"Jethro, the protection provided by this Betula Papyrifera from the Sun's thermonuclear emanations whilst angling, is magnificent! And consuming our bounty of Ictalurus Nebulosus and Lepomus Macrochirus will be ambrosial"!!
'Yeah Reginald, fishing under the shade of a Birch tree, WITH a stringer full of Catfish and Bluegills, is Heavenly'...
( Musing to himself...Pompous Hemorrhoid!!!)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55,
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Great Week-End!!!!
(Please be patient with my commenting early Friday, I have a few appts. Thanks Everyone, I Promise to answer ALL)
yea, he does sound pompous ...that hemorrhoid...
Some people, I swear... I didn't catch half-a that. Sounds like Jethro did though. I like him!
55 Flash Fiction Friday #47: Chapter 39 - Gheraao
Have you tried stand up comedy? You are funny, dude.
PS Can I link directly to my 55 from blogger?
I actually have a friend who does this. It's annoying.
Is this one of those fish stories?:-)
Happy Friday, Galen.
Well. Hup. Country Einstein and the Fish.
Why am I not convinced? :)
awesome post you walking thesaurus!! I will have mine up soon. have a great weekend!!
ok mines up now.
Okay Galen I wrote one too. So did Charles write one.
Galen it is Serena's Birthday on the 30th!
LMAO! I knew someone like that. Except he didn't just use big words he also had a flowery way of speaking that was just confusing as hell.
Mine will be up at midnight Pacific time ;-)
LOL! What a great last word.
I did a little poetry this week.
What. No Cletus? I like it - and I like it even more if you didn't have to look those words up... :)
Mine is up here: http://betterman1.wordpress.com/2009/05/29/day-152-flash-55/
There are many ways to describe things :-) Liked that.
You'll find my 55 here.
Did you swallow a dictionary? LOL
You're so funny G-man, I love it!
Mine's up but I'm out all day today so will catch up with everyone over the weekend. :)
right. that I didn't understand too well......
With the ability to use marvelous words like that I'm surprised you don't do Quilly's Thursday weird word thing.
This was just great.
I have posted mine.
and when he was not fishing Reginald was writing textbooks for pompous 101
My 55 is posted.
I'd have to smack Jethro.
LOL, i so needed this chuckle. thanks. the picture is gorgeous too.
the conversation made me think of scenes from "o, brother where art thou?"
good one, very good one.
Your creative well never runs dry, thanks for the smile!
I've put one up also.
Ya, get the Preparation H out, willya? rofl
My fantasy fiction is posted below my Friday's Show n Tell [as always]
I would have said Reginald was the know it all is a know it all for sure.
We dragons love big words and short stories and today you gave us both.You are so creative.
Our 55 is up.
Oh man, I clicked publish accidentally... and the comment doesn't even make sense.
Anyways, Reginald must have taken the prize for pain in the butt - "insufferable hemorrhoid", LOL. Have a wonderful Friday and weekend, G-Man.
Long time 55 lover, first time poster. It's up here:
I agree with Lou - you are funny!
Oh and my 55 is up!
Pompous windbag!
(My favorite Disney insults which is hurled in more than one Disney cartoon, Cinderella is one, and the other is I THINK, Little Mermaid)
Wayull, good on Jethro fer not gettin his tailfeathers all up in a bunch and stayin' simple!
Have a good weekend, Gman!
Galen: You are so bad! Mine is up! D
Wow, ya don't say! And I thought I was pretty fluent, too!
Love the 55, G-man! I played, too. :-)
First attempt at Flash Friday 55
Hello G-Man,
I've posted a few Friday Flash 55's in the past...but I don't think I ever emailed and told you. lol
I have one up now,
This is a really great idea, Galen! Beautifully expressed!
Have a great weekend! :))
Kid couldn't pronouce his "R's" Speech coach told him to repeat; "Robert gave Richard a whack in the ribs, for roasting the rabbit so rare".. Kid came to school the next day and was asked to repeat the sentence. "Bob gave Dick a poke in the side for not cookin' the bunny enough"..
Lol. I was just about to go to the online dictionary, becoming quite frustrated...until I read Jethro's response. . . my thoughts...before Jethro interpreted for me "...Pompous Hemorrhoid!!!"
Nicely done. I love it!!!!
Here's my 55...http://cordieb.wordpress.com/2009/05/29/emotionally-needy/
I've posted my 55.
Thanks for yours including all the words I had to look up. :)
OH dear god my migraine is now worse than ever mister Webster lol. Great 55 YOU are way too funny lol. Have a great weekend. My 55 is up.
I love the names!!
Galen, you rock the 55's!! And I wish you gorgeous weather!!!!
Hi Everybody...I'm tired tonight, but I'll get to everyones 55 in the morning, I left off with Lime, and I'll resume from Pat down OK?
where did moo moo go?seems to be the pervading question in my home this week in the eyes of my little fur kids......
i'm up...albeit a bit late. too much stuff going on here with school getting out yesterday. i'll be back to read everyone's 55s properly :)
I picture this as a very funny comic strip for some reason.
That is too funny!
Gee . . . I started with 55 . . . but got carried away a bit.
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