With-out a snowmobile or ski's, it's hard to have fun.
No sailing, no baseball, no grilling...NO FUN!
The days are too short.
The driveways a mess.
No beautiful redheads, in a cute Summer dress.
Depressing mood swings, range from anger to silly.
Most of your fruit....Is a Product of Chile!
CABIN FEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...THEN BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast... Have a Great Week-End!
I sent you some more folks.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Mine is up. I know you can relate.
Galen got the winter blues. Galen looking forward to spring. Galen need vacation in warmer climes before spring. Galen got the winter blues, but he wrote an excellent little 55.:)
loved the 'fruit from chili' line!
I Always check and won't buy that fruit! haha
Rick sent me here and My first 55 is up!
Dayum G. Going a little stir crazy up there? Hate it for ya pal. But at least the Wings are percolating along as usual... that oughta be good for something, right?
I'm back... And this time I read it again before I linked it. Not too graphic this week, but the next couple of weeks... uh yeah.
55 Flash Fiction Friday #30: Chapter 22 - Andheraa
Galen: I have been stuck in the house for 6 days. Iced in and with a bad tooth on top of that! Talk about cabin fever. Go back to work tomorrow, though. Dentist on Tuesday. Maybe things will look up soon!
My 55 is up early as hubby and I are going to auction tomorrow night! D
Nice 55 your put up. I put mine up. Here is the link.
Friday Flash 55
Galen Darling I wrote a 55ve too!
Cabin Fever? I guess most Indian women must suffer that permanently...
Good one Big G. Mine's up! Don't hate me...
aaaah, you poor thing... not to worry, i'm sure you'll find something to smile about today. mine's up btw
Hi everybody, I'm asking you all to be patient with me today. So far I have a Monster Day at work scheduled. 4 new car deliveries, and I have at least 1 going tomorrow on my day off!!
But I promise to visit and enjoy!
That sums it up perfectly! Snow forecast here next week - I hope it's not as bad as you've had there! :(
Mine's up.
i am so with you on this. since winter started in october in these parts i am sooooo ready for it to be over.
Its hell to be a northerner! ah, well-great as usual...mines up and running 2 weeks in a row!
following your lead,, here's my entry entitled, cabin fever
I am feeling some cabin fever myself. We don't have all the snow and ice you all are getting but none the less I want to go outside and play darn it!
Great 55! Have a great, fun filled weekend!
A product of Chile...hehehehehe....
I played along this week as well.
"Most of you fruit is a product of Chile" Frickin' perfect!
As always...well done looong time!!!
Great Reader KIM Jong IL
Loved your 55. So you like redheads, I see.....:)
So glad to hear business is good!!!
My 55 is up
Here's mine:
hey g-great 55. i hate snow. would never like it at ALL lol i haven't got a 55 up. don't know if i will get around to it this week. i'm sick again :-/ brain is all fuzzy lol i'll be visiting everyone over the weekend when i can.
Maybe you need a little vacation down in Florida...:D I just made the deadline...I'm up!
I dislike winter every time it rules the roost. I hate it when the cycles turns and brings snow that won't melt because of the days that never reach degrees 32. But then in July when the heat pops me in the head I wonder why I never kept January icicles hanging from my roof.
I know the feeling well! and to top it off Ive had sick kids they last two weeks and now Ive got a cold AGAIN!
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