Barry Morris was Lt. Gerard.
Isaac Hayes, George Carlin, Estelle Getty.
Sidney Pollock, Michael Crichton, and "Hey, Bo Diddley".
Charlton Heston was Ben-Hur.
Paul Newman was a beautiful blur.
Roy Scheider frightened us with Jaws.
Betty Page had... nary a flaw!
...And we all will mourn, Suzanne Horne.
If you or anybody you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then BOOK!!! So from the most gracious host from coast to coast, please have a Wonderful 2009!!!
I have a one time Flash 55,in memory of our dear friend, Liquid
A fitting tribute to all of them G. The past year cost us a lot of talents. George Carlin, Tim Russert, Eartha Kitt... I took a similar, but narrower path this week. I know everybody's wondering what's happening back in 1947 Punjab, but I had to give my heroine this week off. Sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do.
55 Flash (Non) Fiction #26: To Absent Friends
And Cliff, the blogger who probably knew her better than any of us, also wrote a 55 in Suzanne's memory. I told him I'd post his link when I posted mine, so here it is: One Time Flash 55
Whether you called 2008 good bad or in between, here's to a better year in 2009!
A most poignant 55, my dear. It was a year filled with great losses ... yet balanced with great gains.
All greats in one way or another movie stars, writers, directors, or what evers they all were great and made our lives better somehow. Thanks G-man.
It really saddens the heart... I would always feel guilty for not having reached out to her...asked her if she needed to talk...
Nice tribute. Happy New Year to you and yours. Mine's up.
Ah remembering some of the greats! Well done G-man I like it.
Mine's up too. x
Happy new year.
beautiful! and moving! thank you dear mr. g!
i'm back with my 55...
Not everyone has a Happy New Year.
Great flash 55! It would be a good rap : )
quite the list there, galen, but yes it saddens the heart so much more when it is one close to you. hugs to those missing liquid the most.
so sorry to hear
of this loss of a life
and the sadness it brings
to those whose
lives were touched
by this...
makes one think
about what is precious
here on Earth
and how tender
all our feelings
truly are...
sending love...xoxo
lost some greats, but how did i not know about liquid?
been sick last cpl of days or so, didn't even realize today was friday. try to get one posted if i've got the time.
I didn't know Liquid, but this 55 and everyone's responses tell me a lot: they tell me that the impact you have on the world is not necessarily a reflection of your status or notoriety within it.
We are all larger than life to someone.
Thanks for putting it so well, G-man.
My 55 for the week is up too.
G-Man, I'm so sorry for those loses. I didn't know Liquid, but I know how much she meant to many of you here. Please know that I'm thinking of all of you.
I actually participated this week. I need some blogging inspiration and I'm hoping '09 is going to give it to me.
I enjoyed stopping to read and see liquids work now and again. I will miss her, and she has been in my thoughts since I learned of her death. I have so much to be grateful for, life in general, God bless her. I posted a flash 55 today in honor of my Christmas tree.
I wrote my 55 before I had heard about the loss of your fellow blogger. I was reflecting on the sadness of the festivities for some of us. I had no idea it would hit so close to home for many of you.
Posted my Flash 55, the first....but definitely not the last.
That was a fabulous tribute to all those stare Galen :)
Hi, Galen! What a thoughtful and creative memorial. This was very, very good. I would never have thought it up. Congrats on cool thinking.
Mine is finally up. D
I tried 55 fiction at one time .. here's my attempt :
Quite a lot of talent lost last year, when you add it up...
that was great!!! happy new year.
A lot of big losses last year. Nice recap there.
Thanks everybody for visiting and contributing, 55's in this sad week in Bloggerville.
Pretty Me, your link didn't take, I'll try to type in all the letters and numbers. Thanks for visiting though...G
I only knew her as Liquid. It was through her blog I found you. I am saddened by her passing. I only found out today.
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