philoso-fickle, huh? Hmm, I have to think about that.
Meantime, mine is up! Later. D
Mine's up. I'll be back later to read the rest. {Suppose to be working}. :)
Check out the fiction 55...:D
I so agree with your 55. Let me add the opposite of love isn't hate but indifference.
My 55 is live.
I think sometimes jealousy motivates us.
I really don't get jealous. Even when the former boyfriend cheated onme, I had no feelings about whoever it was, just about the betrayal itself.
Hi folks...All of a sudden I'm kinda busy. But I've been keeping up pretty good I think...
I'll be responding to the rest of you 55ers later on tonight.
be cool....G
I posted my first 55 today, go easy on me!
The green-eyed monster is harmless in small doses, but can be dangerous in large ones.
Find my Flash 55 for this week HERE.
note to Ciara: I cannot post my comment on your blog no matter how much I try!
i have written 6 55fictions!
if you are interested then visit!
Here by way of Boomer Baby Bliss.
Here it is:
OK - color me TARDY:
Great 55, as always! :-)
Can you believe I got a "D" in Philosophy in college! :D
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