Hi everybody....
I hope you had a swell Week-End, I sure did!!!
Saturday I had to work. and for some odd reason I was very busy.
I ended up selling TWO Trail Blazers and in spite of it being a S.U.V. It has so many incentives on them that they are too good of a deal to pass up..
And Sunday was our annual Golf Outing. Our team finished 1 Under par and we finished in 3rd place.
I would have had pics of some golf but I had made up a 1/2 gallon of Bloody Mary's, and had some pre-rolls, so you'll have to forgive my absent mindness behavior..hehehe
I won some great prizes...I table top CD player Stereo, a couple of 30 dollor gift cards, assorted hats, balls, towels, T's etc..
The guy in the 3rd pic down is my boss and over-all Great Guy, Richard Canever.
I'm very tired....Good Night....G
That is your boss?
He does not look like a 'boss'!
Not by Indian standards at least...
so that's the infamous
Dick Canever...!
congrats on scoring
all those prizes!
Awesome stuff Galen :)
Sounds like you have a great stress-free day -- with prizes. It doesn't get much better than that!
Depending on need, people will always buy a truck, van, or SUV if they need to..
the person in the second picture looks like roxi!
glad you had fun and won lots of good stuff.
We simply must see these balls of which you speak, heh!
Nice shots! Especially since you were soused on Bloody Marys.
Hi Gman! Im hereeeeee sortof!
Stuff the golf...bring on the Bloody Marys!
Mona...Congratulations on your exhaulted position today!!
Hi Lisa...Yep, thats him. And he is a very nice guy.
Hi Caz...Missed you Matey.
Hi Sherry..You know what I say about golf.."Your not at work, and your not at home, how bad can it be?..xo
Hi Buff..I guess people will buy anything if the price is right.
Hi Trini...
Thats Hot Angie, she does look a bit like Roxi.
Jenn...My balls are off limits Thank You.. *wink*
Susie Cue...Where'd you go?
Karen...I thought you was a wine girl..
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