"Will this work son?"
'Sure it will dad...The Power of Television!
Charlatans make MILLIONS from Soda Crackers, dressing like Nehru, and fake crying.
I'll buy an Armani Suit, get a free cable access spot, then invite constipated and incontinent folks to my garage/church to lick the Chamber Pot of Jesus!!!
...For Ten Bucks!!!
Earlier today I decided that I have WAYYYYY over used the term, "Potlicker" this week.
You can all thank the Crimson Cutie, Serena Joy for this. She had a post on Tuesday that inspired me to spew some archaic cussing. But it brought back such fond memories of my miss spent youth that I've used it every day since!!
Ya know, the term just seems so appropriate for some....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then Book!!
So from the most gracious Pot,,er host from coast to coast...
Have a Great Week-End!!!!
I live in the Bible Belt and on Sunday there is nothing on television but potlicking television evangelists and NASCAR. One day one of the television preachers said that if I send him $50 he would guarantee I went to heaven. That sounded like a pretty good deal.
LOL. I don't know if you're on a cussing streak because of my corrupting influence, the moon, or incorrigible gnomes. Not that I blame you for letting go over a bunch of ungrateful potlickers. I'd have probably unloaded AT them -- and then passed a chamber pot for a collection.:)
Bleah! I have no words...
Actually that's not quite true... I have a few words. 55 of them to be exact.
55 Flash Fiction Friday #34: Chapter 26 - Nikalnaa
Hmmmm, all that makes me want to skip over Sunday. Sad stuff!
Anyways, my 55 is up at Passionate fiction
I get so sick of the "send x amount of money to our church, God needs your money". That is such utter bullpoo. Like Forrest Gump said "and that is all I have to say about that!" I could go on for hours but I won't.
I do like your 55 today Galen, keep speaking the truth!
Have a great weekend! :)
hahahaha! - For that I'll let you borrow my Holy Toast imprinter so that they're sure to sop up every last drop. *smirk*
Mine will be up at midnight Pacific time. ;-)
Tears streaming down the repentant looking face Jimmy wailed to some god or another in his best preach from the alter voice "Forgive me lord, forgive me for being with women, not my wife, for paying these women to save my soul...or whatever lord."
"Uh Jimmy..." The real God answered; "Great balls of fire."
Don't get me started on what I just loathe about this whole subject. LOLOLOL I'd be here for an eternity, trust me.
I actually had a lot of fun trying out the 55 word challenge last week, that I did it again today. You'll need to scroll down below my upper part of the blog entry...just keep scrolling 'til you find a blue-eyed beauty...that's when you want to stop and read. LOL
Here is the permalink to Friday's entry. HERE
Interesting post. It is too bad that it is about the money and what the money buys them.
Mine is up.
the media has certainly made a whole bunch of stuff more saleable than it used to be....
and mine's finally up...
Very interesting. I am no fan of those people that rob people the way they do on TV. It is terrible. Yep, pot-licker sounds about right for them.
It took a while but I am up. Have a nice weekend G.
potlicker is probably the nicest thing that could be said about those guys. true men and women of god are to be admired but none of those yutzes passes the test. they irk the ever living tar outta me.
You hit one of my biggies with this one. My 79 year old widowed mother gets hooked up with these people and even though she is living on SS. Grrrrr.....
Anyway-mines up yet again...
Sadly, it probably would work!
I think I need to work the term 'potlicker' into my vocabulary more. It's a very satisfying word.
Mine's up.
Randomness of Me
My Dad used to call people potlickers- I swear I haven't heard the term in 15 years!
Ima tellin you, organized religion is eeevillllll!
Just be nice to everyone, it's that simple.
Have a great weekend Gman! I didnt play! :P
It does you good to cuss once in a while G-man! :)
Great 55 m'dear.
Hey there G and everyone else My 55 is up so please come take a look at it. G I thought your post was very interesting as always. Potlickers hmmm not such a bad term gives a neat visual lol. Have a great weekend.
great 55, g...i'm finally up. you really should get a mr. linky up on here so it's easier for us to sign in and we can get to everyone's blogs easier. if you need help w that i can help you :)
check out sample of mr. linky on my site http://oneweighatatime.com
Oh, you have hit the nail on the head, Galen. I also live in the Bible belt and there is nothing like our Sunday TV. All the televangalists are strutting their stuff with one hand held out. Cussing streak, huh? Can I join in?
Mine is up! D
This reminds me of a hilarious Robert Tilton video someone made that consisted of one of Tilton's sermons with deafening flatulence dubbed in whenever he clenched his face up.
Well, it was hilarious when I was the age I was at the time ...
My 55 is up for the week too.
OK G-Man stop flirting with the Crimson and stop doing the pot!
I'm up finally! Enjoy the weekend and just eat a little bit more fruit...:D
Couldn't help but go with your 'pot licker' prompt! HAHA!
Here's mine:
The Pot-Licker Saloon
p.s. I got it in on time!! Extra Credit for me??
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