She's on the cover of every tabloid at the Supermarket.
She's on my home page at Yahoo every time I log on..
Is she a fashion statement?
Is she a skank?
She's the Governor of a state that has about eighty-thousand people.
and half of them eat blubber!!!
I'd rather vote for Tina Fey!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then BOOK!!!
Please have a Great Week-End everybody...
I'm voting for Tina Fey as well. She's hot, as is your 55.
My 55 is up this evening.
Awesome 55... Here is mine
Isn't it just uncanny how much they look alike? I'm voting for Tina, too.
Well she is debating pretty decent. Not sure if she is winning however. I have not seen Tina do Palin but you know at this point I would vote for Tina too. My 55 will be up soon...
Great 55 G-Man! She is looking pretty good tonight at the debate.
My 55 is up. Stop by if you can.
Dah'lin............I am up.
Imagine that.
Weeeeeeeee! *buzzing on Debate Night high* And then I come here to see your 55 is about Palin. What fun! Tina Fey is hot. That's all I'm saying.
Happy 55!
I'm happy I don't have to vote for any of them. Mine's up too!
Sorry I'm so late getting to the party... I was at Smoofus's Debate Party bashing Sarah Palin
But I'm back with a new chapter
Great 55, G-Man. I watched the debate ... by halfway through, I found myself mostly looking at her throat. There was something disturbingly glossy and fixed about her perma-smile. But wow, does she have a great throat.
My Friday 55 is up. There's a new one earlier in the week too!
I'm voting for Tina Fey too! But I must say two things fist. Anchorage alone has more than 80k people (279,671). And I really don't think half of them eat blubber. ;-)
Mine will be up in two hours (midnight Pacific time).
She is also on our front page NEWS here Down Under, that is, the World NEWS... and maybe even coming up evens with the Stock Market business that is going on right now.
She reminds me of someone we had run for Government here a few years back..Pauline Hanson... she was her own entity really, had her own style and fashion sense, that no one really followed LOL
You made me LOL g-man - great 55 honey. :)
Mine's up too
The more I listen, the more we need better choices...
I am with you on this one, I do not like Palin.
Great 55!
Have a wonderful weekend!
i had a friend who was damn near orgasmic over mcsame picking palin.
i said ok, let's see. i'm going to nominate mr. jones who was the mayor of our town (roughly the size of wasilla, AK) for 12 years and who was elected as a judge 4 years ago. let's pretend he was elected governor of PA instead of as judge. our state has a significantly higher population and would have given him ore to deal with in terms of a wide cross section of american issues. do you think the former mayor jones would be ready to be VP? i think mayor jones is a lot smarter than palin and woudl h ave had more experience under the circumstances....but there still ain't no way i'd think he is ready.
orgasm interrupted.
Since I got my glasses everyone has insisted on calling me Sarah Palin.. I keep making them call me Tina Fey. Hot.
tina fey is way more cool and smarter, too! she'd have my vote. great 55, g :) i'm up now..yippee lol
Can't say I wrote a 55, but I did write a long rambling non sensical blog about how I dislike Sarah Palin.... so that's related right?
Galen...My mundane 55ve is up.
Palin is pretty...
Tina lookin' pretty good, yeah? Cool 55!
Mine is up! Donnetta
Tina Fey is great.
What's funny is that the other day they were talking on the radio about how everytime Palin is on, they have to make sure it's not an SNL skit!
Sorry I missed 55 this week, I have been under the weather.
(Speaking of weather, it is getting chilly already!! :( )
Happy weekend to you Galen!
I'm with you here. Seeing some friends too, and that's great
Thanks everyone for stopping by and thanks to all that played...
See ya next week...Galen
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