Today on USA they were running a James Bond Marathon called The 6 Faces of Bond. They played at least one movie with each of the sanctioned Bonds.
As a kid, I read all of the Bond novels that Ian Flemming wrote, and I was a huge fan! I had posters, and all of the great John Williams sound track albums.
My favorite Bond was of course Sean Connery. Although I will say that Diamonds are Forever, and You Only Live Twice, were cheap and cheesy. And Never Say Never should NEVER have been made.
The second Bond, that Lazenby guy, had potential, but he didn't want to be typecast as Bond...Where's he at now?
Roger Moore..? Way too campy!
Timothy Dalton?...ZERO personality!
Pierce Brosnon?....He always grimaced like he had a corn cob up his ass!!
And Craig?...Too Short!
So if you are a James Bond fan....Who is, or was... Your Favorite Bond?
I so agree with you on all of these. There was only one Bond...James Bond...Sean Connery TOTALLY AGREE :)
Daniel Craig was *hot* in Casino Royale. Not as suave as Connery, but more of a brute. I like 'em all, actually.
From Russia With Love was the first "sexy" book I read when I was 13. I remember hiding it from my parents.
Roger Moore....now I know why! I'M campy!!!!
Sean is the only Bond. Daniel Craig did a credible job and made Bond movies worth watching again, but there will only be one real Bond in my book.
I like Daniel Craig, who's a real cutie in my book, but he doesn't say "Bond" to me. IMO, Connery is the only Bond.
Sean wins, but what were you doin' lookin' at the guys, for the love of Mike? Check out DoggyBloggys post on the Dudek's mustard I send him! I hope I get royalties off this...
sean connery all the way! though i didn't mind pierce brosnan. but sean...oh yeah.
Sean Connery was the best. I do like Daniel Craig though, he looks like he could be a real Bond.
Wait a minute... why aren't you talking about the Bond girls? I think I'd be Ursula Andress in Dr. No...
None is my favorite. Johnny Depp is the sexiest man ever! & so is Iron Man!
Yumm Yumm, I will have them all for entree, mains and desert.. :)
I like most of them, but specially Sean, of course!
I haven't seen the most recent actor to play Bond, but from among the rest, Connery first, Brosnan last.
I once saw a movie preview for some spoof, and Roger Moore walked up some steps to this biker dude and sticks out his hand and says, "Bond...James Bond" and the biker belts him and launches him right off the porch. It was hysterical.
Not a James Bond fan. But Pierce Bronson ... that is one fine looking man! lol
Well of course Sean Connery was THE BEST James Bond. I have to say though that on looks Pierce Brosnan stirred me. I enjoyed Daniel Craig in Casino Royale as well.
I am a Bond fanatic! Sean Connery is my favorite, of course.
sean, roger and pierce!!!! in that order!
the short guy!! i will pass on the corn please.
Not a fan - I can't say I like the movies' attitude about women. But I like Sean Connery, so I'd pick him. Not as Bond so much as just someone to keep around the house.
sean connery is by far my fave. however i do like daniel craig. he brings a whole new element to bond. did you know that the famous 'bond gadgets' were added to movies as that ian fleming didn't really have those in his book? pierce brosnan is ok. he's my husband's favorite. but then, my husband likes all james bond movies regardless the actor. i have contributed 2 sets and casino royale to his collection while his mom and he contributed the other 2 sets.
best james bond movie song?? the spy who loved me by carly simon :)
Mr G ~ I just love your enthusiasm in so many different areas. I say they can all eat crackers in my bed anyday! :0)
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