I was only in the store for 3 MINUTES!!!
But there she was, writing a parking ticket.
"Ma'am..? Could you please give a Senior a break"?
Undaunted...She continued.
"NAZI BITCH!! I screamed"!
THEN she smiled...And flipped to Ticket #2 for 'worn tires'.
It wasn't my car....I was just trying to help.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55..
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host, from coast to coast.
Have A Great Week-End...
BTW, tomorrow we are short handed at work, so please be patient with me. I promise I will finish all commenting by Midnight.
( Contrary to popular belief....((Lou..:P))
Gee, G-Man..
Sorry I doubted you. I feel bad about going public with that inflammatory accusation. And questioning your unimpeachable record of commenting and booking. Please forgive me.
Still, why not visit me FIRST!
some help! Hehe - mine is up!!!
Very clever, Mr. G-person. Happy Weekend!:)
I am back after a hiatus.
Oh man... somebody must just loooove you.
55 Flash Fiction Friday #49: Chapter 41 - Bandooq
Your "I was only in the store for 3 MINUTES" reminds me of "Gee officer, I only had 1 beer."
Thanks for your 55.
My 55 is up.
Okay, this one is HILARIOUS!
Good job, G-Man.
My 55 is up also.
Hey there Mister. Want to take a ride??
OK! I did it.
So the numbers and symbols count as a word?...yes, I counted yours.
This was really fun, even tho it's not Friday in CA yet!
I'm learning...
listen to lou, it's all about her!! i love lou i would check her out first but then i would forget to check in with you, love the 55 man that is great!! you really helped her to give someone a bad day!! naughty g-man!!
Good one G-man. I´m up and playing today! :-) Have a great weekend.
LOL. You are so very helpful. I'm sure the owner of the car was very... um... appreciative.
Mine should probably come with a warning label this week.
It's here.
At least you tried! :)
Mine's up.
Maybe Fräulein Nazi Bitch would have gone over better. LOL ;-)
I'm working on my 55. It should be up by midnight Pacific time as usual. :)
Oh buggar, I must remember to never ask you for a favour. Nicely done G. Have a great weekend. Mine's ready and waiting.
Well, you have to have a little fun, don't you :-)
You'll find mine in this post.
If you ever need a return favor Galen I would be glad to help you out. ha ha ha ha loved this
Mine's not up yet (getting a slow start today) but I just had to leave some applause at yours--Loved it!
Hopefully I'll be back soon with one of my own. Happy Friday!
That kind of help we can do without.
Interesting 55
Woops forgot to mention that my glorious (sort of) 55 is posted.
Well, this is just funny. I never saw THAT coming. You little pot stirrer, G Man!
I sat down last night to write a 55 but it turned into a longer poem, which i finished but didn't post. Please forgive me the unforgivable. I have no 55 this week. The dog ate it. The wind blew it away. I left it in my locker. Look a this face...would I lie? :-)
This is quite like a senior joke I've read online before, but I can't remember how it all goes; there is a senior couple involved tho...having fun with a cop also. LOL
Mine's posted.
Ok, I'm up, I'm up.
Right here.
Thanks again for the fun!
Now that wasn't nice. Why do you humans do things like that to each other? Dragons never do that.
Great 55 though.
Ours is posted.
They are like that...can be quite mean to well meaning citizens...
Galen & co. My 55ve is up too!
I was just trying to help! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Great job!
I played again this week too, G-Man.
Happy Friday! Stop in for a visit when you have time...
LOL...help doesn't quite cover the world for your involvement there. Have a great weekend, Galen. :))
Fallen starlet
G-Man, I finally have your correct address--already commented on your other blog. Sorry! This comment is one of apology. I'm learning the "55" routine.
I'm still trying to get the knack of 55-word thing. Just realized it supposed to be FICTION!
Oh, my...what a nerd (me!)
Promise--I'll try to do better next week. What about a "55 Wednesday for Dummies?"
Ha! I forgot to write:
"My 55 is up." (So many rules!)
Tell me if I should go back into my hole -grin!
Steve E
Galen, that is not good karma...
Be careful out there!! ;)
And how adorable is Reece!! What a cutie!
Now, that was a good one, Galen! I enjoyed it.
Mine is up--such as it is! Take care. D
very clever galen.. and oh how thrilled the owner of the car will be for your help!!!!
here is my contribution this week:
shards of glass
LoL. Very funny 55'er. I feel for the owner of that vehicle!!! Needed that laugh after being a bit too serious lately. Thanks G-Man!!!
Here is my submission for this week!!!http://cordieb.wordpress.com/2009/06/12/women-david-letterman/
Your story--very funny!
I took Susan of Stony River Farm's advice and gave this a try during lunch today.
Here's a link to my first try:
I happened here from Hootin Anni's page... intrigued, I had to try it... It's not my forte' believe me...but I really wanted to give it a try... so I did...
G-Man, that is hilarious!
Stay away from my car.
LOL you so crack me up G. Great 55 Isn't this the weekend your daughter gets married? Well if so congrats to her and congrats to you as well. Have a great weekend. Ciao for now and my 55 is up
Did you really scream at her? :D
that is too funny...I better watch out because I need new tires soon....;)
OK, trying my damndest to get my 55 up before midnight!!
Granny Su...
Please post a link, I can't access your blog...Sorry
What a Great Week of 55's you guys ROCK!!!
I totally forgot to tell you--your 55 is so funny. You have a quirky sense of humor, it cracks me up.
PS Sometimes people call me a Nazi bitch, I say "Ich bring dich um!"
First time visitor via Lani's Blog
I'm not a writer, I'm a reader, but this looks so much fun I'm going to give it a try too.
Sorry, I got so excited that I'd written something I forgot to leave my LINK
I needed a laugh...thanks!
For the record, I did write one for Friday, but ran into technical difficulties so I'll post it next week.
Have a good weekend!
I'm new at this, but I posted a Friday Flash 55 story on my Blog http://MimiRock-Castleyonder.blogspot.com/
Lol looks like I missed the whole week. But I did go back and read all. Your son is a very good looking guy. Have a great weekend.
Yaaaay! I am the 50th!
Okay--learning how to do this... I think this is a link to my flash 55 post:
Granny Sue...NADA!!!
hahahah, you got me. i thought it was your car.
i'm late coming round and i never did a 55 this week. it just got too crazy. forgive me.
LATE again! I was out of town for several days last week - without internet - and I am still trying to catch up.
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