Playing records, burning the papers.
Sipping on a Cherry Phosphate after shopping at the 'Five and Dime'.
Recalling how LOUD typewriters were, or how messy carbon paper was.
Can I still have a promising career as a key-punch operator?
Do not bend, fold, spindle, or MUTILATE!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast....
Have a Great Week-End!!!
LOL. Sounds like my first job.
LOL I remember learning how to use most of that in High school but never had to use it in real life.
Wow. Haven't heard the term "cherry phosphate" in... forever.
But I remember typewriters, carbon paper and mimeograph machines! The hand-cranked deals with the toner (or whatever it was called) that we loved to huff on and think we were getting a buzz.
Damn G... we're old, huh?
55 Flash Fiction Friday #41: Chapter 33 - Arjun
You took me back to the "Mary Lou's Sweet Shop" of my youth. My girlfriend and I bicycled there many a time for a phosphate or two.
I posted a Friday Flash 55.
Prayer Girl
I remember using carbon copy paper in typing class. UGH what a pain! And a mimiograph (sp?) machine. My how times have changed!!!
Happy Friday to you...
1. You look mighty spiffy in that photo-op down there...
2. I have the same jacket. But, I don't have a bike to go with it.
3. I want a cherry phosphate.
4. You rock.
5. I played again.
Much love and a great big hug.
xoxo, G-leather.
Happy Friday G-man, very clever as always! :-D
i HAVE forgotton all about that. carbon paper. does it still exist??? anyway, mine's up too
So sad ! I remember all that.
A great flash 55.
I'm up.
We dragons remember way back before that.
We remember :
knight’s lunch,
very tipsy old castles,
tasty King’s daughters freely given,
embarrassing flame outs of the worst kind,
howling mobs of angry peasants,
and of course
would be heroes burning up.
Twas a better world then.
So what do you think o our really great memories?
God those typewriters were LOUD - especially when you worked in a typing pool!
Good one G-man.
Mine's up too.
Awwwwwwww, such a vivid memory you've created today. [by the way, I love your Thursday portrait!]
My 55, as always, is posted below my show n tell meme.
Happy Weekend...G-man.
what a great blast from the past. how about switchboard operator? there's another job that's gone the way of the dodo.
i played :)
I just can't figure out if you're doing the typing (key punching) or the watching.
Nice walk down memory lane, my flash is posted tell me what you think
What a great piece. Fond memories for some. Well G my 55 is up and ready to be read. I hope you have a great fun filled fantabulous weekend.
I've never had a cherry phosphate. And as far as the instructions go, I can handle not bending, folding or mutilating, but spindling I may not be able to resist.
I didn't quite make a 55 today. Oh well.
Finally!! my second FF55!! I love yours G-man!!
Kids learn a keyboard before they learn how to write these days...
Very cool! I love the "five and dime" reference.
I love to read your 55!!
AND THAT PICTURE YOU POSTED THURSDAY...AWESOME!!! There is something about a Harley and a man in Black leather....Mmmmmm.
Have a good weekend. Enjoy the spring like days.
I tried this for the 1st time, hope I did it right! my blog
Subdural Flow (http://brokenheartedmom.blogspot.com)
BTW, I'm in what used to be the Motor City. I see you are in what used to be Buick City.
Your 55 was sooo cute!
Oh, I remember the typewriter and the carbon paper. What a mess! Very nostalgic.
Mine is up!! D
Is that how it was back then?
Galen I have seen an old Olivetti at my mom's place , but never used it...
A cherry phosphate. Okay.
I was just talking with someone about the trials of using a typewriter rather than a PC.
Oh thank goodness someone invented computers...I remember carbon paper, YUK! Aannd what is "cherry phosphate", sounds like an illegal concoction. Hope you're having a great Friday G-Man. :))
my 55
I'm in.
I've got to try the 55.
Dr. John brought me over to you. I like the Flash 55 thing. I will, in the future try to do them. And also come back an visit your blog frequently.
Better late than never.
My first Friday 55 is over here:
I couldn't get it to accept my html.
We've come a long way, baby!
have a good weekend, Gman!
Carbon copy paper I remember well. NIGHTMARE.
I didn't do a 55 but have something in mind for next one.
Thanks everyone for making this weeks Friday Flash 55 one of the most successful ones yet. There's a lot of talent out there...
You Guys Rock!!!
believe it or not, i still remember carbon paper. what a pain in the ass! lol it seems like in our 'early days' things sound more simple even if we had to deal w carbon paper :)
no flash fiction this week as you might have noticed. i was on vacation this week.
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