I heard this song the other day, and it brought back some very vivid memories.
The year was 1964, and a young student activist from Berkley named Jack Weinberg, coined the phrase..
"Don't trust anyone over 30"!
That battle cry of a generation was adopted by Jerry Rubin in 1968.
One of the most pivotal years in history.
Nixon...Democratic Convention...Viet Nam.. The Tigers won the World Series.. The G-Man graduated from high school...Blah Blah Blah!
This movie came out that year and became an Instant Cult Classic.
It was about the consequences of letting the 'Old' Status Quo running America to ruin. And A young rock star named Max Frost age 24, is aiming to be President...
The theme of this movie was.."Don't Trust Anyone Over 30"..
The Video is a scene from the movie, sung by Max Frost and the Troopers.
The song was always one of my favorites of that year. It made it to #22 on the Billboard Chart, but it was WAY cooler than that. Please listen to the prophetic lyrics..
Thanks for jogging my failing memory. I remember the song, and the lyrics. Prophetic, indeed. '68 was a very good year.:)
you old hippie!! does this mean i can't trust you or can you trust me since i am over 30 now? i am confused maybe i can't be trusted?!?
I don't remember that song...but did enjoy it now. I must be a tad younger then you, as I was still in single digits during most of the 60's. I like these flashbacks you do on Wednesdays.
Soon we will be saying, "Do not trust anyone--anytime".
Hey, if you graduated in '64, I must be one year older than you. How come you KnowItAll and I am still cluelesss?
I like these. There are so many things I dont' remember and these help me remember. Excellent :)
ha! then i don't have to believe anything my friends and family say, heee heee heee
Didn't the Yardbirds also do a song called The Shapes Of Things?
Got to love the obligatory cheesy organ in this one.
PS--oh man, now Shadow is out of control! :-D
Well he was right nothing that came changed the shape of things that came, except the hippies all went to politics and sold out their generation to the other hippies who went to business school and wound up as the largest slugs, thieves and murderers the world has seen since ancient Rome.
Sorry Galen, if it weren't for the memory of the better class of recreational drugs; there really isn't much left that recommends the 60's historically. Communers turned capitalists just didn't quite work out the way it was supposed to have.
I still don't trust anyone over thirty, keep my hand on my wallet whenever I am in a gaggle of them.
Now Disco on the other hand...
I loved that year. You were born?
Sue...You are very trustworthy!
I Think.. :P
Thanks Karen..
Steve...Walking Man says that now!
CJ..? Holy Shit you are old..I graduated in 68.
Thom...The old is here to guide and educate the young..hehehehe
Shadow Dancing..Use your own discretion..:-)
Shay...Good memory, but it was a different song.
Mark Mark Mark....You are such an angry boy! And besides, the better drugs came in the 70's...:P
1968 is also the year i came into the world. when i turned 30 and told someone slightly younger than me that i was no longer to be trusted i got a blank look. being an anachronism is a weird thing sometimes.
And what do we do now that we are all way over 30? I'm having a crisis.
galen, galen, galen, what am i to do with you?!?!?! firstly i had to explain to the bean why exactly it is i'm laughing at a computer screen once again, and secondly, groan one out??? the day i have to groan one out i'm gonna stop writing! there!
wow he's hot..I would have been all over him..LOL
I have never heard of him...but the music is vaguely familiar.
I wonder where I was in 68?
Well, we're all over 30 . . . now what?
He has an Animals feel about him! Never heard this song nor knew of the movie. I'm going to Netflix now and try to find it. Thank you for sharing this bit of cultural history! :))
ha ha ha ha ha I am not angry G...just pissed off...come to think of it you're right...the drugs had improved by '72
soooo everyone over thirty should say " trust me, I cannot be trusted"...
At least the Tigers won.
How did I not see this movie when it was out? Probably had more important things to do...like necking and petting and steaming up some windows! :D I do vaguely remember the tune though...ah, those were the days my friend!
Yes Trini...
You certainly have a different mind set..hehehe
Nessa...Your over 30?
You weren't even thought of yet!
MZ..Now we walk around being untrustworthy!
Petra..You are quite welcome...G
Doc..Great Memory!
Mona..You weren't born yet in 68 either!
My fav back then was White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane, which is probably why I am recovery blogging now...at least I made it this far. :-)
I remember reading the paperback "Logan's Run" which was the inspiration to that movie... at 21, you got to die... Logan's Run was made into a movie and a TV series- but they upped the age to 30!
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