Hi Everybody....I hope you all had a swell Week-End.
Fridays 55 about the 'Wise' Confuciousism's, went over so well that maybe a few more words to the wise are in order....Ready?
It's always darkest before the dawn...
So if you are going to steal your neighbors newspaper, thats the time to do it!
Don't be irreplaceable.....
If you can't be replaced, you WON'T be promoted!
Always remember that you are unique....
Just like everyone else!
NEVER test the depths of the water with both feet!
If you think that no one cares if you are alive...
Try missing a couple of car payments!
If at first you don't succeed...
Sky Diving is probably not for you!
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day...
Teach him how to fish, then he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day!
Some days your the bug...
Some days your the windshield!
Everyone seems normal...
Until you get to know them.
The quickest way to double your money...
Is to fold it in half, and put it in your back pocket!
A closed mouth gathers no foot!
There are two theories about arguing with women...
Neither one works!!
Experience is somethng you don't get until just after you need it!
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving!
And finally....Never criticize someone unless you walk a mile in their shoes.
That way if you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, AND you have their shoes!
very good
Ooohhh I was first havent been there in a long time
Oh and I better not let them take my shoes I dont have that many to give away lol
Well, that all makes perfect sense to me. I need help, don't I?:)
LOL, you make me laugh, I needed that :)
lol, i love your rendition of einstein. you rock, gman
that is a good 'replica'..er.."relica"...whatever...
They say its darkest right before the dawn..but O those darkest hours can be so looooong....
The best amongst these is the foot & mouth disease one...
Thank you G for warm wishes
you're a scream!!! both your photo and your words.
Good list! Should be a new book in the bible...
this is a good one and SO true - Don't be irreplaceable.....
If you can't be replaced, you WON'T be promoted!
my weekend is all wrapped up over on my blog!! LOL - happy monday
You make Great Reader KIM Jong Il raff out roud!
Ruv you looong time!!!
Great Reader, KIM Jong IL
On the DMZ near Fresno, Ca.
Great photo G-man and I love all the wise advice! :)
Gotta love the G-stein look. Very nice. So when is the bike trip to Florida or when do the Michigan season tickets arrive so we can see that look again?
Never criticize someone unless you walk a mile in their shoes.That way if you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, AND you have their shoes!
LOL. Most of these I have seen before but still love to see them. The one above however is new to me. I love it.
HI Gman.. i clciked on someone else's "following" and I chanced upon your blog.
:) loving it so far.
Gabby Gale...Good Job!!
Sherry...You neede help with NOTHING!!..xo
Cazzie Cazzie Cazzie..Oi Oi Oi
You rock as well Lime-Aid.
I trust you had a WONDERFUL Birthday Mona Dear!
That makes ME smile Shadow Dancing!
Right next to your cook book Buff!
Hi Jodie-Girl..
Gene...You make the G-Man Raff.:-)
Hi Reeny..
Thanks Pearl...
Glad to make you smile Bryan..
Holly Jean, Welcome to the Jungle. Please visit anytime...G
G-man, your wisedom amazes me! :-)
Okay, you win for most creative idea with the pictures :) Very good - and you look much better than Einstein did.
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