Hi Everybody...
I thought I'd change Retro-Wednesday up a bit today.
I'm sure you are tired of seeing pics of my jun...er Treasures anyway.
I'm gonna list some words in alphabetical order, that you may or may NOT recognize. You may remember a Grandparent saying some of these, and some words are still somewhat in use today....Enjoy!
This is 1/2 the list, the rest will be posted next Wednesday...
Abes Cabe...A Five-dollar bill.
Ace...A One-dollar bill.
Ankle...To walk. I.E. "Lets ankle"!
Baby Grand...A portly fellow.
Banks Closed...No kissing or making out..."Sorry Mac, banks closed"!
Beeswax...Business..."None of your beeswax"!
Cake Eater...A lady's man...hehehehe
Coffin Nail...Cigarette
Dew Dropper...A guy that unemployed, and sleeps all day.
Edge...Drunk or a buzz..I.E. "I got an edge".
Ethel...An effeminate man.
Face Stretcher...An old women trying to look young.
Fag...A Cigarette
Fire Extinguisher...A Chaperone.
Futz...A euphemism for fuck
Gasper...A cigarette or a smoker!
Gay...Happy and lively!!
Handcuff...Engagement Ring.
Heebie Jeebies...The shakes.
Hayburner...A gas guzzler.
Indian Hop...Marijuana
Ish Kabibble...Yiddish for "I should worry".
Jeepers Creepers...A euphemism for Jesus Christ.
Jitney...A car employed as a private cab or bus.
Juice Joint...A bar
Kill Joy...A solemn person.
Lunger...A person with TB...(Like Doc Holiday)
Lollygagger...(1) A make out artist. (2) An Idle person.
Manacle...A wedding ring.
Milquetoast...A timid person. (From the comic book character Casper Milquetoast, a very henpecked husband)
Munitions...Face Powder.
There you are, I'm sure you still use some of these words don't you?
If Not....Futz Off!!!
Seriously?! The majority of those I've never heard before. How weird is that?:)
I have only heard Fag and Consumption
I knew every single one except Ish Kabibble. Gosh, I'm old...!
beeswax, consumption, coffin nail, dogs, fags, futz, gams, heebie jeebies, ish kabibble, jeepers creepers, kill joy, keen, lolly gagger, milquetoast....i've used them all
So...if you get insured...you have to be handcuffed and then manacled? We could start our own little secret code here...
Signed, Keen Cake Eater Face Stretcher :o
well this was mighty interesting reading. and damn, yes, i do know a few. but will not admit to it again. ever!
Dang nab it! I knew most ever word on the list and every word on the list in the picture.
Some I got, some I didn't... It made me think of ones I could add....
Beeswax ain't retro..I say it all the time!
I might've remembered these, but the memory isn't as sharp nowadays. Oh well, back to my lolygagging.
She smoked too much Indian hop and dies of consumption!
You know, you oughta start up a museum.
Mr Know it all's Museum of Americana and factoids!
"Handcuff...Engagement Ring"...
*falls over*
I'm not telling how many of these I know or don't know - it will surely give away my age :)
As if I cared.....
When I was little, my father used to call me Ish Kabibble. Until this moment I never knew what it meant.
Thats cause you are too young to remember!
Monique... Good! You don't need to know some of these.
Trini...Thats cause you're from Pennsylvania!
(I knew what you meant)
Shadow Dancing...You may use ANY of these words in one of your classic musings.
Well Mark...I'll keep quiet!
Buff...Oh I know you can always add pleanty..hehehehe
Lou...We ain't talkin about the Health Food store...:-)
Thank You Patrick...No Dewdroppin!!
Thank You Susie Cue...Maybe I will!
PG...You are as young as you feel :-)
Shay...Ish Kabibble was also a singer in a Big Band led by the immortal Kay Kayser!!
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