Ha! I look like Johnny Cash..
This is the breakfast layout that I provided for the local Rotary Club's meeting yesterday.
Paczki's and Bagels
Assorted pastries
Sausage Gravy and Biscuits
And a KILLER fresh fruit salad.
You'd a thought that a 'Thank You" from them would have been in order...Right?
You wanna hear the only comment from them? ...'Lotta Carbs'!
I was up till 12:30 am Monday night, and I got up at 5:00 am for these Butt-Dicks?
..'Lotta Carbs'?
My thought was..'Lotta Potlickers'!
Start thinking about your 55's kiddies....
Dang, that IS a pack of pot-lickers if they can't even say thanks for that wonderful looking spread. I don't know about you, but I have no patience for the ill-mannered.
OMG! how ungrateful. Galen had I been a part of that crowd you would be sick of seeing and hearing me because I would still be telling you how good it is. The biscuits and gravy and the fruit have my mouth watering.
Do those people not know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you need something that will stick to your ribs throughout the day..which biscuits and gravy will. Holy Moses! Next time it is your turn take them 1 box of wheat thins and let them share amongst themselves..maybe that will teach them.
have a great day and don't let those butt wads get you down!
I would have preferred "after" pictures to see what trays the asshats grazed off of the most.
that's pretty rude of them. how ridiculous. it looks fantastic though. i'd have slurped up a plate and given you a kiss to say thanks!
I once took some photos of a bunch of people tossing out an opening pitch for a baseball game. It took some time but about half of them said thank you after the fact. I hope some of the pot-lickers come through for you too. That does look mighty interesting for sure. Just you remember, if you do something like that again it is rice cakes for them! Oh and just curious, how much was left over?
That was some spread. I bet the gravy was really something knowing you. Now I have to go convince myself that the cereal I am about to eat really does look good, NOT.
Were you ever a chief. It sure looks like you missed your calling in life.
why is it that food has become a battleground?? who's idea was it anyway that superiority is decided in the digestive tract??
as if we don't have enough lines of distinction drawn already,, someone had to go out and draw one on the dinner table!!!!!!!
ha, my comment to you mr. cash would be 'gimme those carbs' with a big grin on my face!!!
Well, I love carbs sounds like a lot of crazies to me...
thanks for your wonderfully kind comment on my page!
I've done a lot of cooking for groups, and I know how you feel...
tell those pot-lickers to do it themselves then next year, ungrateful b@stards! lol
i would have loved the fruit salad and i'd have eaten the biscuits & gravy to have some carbs :)
What a bunch of ass holes!!
While that is a lot of carbs, do they not see the fruit salad?
Sheesh how unbeleivably grateful, I am getting my Kashmiri knives out!
Now don't get me wrong G...but my first thought upon gazing at those lovely treats was...lotta carbs! :D
But hell, I would have dove and and gave you a big carbo kiss...Ungrateful assholes!! Oh I probably would have been polite and taken a small dish of fruit too!
I'm thinkin for tomorrow...ummm 55 ummmm...
Hey Galen, I wanted to stop by real quick to let you know that the joke posted on my blog "Installing A Husband", I meant no offense by that at all towards men. I just thought it was funny written in computer lingo.
Thanks! HUGS!
Blogger ate my comments!!!!!!
Rotary Club people suck. Arrogant jerks as a rule. Long live carbs.
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