2 Days Old...
TOOK her home, slept under her crib hearing her breathe.
Age 7...
TOOK her to get her ear pierced, she never flinched!
Age 18...
TOOK her to her dorm in Ann Arbor.
Age 20...
TOOK her to Metro Airport to live in Prague for a year.
Age 23...
GAVE Amanda to Sean.....
Yeah, the Big Day is nigh! I made it through all of those 'Landmark' events without blubbering. I don't know about the last one yet, we'll see.....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55.
Please come tell The G-Man...
NORMALLY I would visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK! But as you well know by now, I will be busy being The Father of The Bride...
Since I will be without Internet Access up in the Boonies where this wedding is being held, I am asking a small favor from the participants. Please make it a point to visit a few of the very talented and creative 55 posts today. I'll be up and running Sunday with some pics. That is if I don't fall in the lake again!
So from the most nervous and gracious host from coast to coast...
Have A Great Week-End.!
Congrats to you and your daughter
First! I am thinking wedding as well. Only I get to be the mother of the groom. They are talking Nov 7th. Not sure just yet if this year or not. We need to wait and see.
I can't say I know how ya feel 'cause I've got boys -- both still single and one on either side of her age-wise.
But the sleeping under the crib thing? That I can relate to. Maybe not literally, but very very close.
Good luck and stay dry my man!
55 Flash Fiction Friday #50: Chapter 42 - Chalo!
Hope it all goes off without a hitch. Just stay off the end of the dock!
P.S. That child looks JUST like you.:)
You are excused from commenting this week!
I read your 55, got misty eyed, and now I'm going to book.
angel baby.....
congratulations and good luck.....
What a wonderful blessing to have your daughter find the right person for her and be married.
Best to you, your daughter, her new husband, and everyone else involved.
My 55 is up.
congrats! Excellent picture too!
Just wanted to let you know I'm still writing my Friday flashes. And I love it... I love reading everyones. Thanks for spreading this...
Nice post!
My 55 is up!
Oh WOW! This is my first time playing! CONGRATULATIONS to the Bride & Groom -- and you'll do fine G-man! Crying is allowed. Even sort of expected...
I love the way you compacted your Amanda's life into 55 words. I have an Amanda too - I don't think I could have fit her into 55 words! Maybe cuz she's a bit older.
Have a GLORIOUS weekend!
i hope you enjoy every moment of the day and can treasure the memories for a long time to come. wishing amanda and sean all the best.
I'm in the middle of the teen years with mine. Looking forward to giving them away. :)
Mine is here.
what a blessed 55. amazing picture, amazing post you are very good with words G-Man. mine is up too
Good Luck to Galen & Family! :)
So much hope and joy! Love is a beautiful thing! What a wonderful 55 tribute to your daughter!
Have a safe trip and we'll catch up with you next week. I just love the Flash 55...one more reason to look forward to Friday!
What a wonderful weekend you're going to have G-man, albeit a little sad when you hand over your baby girl. Wishing your daughter and her new husband much happiness.
That was a lovely 55 m'dear.
Mine's up for anyone who got a minute to spare.
aaawww Congratulations to the bride and groom. You'll make it though this G-man. ;-)
I'll do my best to get to everyone by the end of Friday. :P
Don't get lost in "the boonies"!
Mine's HERE
Have a great day and congrats to your daughter.
You'll find my 55 in this post.
Congrats...wonderful 55
enjoy, enjoy, oh gracious host. mine's up today.
How exciting....a wedding!
And I truly, love, love, LOVE this 55 this week. So loving, so caring, so "daddy" and "daddy's litte girl".
Very enjoyable 55.
Try to enjoy the wedding.
Congratulations to your daughter and husband to be.
I envy you my daughter still isn't married.
My 55 is posted.
I can't WAIT for photos! And ah, memories of those first days watching them breathe LOL. I hope you're having a wonderful time while we're all slaving away on these blogs!
Mine's up at Stony River.
Sweet story. Our youngest was born in 1986 too.
Mine is up at Granny Sue's News and Reviews
I hope the link works this time. I'm still learning how to do this.
I'm guessing the tears will begin to trickle when she takes hand off your arm and you head back to your seat.
Hey G,
Ahh what a great and special time in a young womans life. Congrats to you and her. I can't wait to see the pics. My 55 is up. Have a wonderful weekend. This time remember to waterproof your phone lol.
OMG how exciting Galen !!
I went so fast didn't it?
Posted 55
Wow! A wedding for your little girl.
Could you save us dragons a piece of cake.
Congratulations and a wonderful use of the 55.
Ours is up and very lonely.
This one is for YOU!
Have the wonderful day this is intended to be! Looking forward to the photos...
Congrats! I hope it's an awesome day.
Thanks for getting me hooked...
Congratulations to you and daughter both. Have a great time at the wedding. Best wishes to the new couple.
My 55 is finally up--but Friday is not ended yet! See you later. D
My FF55 is posted!
However, a question: what do you mean by "NORMALLY I would visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!"
Do you mean book as in leave, i.e. "book on outta here"?
Or do you mean book as engage someone for a performance, i.e. "The musician was booked for Sat. nite"?
Or do you mean book as publishing, i.e. putting a story into a book.
Sorry for my ignorance, but I'm new around here.
Hi G Man! I posted this morning but had to go to work so am just arriving here to let you know.
Yours is my favorite from among yours. Major awwwwww factor!
I hope the giving away ceremony went well! Now I know, it takes four taking to give...
Go have an amazing time!
That's lovely. Thanks for sharing. Mine's up.
Dear Galen, Congratulations to you and your daughter. Tears are good for yah! And totally acceptable for the Father of the Bride, almost expected. I have two married daughters and they have slept under their babies cribs, listening to them breathe, just as I did them and you did your daughter. Beautiful 55!
I don't have one for this week, two of my daughters, still living at home, have been sick this week and I haven't written a thing, but I have things running around in my head. Have a wonderful weekend. See you next Friday. Eaton
I've already commented that my Flash55 story was posted to my Blog on Friday, but just learned how to do the link correctly. Well, this comment will tell that story. Let's see what happens. In case I still don't have it right, my blog URL is http://mimirock-castleyonder.blogspot.com
Thanks all.
What a little doll!
Feel free to blubber, Galen, and take lots of pictures!
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