The boss had that 'Deer in the Headlights' look as he approached.
"Galen, I know your gonna kill me but...Could you please postpone your vacation for a week? We're swamped and we sure could use your experiance".
'Matt C'Mon, Ive had this planned and approved for weeks'!!
..."We will make it worth your while"..!?
Yeah thats right...Between the wedding, the reception, the departure, and 11+ hr. work days because of this Clunker Frenzy. My well needed R&R was put on hold for about a week. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
If you or anyone you know has posted a Friday Flash 55..
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most FRAZZLED host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!
I trust some of you will visit and enjoy the bevy of 55's posted by your fellow contributers...Please?
I'll be very late tomorrow...But I'll not shirk my hosting duties...:-)
It will still be summer here for another month, and the fish will still be biting;) Hang in there.
Mine is up already, cuz I was excited
hey was that more then 55? mines up too!!
That sucks. I mean the delayed vacation, not the 55. Mine's up!
Grrrr. I swear, bosses only ever thing about business.
Mine is here.
I like it (not the lack of vacation, though - that's just NOT ok.)
PS: Make sure EVERYONE says Happy Birthday to Lou!!
Bummer!! So close and yet so far!!
Mine's HERE
Bummer---after planning a vacation to have it postponed. I hope you're earning lots of money.
My Flash 55 is posted: Unsuited
They'd better do that!
Galen I posted my 55ve. I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend! (hug)
It's no fun when that happens, is it?
You'll find mine here.
aaawww that sucks G-man :( I hope they can and do somehow make it up to you.
Mine is up. ;-)
Well that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)
I hope you didn't have travel plans to postpone! That can be costly! Was your boss able to make it worth your while? Honestly? Because that's a lot to ask of a person.
Meanwhile, I'm back from my holidays, and my 55 (completely unrelated to travel and vacations) is up.
At least he asked you instead of just telling you!
Mine is up for the week.
What "does make it worth your while" mean? Seems to me it would have to be a pretty huge pot o gold or some such to make it worth your while.
grrrrrr. and you decided?????
Okay....now you've gone and done it. Do you realize that your expertise has ruined the lives of all those around you? Including your vacation?---------you rock. I wouldn't do what you did. I'd've flipped him off and said "Tough cookies"...I'm outta here.
Better yet, I retired early. LOL
Have a great Friday.
My 55 is now posted...it's really not fiction per sé, but it IS 55. :o)
While I love the story you wrote I am sorry it is a true story. I hope you get a break soon.
My story is up.
Flash 55
Poor Galen. Kept at work by clunkers. :-(
I'm in for the 55 this week. :-)
Hi! here goes mine
Sorry to hear about your delayed and much needed vaca.
My 55 is up and moving down the runway!
A postponed "highly needed" vacation would be "no fun".
As bad as the vacation on-hold is though, maybe it will even further sweeten it when it does arrive.
My 55is up.
Mine's up...although your cat illustrates my week!
Have a good weekend!
In fifty five words let me tell you how sorry I am you had to postpone your vacation plans.
Vacations are very, very important to one's mental health .I assume clunker frenzy is not good for one's mental health.
But it is only postponed not gone forever.
In any case I have posted my 55
Bummer! At least you don't have to cancel it all together!
Mine is up Here's mine!
You humans are always whining. Whine, whine, whine! Now you did a 55 word whine. Wow!
Ours is posted
i hope having to delay the vacation makes it all the sweeter when you finally get to enjoy the time off. big hugs.
and i'm up...in more ways than one.
Not cool!
Mine is up.
Hey there G,
Sorry to hear that your vacation got postponed and I sure do hope the boss will make it worth your time to be there. My 55 is up enjoy your weekend.
Hey Galen, Sorry to hear your holiday is on hold...but the consolation is; lots of 55's to read.
Hopefully we will all be able to cheer you up some. Have a great Friday and weekend.
Eaton. :))
In my many years of working when asked to "take one for the company" and they would never forget it- well, they do. Enjoy when you do take a vacation- soon!
ARRRGH!! That would be the longest week EVER. But hopefully the R&R will be even better for it.
Mine's up, and now I'm off to read everyone else's. Thanks Galen, for a great way to get up on Fridays!
Cash for clunkers may be good for business, but bad for r&r. So So0rry G-Man. Nice 55 just the same.
My 55 post is HERE.
Hey G. Man what a great way to make us meet all and so the www keeps going round. Thank you for your idea.
Agh. I know when I'm ready to go on vacation, I'm really ready to just go.
Agh. I know when I'm ready to go on vacation, I'm really ready to just go.
too bad you have to delay that well needed vacation; but I suppose he'll make it worth your while! Super 55 as usual!!! My link is below. Hippy Huray, I'm on time this week! :)
That sucks about the delayed vacation. If it equates into extra $$ and perks, though, maybe it'll turn out to be Clunkerlicious.
My hubby has posted too :)
Poor Galen! Huggs :)
Hi Everybody...Thanks all for playing this week...I'll resume my duties in the Morning....G
I didn't write one this week but stopped by to check yours out. I am keeping my clunkers. No car payment is a good thing.
Oh what a shame you have to wait for your vacation!
I didn't play this week, I didn't get back off holiday until Friday afternoon.
Oh now I see...tough! I actually prefer a late vacation, because it makes the fall shorter...but when it´s all planned, that´s tough! Hang in there, I know you know how to enjoy your vacation once you´re there!
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