My Great Grandfather brought this with him from Germany in the late 19th century. I have it still in the original case, The top pic I downloaded on E-Bay, it was selling for 25 Bucks..
It is a George Wostenholm & Sons Circa mid 19th century, fair condition..I'd NEVER sell it of course...:-)...(or anything else for that matter hehehehe)
We have my husband's great grandfather's. And lots of other family treasures.
Has the cold weather hit you guys yet? It was frickin' freezing here today!!!
Galen...when I come to Michigan, I will visit 'The Galen Museum' :D
That thing looks wicked sharp. I know you'd never part with it, though. It amazes me how some people can part with family heirlooms for a few bucks.
for a second I thought You had lost Your "delete-key" ;-)
Now that would give out a great shave for sure. Just make sure you know how to use it.
Missy, wow 5 cents. I remember the saying shave and a hair 2 bits (25 cents) which got me wondering where that came from. "The Spanish milled dollars were easily cut apart into equal "bits" of 8 pieces. One "bit" would be equal to 1/8 of a dollar, and 2 bits would equal 2/8 (or 1/4 - a quarter of a dollar). So, it is easy to see why the coins were called "pieces of eight", and "2 bits" was commonly used to refer to 25 cents."
Evening it is ca ca ca ca ca ca COLD here now.
I cannot get past the fact that you haven't taken the stickers off your new 'puter. Ahhhh!!!!!
i can't imagine shaving that way. even less can i imagine having someone else shave you that way. just scares me. i'd be afraid of being made into ribbons.
All you need is a leather strop.. I love steel...
Hi, Galen: I have odds and ends of things that Granny and also sweet mother in law gave me. Love just to look at them and remember.
Go see my foolish Wednesday post from Dark Donnetta! D
Thanks Dear, I did laundry!!
Yes Reeny, it is Fucking Cold!!
Mona...You have a lifetime pass!!
Hi Sherry...I'll have to sell some things one day I suppose..:-)
Hi Anna-Lys...
Welcome to the Jungle...G
You crack me up son...G
Jenn...You are supposed to take them off?
Trini...You gotta have a steady hand thats for sure...;-)
Buff...I wish I had a leather strap!
A Masterpiece!!!
I know what the top photo is........I use one just like it.
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