The big marble in the first pic, was my Grandmas.
She had it ever since her early childhood. She was born in 1903.
That long stone next to it is a wet-stone. I learned the value of keeping your knife sharp at an early age. In the "Thumb" of Michigan is a small community named Grindstone City. You could walk along the shore and pick up these stones like sea shells. This stone has been in our family for years, and it still works just fine....
The bottom 2 pics is why I'm so tired today, we had to broom our cars on the lot because of an overnight snow accumilation. Of course I came dressed for it....Most didn't. Grrrrrrrrrr.
Thanks to everyone that shared their family stuffing recipe'...You all ROCK!!!
Ooooo, that snow looks cold. It's not even December yet and I'm already tired of winter. Something tells me it's gonna be a long, cold haul.
O dear, that winter looks severe!
I hate winters!
Have a good rest Galen. Please take care!
damn, i wouldn't want to face a car looking like that every morning. i guess there are advantage to living in sunny sa....
I really could have done without this early snow. Just shoveling the walks was not fun... that was heavy snow. I feel for you and that particular aspect of your job.
I thought that marble was a super ball. I had lots of those. They kept getting trapped under the kitchen cabinets. There must be 30 of them under my parents cabinets.
I like the idea of that wet stone. Very nice.
Have a great Thanksgiving filled with family and friend.
neat old marble. and i had no idea you could find a whetstone just laying on the ground like that. what type of rock is a whetstone?
sorry you had all that brushing to do. i think a snow day at a car lot has to be a miserable time.
I just cant imagine.
I lived in Alaska for three years, that was enough snow to last the rest of my life
Happy Thanksgiving GMAN!
That car lot own a hose? Slop snow melts quickly...
Susie, you lived in Alaska? Boy I sure have so little I know about you. Did you know Sarah Palin? LOL
Just looking at the picture of the marble and the stone... well my guttermind kicked in and I could have sworn that it was something alot dirtier
OOOOh Im so glad it's you guys and not me "Yet".
Mona Dear
Poetry Sue
Gale///You all have a Great Thanksgiving!!!
I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one who thought that thing was some sort of elaborate sextoy.
I was gonna ask you where you got it.
Learned something new today. Wetstone must me a thing of nature since it was found on the shore of Lake Michigan. Whetstone must be the manufactured version.
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