Monday, November 17, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes.....

Remember yesterday's post when it was just snow flurrying a bit?
The top pic is what I woke up to this morning.
I had dreaded coming into work today because our lot guy has gone deer-hunting for a week and that means that us burly sales staff sales people must go out and scrape and clean off all of the cars. But much to my glee, the town of Fenton where I work is only 20 miles south of Flint, and they were spared any accumilation!! Yay!!!!
It is a Happy Monday....


lime said...


lime said...

it's the little things like that which can put a smile on our face. relieved for you too. :)

Queenie said...

Saved you a job then, more time to sell cars!!!!
Getting chilly here, forecast even colder throughout the week, maybe we will have snow...

Akelamalu said...

I dread it snowing! :(

What a job cleaning off all the cars :(

snowelf said...

Us too!! We woke up to completely iced over streets and snow. My anti-lock brakes got a workout this morning.

(But looking outside now, it seems the snow already all melted and I bet the streets are better now too)

Stay warm Galen!!


Cha Cha said...

Now that's some good news!

The Deerhunter will be back before you know it.

We have not had any accumulation here, as of yet. I'm hoping it doesn't start for awhile.

It was flurrying when I got off the El after work today though.

It was kinda pretty.

Serena said...

Well, I'm glad you didn't have to scrape. Maybe a day does make a difference sometimes. Or maybe it doesn't mean squat. Who knows?

Lulda Casadaga said...

Well, it's misting here tonight and has gotten way colder...who knows maybe some white flakes will fly later. Keep warm all...

G-Man said...

Yeah Trini, cause I forgot my gloves..

Yes Queenie, if there were customers..

Yes Ake, I believe I took pics last year. And thats how I want to see the snow, in pics!

Hi Snow...
I'm sure it will stick before too much longer...:-)

Hi Alex, thanks for stopping by...G

Strumpet...The Snowy Windy City!!

Thats right Sherry, who knows?
Wait a Minute...Aren't I Mr. Knowitall..:-)

Mona said...

are we going to talk weather all this week?

Galen, my house has masons & painters & carpenters in it for the past several days! Its a pandemonium here right now! & I can't think!

S said...

I hate to tell you this G, but the past five days have been sunny, between 78-90 marvelously lovely in No Cal!


All that cold does look lovely though, from here!

Shadow said...

oooh, lovely snow. says i from a country that doesn't get any....

SignGurl said...

You barely got any snow so quit yer bellyaching!

barman said...

Yea for you. We have snow on the grass but a bunch of it melted Monday. Now we have a little more there again. I had ice on the cement and picked up some salt after work yesterday. To my surprise it was gone. It probably is back this morning. Winter, yuck.

buffalodick said...

Snow Michigan!

KJ said...


Breazy said...

I do believe we will some of the white stuff down here in good ole' East Tennessee this year. Normally we never see more than mere flurries and that doesn't happen until January or February but we have had flurries the past two nights and expecting more on Friday. Personally I wouldn't care if it snows rear end deep to a ten foot indian, so long as every one has heat and food.

Have a good week!

G-Man said...

Heather...Thanks for stopping by and commenting, you guys ROCK!!!!

jillie said...

Right now some snow would be great! It's too damn hot and dry

tsduff said...

Brrrr! You stayin warm up there! It looks COLD :D