Happy Holiday Everybody!!!
I love having Saturdays off! For the last 30 years or so if I have been in town, I get up early and go to The Farmers Mkt. It is only open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Up until a few weeks ago, the outside pavillion booths were pretty vacant. But now with the herb and flower flats, southern produce coming in, and fresh Michigan Asparagus, It Was Rockin yesterday!!!
The inside is hoppin year round with farm fresh eggs, chicken, a home cured meat mkt, a most excellent cheese stand, and even a gourmet wine shop, amongst the usual crafts and bakery items. I bought lots of good stuff for tomorrows Memorial Day Extravaganza....Which of course I'll share with you all...TOMORROW!
On a more sad and sobering note...The last shot is yesterday (SATURDAY) at exactly High Noon, of the main drag of Flint!!! WHAT A GHOST TOWN!!!
When I was a kid, "downtown" on Saturday was very exciting. All adult men and women wore hats, kids dressed up, busses and cars were bumper to bumper, every store-front was filled and busy. This is what the Birthplace of General Motors looks like now, an empty shell of what was once a thriving, inovative example of The American Dream....gone very sour!
Enjoy the long Week-End...
awesome pics, trying to upload pics of my garden now, having a bit of trouble though. don't worry i feel GM will redo their manufacturing plant and upgrade the cars they end up making even better than before, it will be a while but they will reopen again a more greener and busier factory than before!!
That's a great loking fsarmer's market. It makes me sad to see downtowns die out. Even this tiny little town used to have a bustling main street scene, and now virtually nothing.
Happy Memorial day G man
Galen I had an IMAX experience of Star Trek
Have a great weekend. Miss you over at my blog.
Isn't it wonderful to get fresh fruit and vegetables right now!
We are off on a leisurely drive up Lake StClair, checking out the fishing.
Poor Flint. What is to be done?
That looks like a really nice farmers market. Unfortunately, I think the Saturday scene is much the same in many downtowns across America these days. It seems like it's all malls and big box stores now.
That last shot is really sad.
Can't wait to see pictures of the extravaganza!
Nothing beats a long weekend, and to go to the market is awesome!
Flint...*sigh* Michigan *sigh, sigh* The land of what was.
lovely pics... how i wish we had a long weekend! but enjoy yours twice. for me?
Grand Rapids was picked as one the the top affordable places to live! It's mainly because with GM plant closing, Steelcase employing less than half(10,000 in heyday) Bosch closing, and half or more of the tool and die shops gone- people are leaving..
i love a good farmer's market. i miss living in decent proximity to a good one. the downtown shot, wow. it really is a shocking sight.
Thank you, Galen, and to you as well.
Love the Farmers' Markets, of course for their produce, but getting together or meeting a friend to share a wholesome day!
And about Flint. Very sad! I just don't get the greed! Living from a point of fear?
If you'd like to see a short film
on Whose Role, hope you enjoy "The
Scarlett High Heels." Perhaps it'll help kick the Flint Michigan blues! ;)
Buona giornata, G-Man! Petra :))
I love Farmer's markets. We've had quite a busy weekend out and about. Today (Monday) we've spent gardening in the much awaited sunshine :)
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