Hi everybody, is it just me or is this one of the gloomiest Christmas Seasons in recent memory?
With layoffs, bail-outs, failed bail-outs, wage concessions, children growing up and moving out, skyrocketing utility costs, slumping auto sales, foreclosures, a never-ending war, disgruntled foreign reporters winging shoes at our Presidents head, greedy crooked governors....
I hope I see a light at the end of some tunnel real soon.
I am refusing to feel miserable! ;)
i, too, wish & hope for relief soon. it is kind of depressing. we kept our xmas budget low this yr. hard w only one income.
Great cartoons. It is one scary Christmas season this year. We are hoping 2009 wont find my husband unemployed.
Let's hope for the best in "2009"...enough of the gloom and doom!!
It certainly has been bad. And you know that before they were predicting we would hit bottom about the middle of next year. Now with the concesions the auto workeds will probably need to make and the closing of plants and laying off of workers you know it will be even later for Michigan. And here we have Bozo's in State and Federal Government to "save us"? I think we would do better firing the whole lot.
I hope all goes well for you around work. I know it can not be an easy place to work now.
I think we need to throw a party and forget this stuff at least for a night!
well today I am certainly not feeling full of holiday cheer. i kinda want it all to be done and over.
It is gloomy out there. I see that tunnel light you're talking about, though. It might take a while to bust through, but it'll come. I'm short on patience, but we don't have much choice but to perservere, do we? It'll get better!:)
Grr! Filthy bastards! I was laid off again myself!!!
But on a happier note, you can still see me nekkid in the shower. This may be a sign that my budding film career may save me. Someday.
you'll find that light at the end of the tunnel. you will!
it's not just you however I have decided to keep a smile on my face regardless.
Have a great day!
I do feel the way you do, but Christmas was here long before all that, and will still be here when it's gone...
love the toons. it is only gloomy if you let it be.
I agree, this dang world going to hell fast and the rest of us are suffering. I guess Im most mad at oh wait thats tomorrows blog! lol. But I understand it is hard to be cheerful when all this stuff is happing to us and it doesnt look like its gonna get better only worse.Mr Gab and I should own this dang house by now as we have owned it for 33 years but dang if the bank doesnt own it and dang if they are threating to foreclose on us. The thing is when Mr Gab lost his second job that threw us behind in payments but do you think they care? NO! What I cant understand is this with so many houses being foreclosed and auctioned off you'd think they would work with us now that we can pay again? But no they want all that we are behind on in one payment. Never mind the fact that we are paying each months payment now, they want all we owe NOW RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!!! And of course they send out the foreclose papers every week and once a month we have to Sign for them. Oh and get this they dont just send one each week they send 4 and some times 5 all saying the exact same thing. Why oh why do we need 4? What a waste of paper and stamps and no wonder they need our money! They going broke sending everyone 4 notices a week! Sorry didnt mean to go off like that! Have a good one
meh. I'm having a crummy holiday season too, but nothing I won't get through or get over. And I'm very thankful for my job and my chilis, and friends like you to converse with. I also keep reminding myself that not all Christmases are like this and to have faith because things are going to get better eventually.
Ciara Mist
Sherry xo
Cozy Mama?
Snow...Thank you all for visiting, Gabby, I hope things get better real soon. Shadow? Awww Thanks I'll be over...G
if you checked your email you would know that COZYMAMA is really Jodes!! ;)
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