Hi Everybody....
Saturday was a bit chilly, but it was sunny and clear. So I hauled The Hog out of the garage and hooked the trickle charger to the battery for about 3 hours.
VROOOOOM....Started right up like a good boy!
After enjoying my first ride of the year, I grimaced at the weather forecast for Late Sunday night and Monday....3-5 INCHES OF FRICKEN SNOW!!!!!!
This mornings sunrise is a harbinger of that prediction, "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning"!!
Winter just won't give up the ghost......
wish i could have ridden bitch with you. mr. lime took thelma out and didn't even offer me a ride :(
Winter just seems determined to keep on messing with us this year, doesn't it? But it has to end sometime. Doesn't it? At least, you got in your first ride of Spring, short though it was.:)
Old man winter just won't go away. Be grateful you don't live in Utah where they got 12 feet of snow in the mountains. Now THAT would make for a cold ride.
Speaking of which, Lime...where is your bike? Do you still have it??
Damn weather... at least it's been behaving over here.
P.S. your postcard is now on my art blog in glorious mirror-o-vision!
Ooooh a bike and a very lovely looking one at that. I don't think you guys get a lot of good spring weather, infact, I doubt you get half of your spring to enjoy in blue skies and sunshine. I wish you some sunshine to get out on that beautiful bike. :))
It is still too cold out to be riding that bike!!! Although, the 3-5 we were suppose to get seems to have past us by.
Hope you have warm sunny days for riding soon.
California had a beautiful weather today and I saw many bikers and picnickers! Its a pity winter won't let up at your place!
Look outside...It is disgustingly white!
at least you got in your first ride, whooooohoooooo
Your baby looks very sparkly - you been polishing it?
Not more snow?
Well, I was in a tee shirt and sandels yesterday...today the jacket is back on...Rainy Monday here and it is supposed to get cold again. Glad I didn't plant those flower seeds yesterday! :D
Nice bike...don't worry it will be warm before you know it!
Spring has to come!
Spring has to come!
Spring h
That's a big damn bike! Probably got a heater...
Oh man, more snow, that's all you need.
But snow = water!
That's a good thing.
Michigan is just a biotch!! I'm not loving her right now after 5 inches of the white stuff.
I was hoping that your hawg was coming in this direction.
Awww Limey...
Mr. Lime is mushugeneh!!
Hi Shere,
At least I rode...xo
I love that card thanks...G
Thank You Eaton, you are so sweet!
Mark...I know Brother. Grrrrrr
Shadow Dancing...Yay!!!
Ake...Yes, MORE snow!!
Thanks Lulda...:-)
Dr. John...hahaha..Thanks, I hope!
The big V-Twin throws off some heat!
You guys might need water, but we DON'T!
My Tormentor...YAY!!!
Ride when ya can.
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