"A psychoneurotic disorder involving intense emotionalism,
with various psychic and physical disturbances. It's often
a result from repressed inner conflicts, and occurs most
frequently in women"...
That was the accepted definition around the turn of the
20th Century. Thank goodness that Sears and other companies,
have made "Histerical Women" a thing of the past!!!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the
G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast....
Heh. Oh the places this could go.
Gotta get the game face back on...
55 Flash Fiction Friday #45: Chapter 37 - Shabaash!
Cool 55, Mr. G-person. I know a hysterical woman -- or two. I wouldn't hesitate to prescribe any one -- or all -- of those appliances for her.:)
Took a week off but am back (sort of).
Hysterical? Moi? Two 55's posted, as requested. One from hubby and one from moi.
Oh, if only such devices were a Cure-All.
I'd be the sanest woman around!!!
As we all know...no such luck there.
Ho. Ly. Shit.
Don't know if you saw the end of the Canes game or not, but ... damn. Scotty Walker wins it in OT on a rebound chance and Carolina marches on.
very fun 55, mines up too
I saw a show about this on History Channel. It's funny! They talk about women going to the doctor for a 'massage'. I'm guessing there were a lot of happy endings. *snicker*
Mine will be up at midnight Pacific time. ;-)
LOl, I love it
It took a long time for that definition of hysteria to go. A good job it did.
You'll find my 55 in this post.
ROFL...what on earth prompted this particular 55! Perhaps that's better left unstated.
Hard to believe this all happened in the Victorian era, they pretended to be such prudes. Have the best weekend, G-Man! :))
ooooh, you're treading on thin ice here, heeee heeee heeee
...I am s l o w l y going to back away from every comment I had and leave now...good one G-Man
Who says these woman are a thing of the past! I have my moments...
Mine is up, dear G-Man.
Thank goodness for good old Sears. Never knew they were so important to our history.
You do keep coming up with new directions for the 55.
Mine is posted.
The even older idea was that "hysteria" was caused by a forlorn uterus wandering about the inside of the body. And of course, that definition was developed by men, too. Wonder why it never occurred to anyone that the "symptoms" were directly correlated with a lack of gender equality in the culture?
I noticed the "HIS" in 'hysteria'. Is that anything like HIStory compared to HER story? [kidding]
My 55 is "Haunting" today.
Have a great weekend.
Ps...I must say I really do look forward to Friday 55 any more...it's a lot of fun.
That's a great 55, Galen. I've heard of women who faked the symptoms just to justify a round of "treatments". :D
I finally posted a new 55 per your request. :D
The things we learn as time progresses. I wonder what things we now believe will later be the point of future blog posts In the Year 2525.
FF55 is up.
they look like torture devices!
ok, i'm up
All of these remedies are worthless. They do not contain CHOCOLATE!
You humans dream up more weird stuff.
We thought women went hysterical because they saw we were about to eat them. They stopped when we gave up eating humans. Now we know it was all Sears.
What? I cant be hysterical any more? Awww dang it! lol good one g-man. Hope all is well I heard that they are closing some dealerships around the country.
i wrote a post years ago on hysteria its true meaning and the use of vibrators by the medical field to attempt to rid women of hysteria..... very interesting subject matter...
although i did not follow your lead i did put together a little 55... i call it invisable freedomhave an excellent weekend!!!!!
As the "Pearls Before Swine" comic strip crocs would say, "Hullo, Meecheegan neighba. Peese shut mouf." Better yet, I'm in and I've "answered" your 55 with mine.
Have a great weekend, G-Man! :-)
There might have been more validity to the definition in those erras in which women were more repressed.
I flashed too! Debut
Oh, the good old days, when medical problems were solved with cigarettes, sulfur powder, and orgasm...
Mine's up.
I tried my hand at a 55 today - what a great thing you got started here!
Hey G-man...new to this, but tried mine today too. I just can't seem to get the name right, so now I have to scoot back to akannie's and edit.
Friday Flash 55
55 Flash Fiction Friday
oh dear....
I wish MY doctor would prescribe orgasm and vibrators for what ails me...sigh...
Galen I am still a hysterical woman
..but then Indians are a 100 years backward...
Galen & co.I wrote a 55ve too!
I'm hysterical reading this post! :)) Have a wonderful weekend!
Yikes! That last one is scary is as hell!
I'm an hysterical woman today...I will have my 55 up by midnite! Promise...Now where's my vibrator!!
I could have sworn I left a comment earlier! :0
I'd get hysterical if a man had his hand up my frock like in that poster!
Vibrator or tranquilizer dart, I guess they both work....
Oh my, what creative ways to relieve hysteria in women. I wonder what devices men used to eleviate their hysteria...Then again, I don't think I need to know. lol. Super cool Flash 55. Mine's here http://cordieb.wordpress.com/2009/05/15/pride-and-joy/
Peace, Light and Love. . . C.
Hey, some of those look a little tempting. Couldn't hurt!
Mine is up! D
i'm up....there are some prettier things for hysterical women. i think you saw my review on my blog, right? lol
My word. I had no idea.
My 55 for the week is up too.
I've posted my Friday Flash darlin'. Pam
late entry!
I made it before midnight! :P
For the woman who's wound too tight...come to think of it...Nancy Pelosi could use about 12 or more hours on those things. It couldn't hurt.
Been super busy, but it's nice to be back!
44 comments wow!
Yes thank goodness there are new and improved ways to deal with female hysteria!
Have a good weekend, Gman!
I am never hysterical nope not me lol. Hey there G great 55. Congrats to your daughter on her wedding soon approaching. Well I am late but my 55 is up. I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I have been down and out with pneumonia but feeling better now. Ciao.
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