At 4:30 AM, like so many nights before, she was "out" with girlfriends. In the past if she did come home, she smelled of Marlboro Reds, booze, and Brut. Startled by a noise in the garage, he checked. There she was, passed out....Car running.
Smiling, he closed the garage door, and went to bed!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then Book! So from the most gracious host from coast to coast, have a Wonderful Week-End.
Oooo, that's a wicked little 55-word fable. Galen does the Dark Side.:)
Oh man... talk about cold! That's, like, Antarctic! {{Shiverrrr}}
I put a warning label on this one... could be a bit too much for those of finer sensibilities. Some things ya just can't make "pretty".
Like a semi-staged suicide... jeez!
55 Flash Fiction Friday #28: Chapter 20 - Mutthee
Oh LMAO that is brilliant! Brilliant I tell you!
Dont get your boxers in a bunch because I dont come around everyday. I have to work ya know. Besides, You know you were meant to host 55, it is your calling, you just needed me to lead you to the slaughter...
Hee heee eeeeeeee
mine's up too
Oh, I know that girl, at least I used to. Glad I never had a garage back in the day! Mine is up!
Very nice ending. Great 55.
I played this week although my 55 is more like a promotion. I went to see a local Independent movie and am pumped about it now.
Well have a nice weekend G.
Hmmm, well, that's an interesting 55. :) After being away for some time, and after a personal appeal from the G-Man himself, I'm back again.
Happy 55 Fiction Fridays!!!
Great one! I love these 55s!
Light week this week... might be time to start crackin' the whip!
Read like you were channeling Edgar Allen Poe...
oooh, who's a bad boy?
Brut..! ha! talk about Retro...! xo
egads! that is indeed a dark piece for you but very well done.
i'm really late with mine, but i am finally up.
lmao maybe you have been hanging over at donnetta's place a bit too much lol love it, g :) btw i'm back in the world of flash fiction...i'm up! hehe
Ooooh your dark side is showing G-man! :0
Great stuff m'dear. x
that'll show her now won't it? LOL! Great 55 as always Galen. I sure hope you all are staying warm and dry, I have been watching the news and heard mention of the frigid temps up there. I think Tennessee is working it's way into a competition with the Northern states because we have been cold as well.
Have a great weekend!
Passed out in the garage with the car running.. Dont you know that ends in death from like carbon monoxide poisoning? Thats horrible..
The perfect murder and a perfect vengeance. He seems to have been waiting for something like this to get back at her...patient guy...wise guy...
Galen I played a 55ve too!
I could see him closing the door with a shit-eating grin on his face. Bravo...real mean, gman! :)
I'm up.
Enjoy coming here. Mine is up.
Okay, I think you are taking lessons from ME now!! Dark Galen strikes. Of course, I like it. Right up my alley.
Mine is finally up. I had trouble with blogger and it took me forever!
LOL yeah that one was destent to end up in divorce!
Just letting you know I just posted a 55 word short story. It's my first. It was fun.
got what she deserved :O lol
sorry man, i keep forgetting to do one, too many distraction in rl, esp when my kids get sick
hope to have something for next friday....
But in a good way, of course.
I'm late this week, but I did two to make up for it.
hey g-man...
since i'm involved in another challenge, where i need to post 12k words for the year, i decided to kill 2 with one, ie. add 55/day, weekdays, which will bring me past the requirements... 55x5=275[x4=1100/month] ;)
beginning tomorrow, i'll try to post my 55/day...
because i was given a bonus of 1000 words for signing up early, to date i have 1243 words... the 243 is posted, and as my bit in jason's flash fiction challenge [click on j evans in my pals+ list]
hope you, and others, partake in jason's next one :)
ewwww - I'd say you have a bit of latent resentment hanging around somewheres... Where's that happy go lucky G Man! Is it because testosterone is building up for the big upcoming Superbowl or what? Come on, spill.
Loved your 55. I have been there before.....lol :) but at least I got into the house before I passed out.
I have a 55, but it is a little late.
Good 55! I´ll really try to play this week, promise!
ok... my first is up... titled mini I
He went to bed and died from the carbon monoxide coming into the house from the car. The police found him the next morning when the police came with a warrant for his arrest for that late library book he never turned in.
Love your 55 story.
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