"Brusha, Brusha, Brusha, with the new Ipana".
"You'll wonder where the yellow went,
when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent"!
"Crest has shown to be an effective decay-preventive dentafrice,
when used in a conscientiously applied program of oral hygiene,
and regular professional care"!
I just don't know what to use!!
If you or anyone you know has posted a Friday Flash 55..
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Great Week-End!!
Dude. That's one scary lookin' mofo. Oh wait, that's just my Aunt Ethel. Nevermind.
55 Flash Fiction Friday #51: Chapter 45 - Garbar
Sorry I was a bit late posting tonight folks, I had to personally shake a 55 or two out of some people. (Kidding of course)
A few commenters from my previous post, has declared their intentions to pen a 55 this week. Please be kind enough to visit..
Tall Karen
Prayer Girl
Alice Audrey.
Carry On....Galen
I remember those commercials. You could learn to upload to YouTube and do your own commercials. LOL. Listen, just pick one and use it. You don't want to end up looking like poor Goober there.:)
Hi Sherry...
I'm afraid I'm headed for that Goober look now...:-)
But one good thing, a tube of toothpaste lasts an awful long time! hehehehe..xo
I have GOT to show this to my kids. They don't take me seriously when I tell them to brush.
Mine is here.
I could swear I heard this somewhere before..
I finally got the publishing date right so mine is up (whew, that was complicated).
well you don't have to shake me down, mine is up and i use what the dentist gave me, crest sensitive, i sound like a commercial now too!!
thought I should try to post earlier this week, no one saw mine last week.
That looks like me when I got sober. My front tooth was missing and I was afraid the dentist would smell vodka on my breath, so I didn't go. Awww..lovely memories.
Sorry about the earlier post...I'll try not to be such a pest in the future. Putting my 55 up now. Thanks for the 'special' mention. You're the man!
I remember all of those old jingles ---just shows how old I am. I liked how you used them in your Flash 55.
My Flash 55 can be seen here:
If anyone visits my Flash 55, would you please leave a comment to tell me how to include a link (to my Flash 55 or anything else) in a comment. Thanks!
Hope I'm not too late :::sigh:::WAIT! It's still Friday...I'm "in".
That's a good one G-man!
Just so you know, it's 6.30 a.m. on Friday here but I rushed over so you don't think I'm ignoring you hon. x
About the visiting honey - I visited everyone, as you asked, a couple of weeks ago but some just do not reciprocate - not fair is it?
My 55 is posted. :)
He's scary enough without making that face! Can you say DENTURES???
Mine's HERE
Scary, the choices around, aren't they? :-)
Nicely done. you'll find mine in this post.
So important, those decisions...They can change your life forever...
Cause and effect...
Galen & Co. My 55ve is up too!
Looks to me that maybe, kinda sorta, you should make the decision first to stop chewing!! LOLOL
Mine's posted.
Happy weekend G-Man
I think it is a little late for the guy in the picture.
Fun 55
Mine is posted
Good looking guy.
Dragons don't use toothpaste.
aaaaaargh! what a face. use anyone, just use it! funny one this friday, mr. g
So many choices. Which will make me rich?
I posted again.
Firefly Flash 55
Ipana- that name was a blast from the past.... Remember when the first striped toothpastes came out?
My 55 is HERE
the saga continues
That picture made me jump backwards! Just use something, man!
Mine is up.
As long as it's not made in china i think you'll chose just a fina.
lol, if you recall i posted the ipana commercial some time ago. me? i'm all about the colgate.
oh, i am up too.
Try baking soda and peroxide! That fellow looks like a few I've seen here in Florida!
Mine is up! D
Galen...I see you're in top form this week. Pretty hard decision on the toothpaste.
my 55
the photo is just a wee bit gruesome...definitely gotta brush our teeth. :))
Eew - hee hee hee!
Happy Friday.
My goal has always been to die with my original teeth intact. However, I'm reconsidering because I believed all those ads and have healthy teeth now at age 75, but yellow they are growing. I'm considering having them pulled in order to get false teeth that are WHITE for all those photo ops I have.
My 55 is posted!
Well the guy in the picture sure wasn't overly enthralled about brushing. Mine is up HERE
my 55 is up.
that is a scary man ...
makes me think of dark images -- vampires, zombies, voodoo....
LOL he is just so perty there G. Great 55. psst stay away from the Ipana stick with the name you know lol. Hey I am a little word this week, six extra but its up and its Friday. So I am on time. Have a great weekend G.
That picture is - uhm... hard to look at. there I was diplomatic!
Mine is up!
you never cease to amaze me... some of the things you must think about are hysterical.. i always enjoy my visit here,, even when its not a 55....
The older I get, the more products there are, the more decisions to make....my head spins. I DON'T LIKE ALL THESE DECISION-MAKING DILEMMAS! Oh, well, so be it.
Of course, the important thing is that you floss after brushing. Otherwise all the toothpaste in the world won't do the trick ...
Mine is up for the week.
Hi G-Man! This will be my first Flash 55. (Give me about 20 minutes so my husband can scan a picture for me) Just started following your blog today!)
I follow Lou's blog (amazing isn't she?)
Hope you will stop by my page in a few to check out my first attempt at Flash 55!
Hi G-Man - I hear you and Fireblossom got to meet in Michigan. I so wish I could have been there! Goober scared me though. I posted mine late too. No kiss-ass excuses - deal with it. Ha-ha.
I want to know how to put a link to my 55 like Mojo did! But alas, I know not how it's done so:
G-man..thanks for your note!
I would have gotten through more posts but I am in bed sick....horrible sore throat and achy muscles....fever and just mall over misery I hope to get to more posts read and commenting done on Monday maybe!!
Thanks for you comments!
4 out of 5 dentists agree, the fifth dentist is an idiot. ;-)
I have what Lani has. Ugh.
Ipana? Do they still make that? I have a dentist friend who says that people are always asking them which toothpaste to use and he always wants to say, "Just brush the damn things."
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