Hi everybody....
I believe I promised you a resumption of some forgotten words starting with the letter N. But since this is My Blog, and I do not feel like typing a lot tonight, I'm just gonna leave you with some forgotten images that you will NEVER see again.
It looks like that darn Ronnie switched brands doesn't it?
Also, for a few old farts that used to steal coffin nails from their mom's purse, or their drunk uncles pocket (That was me...hehehehe). Here is a little retro brain teaser...
1..Which of these brands used the slogan..L.S.M.F.T.?
2..What did it mean?
3..What was the naughty version?
I hate cigarette posts!
And that too without statutory warnings!!
- (
PS. That is a 'rakshosi' I have given you for this post!!
Awesome! I LOVE History! And Ronnie! Thanks!!!
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
I know the other version but I'll let someone else post it.
Personally, I loved my Marlboro Reds in the Box for about 25 years.
Hey Galen! I hate to admit it but I am a smoker and I smoke Marlboro's.
How the heck have you been? After scrolling through your archives a bit I discovered that your daughter has been married since last I was here...congratulations to her and her new husband.
I am getting ready to do an update post here in a day or so and I apologize for not being around much but a lot is going on right now. Anyway, it was great to stop by your space and you take care!
Wow, those ARE old. You definitely won't see any ads like those again. I knew the naughty version of LSMFT when I was high school but, crap, I'm old now and can't remember it.:)
LSMFT. I used to repeat it at school, just for the shock factor - but I smoked Marlboro reds, filterless. Or Djaram cloves - another story...
I love the image of the girl with the black eye. Her teeth are whiter than mine EVER were - even before I smoked!
Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
I don't know the other version bt at one time or another i have smoked ever brand shown + KOOL non filters which I stole from my drunk fathers pocket.
I used to steal them from my dad. Given them up a long time ago though.
These were before my time -- and I'm not a smoker. But your skull and crossbones sure work for this post!
It wasn't a naughty version, just dopey.
I remmeber those awful Tarelton ones - nice combination of violence and addiction!
But the baby ones are just appaling.
It's amazing that it was ever considered cool to smoke isn't it? I gave up 11 years ago, I wish I'd never started!
Sorry don't know the answers to your questions m'dear.
Let's screw, my fingers tired...
Buff, Buff, Buff..... :-)
That was version #2
I have no idea either way.
This post is definitely retro G-man...you're right--we'll never see that kind of advertising ever again. Times they are a'changing.
And sorry I've been picking on you so much, I just miss you. ;)
Loose Strap Means Floppy Tits...
Was the 1st naughty one. hehehehe
I remember my Dad giving Christmas gifts of pipe tobacco and cartons of cigarettes to some of our neighbors.
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