Hi Everybody...
What A Week-End...Friday, Reese and I had to go to a friends pole-barn and hump a bunch of tables and chairs down a steep flight of stairs and load them in my truck.
While I was gone, the tent guys came and set up a 20x30 big top.
The rest of the day was spent setting stuff up and preparing food.
Saturday, me and the boy picked up a full keg of ice cold Labatt Blue, and came back and started to set the tables and finish the garage.
People started to filter in about 2:30 or so, and I had Reese tap the keg.
Appetizers and chips were getting devoured and the crowd was getting hungry...Finally the Roast Pig arrived in grand style, and the crowd roared with approval!! This was the ONLY functions ever held at the House of Haynes whereas I didn't cook one thing...I mingled, hosted, and was the father of the bride all day!
Let me tell you something, Mandy has been a vegetarian since she was 10. She saw this program on the travel channel where Anthony Bourdain was in Thailand at a pig roast and raved about how awesome the skin tasted. She decided that at her wedding reception, she and Sean (also a veg-head), would partake of some plump, porcine, pleasure. Anyway, these people knew what the hell they was doing, the pig was roasted for 16 hours, and it literally melted in your mouth....WOW!
That was money very well spent, and EVERYONE raved about how spectacular it tasted.
All in all, the day and reception was a huge success. My cousin spoke to me with great admiration about how I pulled off a great wedding party, at relatively little cost. Our other cousin's daughter is getting married soon, and the wedding dinner alone is costing them 10 Grand.
10 GRAND?...Thats great if your last name is Rockefeller, but mine ain't!
How lucky am I to have such a frugal and practical daughter?
The table flowers were all picked from our own yard, the only booze I provided was the keg( and I got that at cost..80 Bucks )!! And there was no hall or DJ!!
In fact, Mandy and Sean Mixed 6 hours of their favorite music, and that is what was played...
And there is a great story behind that as well, but that will be tomorrows post...
The last pic is what my driveway looks like now...Quiet, with empty tables and chairs waiting to be loaded and folded and humped once again..Grrrrrrr.
I would have helped clean up, if I lived closer.
What a SPECTACULAR party! You must be so proud of your kids!!
Relax today, would ya??
Ha! I love the pig's daisy eyes!
I am so glad the party went off wonderfully, and that you didn't go broke in the process! I am interested to see what tomorrow's post will say about the music!
Wow and WOW! Everything looks just fabulous G-Man!
It's a known fact, the money spent on weddings is inversely proportional to the longevity of the marriage.
Simple, real, and with people who love you is best!
(OK, maybe I would have tried an itty bitty piece of the swine too)
The pig looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!
Sounds like you pulled off a great party G-man. :)
wow, i really liked those flower arraignments, they are so pretty. i didn't particularly like the looks of piglet with his eyes dressed in flowers, but i love a hog roast and that looks absolutely scrumptious.
i really liked the flowers, congratulations and thanks for sharing some awesome pictures.
Weddings always make me cry...and the love that was put into this party got me choked up. You're a good man and a very doting father. Your children are blessed indeed!
It looked like a blast, G-Man! Congratulations! :))
If I lived closer (don't know ehere you live -grin!) I'd have been ever so GLAD to watch "pheromone girl" and other "PG" (my wife!) clean up!
How the H---! did I get elected to a Clean Up job before I even read this blog. I think Mr. Steveroni better watch his step....:)
Looks like a great time was had by all. Congratulations.
Congratulations! Our wedding was the same, very DIY but lots of fun, with the whole family joining in to give us a great party. Instead of presents, each one gave us something: one did the flowers herself, one made my dress, another hosted an after-reception party for us in his bar, on and on. I've never missed not having a Kitchen Aid! LOL
Good luck to the lucky couple, and have a lovely time recovering and enjoying all your photos. It looks like such a wonderful weekend.
The pig is a little scary, but everything looks just lovely, especially the touch with the flowers. Did you arrange them yourself? Very artistic.
I wnated to marry the pig.... Ingredible job on that whole pig- I would have send my own home made sauce as a wedding present!
Congrats, Father of the Bride, nice role to be able to play. Sacrificing vegetarianism for flower eyed pork. Must have been a very moving day. I'd have been right beside Pheremone Girl on clean up duty.
In India they say, that the real work comes AFTER the wedding feast.
I am just imagining, how scary the pig would have looked after it became 'half'
That was beautiful! Loved those flowers on the table and that pig looked awesome! You really did it right. Way to go and God bless your wonderful daughter and her husband for being cool with what you could afford. You don't have to spend $10K for a lasting memory of a wonderful dinner. You have proved it. Great job and thanks for sharing it with us out here. Really good.
WOOT...now that looks like a Hawaiian Luau for sure. Great fun and I'm so glad it went off so good. The best part is you didn't have to spend 10G's My kinda party. Excellent my friend. Memories cherished forever :)
Ahhh hahaha! The flowers on the pig's face. Excellent!
Congrats. on the joy of your family right now.
OMG....what a fabulous party! I am sure she is so proud that you are her daddy and you are the proud pappa!
WOW! it sure looks like you had a wonderful time. i must admit, when i saw the pic of the pig i though, awww the poor pig -- and i do eat meat.
you know, it's not how much you spend, but who is there with you when you do!!! it's all about family and friends having a great time and celebrating together -- you pulled it off magnificently!
how do you hump a table?
looks like a grand celebration...
no comment
on the melting pig...
i still cant believe
you didnt cook a thing...
how could you resist?
mazel tov, Papa-G...!
and all the best
to Mandy and Sean
for a happy life together...
ps, as a sideline,
you could SO be
a party planner,
and charge $$
for the amazing stuff
you can cook,
and charge even more $
for how much $
you can save
your customers...
do it...!
that's awesome! and your guests saved money too because they didn't have to go get formal dresses and such. and i have no doubt everyone had a fantastic time.
the flowers in the pig's eyes are just a hoot. thanks for sharing with all of us. i'm so glad to hear it was such a success.
Glad you made it through, although I think if I'd seen that pig in real life I'd have bolted!
i think your daughter's wedding & reception was great. i love the laid back simple feeling of it. more intimate & makes you feel more a part of it. great job, mr. g. so prague, eh? i just think daddy's gonna miss his girl :)
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