Formidable Pygmy Cur...
Noble defender of the brave and loyal reputation of an entire species.
Even it's name Dachs(Badger) Hund(Dog), evokes an image of unbridled tenacity!
As they are fiercly protective of it's Master....
They are also the itsy-bitsy Weiner Dog.
And they are just the cutest little sweeties in the world!
If you or anyone you know have posted a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment and ...BOOK!!
Please have a GREAT WEEK-END!!!
Go Blue!!!!!
Greetings G-Man, and Friends!
I'm up!
I rarely see a brindle Dachshund. Handsome young lady you got there G-Man. quickest way to my heart is with a dog...
The Tonka Unit now has a place of honor as my header graphic. It's a shot taken in one of his favorite places in the world to be: His Truck. I make the payments, he lets me drive it, but make no mistake... that's Tonka's truck.
heh - funny that we both have dog posts this 55. ;-)
You are catching on about the Yahtzee thing I see...
That's not my dog.
We have a Sheltie...That little Bitch still barks AT me after 10 years!!
I used to have one, his name was Fritz...
Hi Erica...
Now lets see..
You...I guess I'm off to do some reading!
Oh, my goodness, that IS a cute little sweetie. Reminds me of my little part-Dachshund snookums. They are brave little things. Adorable 55, G.:)
Galen, your soft side is showing. *giggles* What a cute 55.
I'm up!
crap, i never get to yahtzee! LOL great 55...i love dachshunds :) uhhh still don't have my 55 up yet. midnight most likely (my time of course lol)
Awww, what a cutie. Mine's up x
i'm finally up, yeehaw! LOL
Awwww-bless, you know dogs hit the right spot with me. I'm out there....
Love the dog!!!
Have a great weekend
Oh a sausage dog! Sorry dachshund! Good description in 55 words g-man. I've posted.
Showing a weiner picture? Hehe!!
My 55 is here.
I had fun with my 55. I probably will continue my streak of not visiting 55s but I promise to do better next week when things settle down a little.
Very nice 55 G. Have a great holiday weekend G.
awwww how sweet! My husband has always wanted a Dachs Hund but I can't have dogs in the house so we haven't got one yet. I told him he could pretend that our outside dog is a Weiner Dog though because he is long and short (part lab part corgie)
Great 55, Have a wonderful weekend!
if i were going to have a dog i'd probably want a big one that scared the shit out of bad guys. if i were going to have a little dog it sounds like a wiener dog would be the way to go.
cute 55 gman
Great one G Man...
Here is mine
Thats a cute weener dog.
Yeah, but I like real dogs.
Ones that can eat cats...
Wait! What am I saying?
Little dogs are just fine with me.
I played Gman!
( I am coming after having brushed my teeth & having rinsed my mouth thoroughly ) & despite that, i don't get to kiss anybody...
Yes G man, That is indeed such a sweetipie with such doleful eyes!
& My silliest 55ve up to date is up!
they ARE the cutest sweeties in the world!!!!!! Fierce, cute sweeties, granted, but still....
G-Man, I am up WAAAAY late. But better late than never eh? :)
Heya, Galen-baby...
Your 'stache is sure lookin' spiffy there, studmuffin.
So, what kind of a ride were you askin' me to go on the other day?
I'm borrowing my bro's comp. I just posted an epic novel, but I forgot it was Friday. I'll try and come up with a 55-er before I give this back to him later.
While I have his laptop, I wanted to be sure to come by and say hello.
Miss you bunches and bunches, G-daddy.
Okay, I wrote one.
It's a quickie.
But, it's a 55.
What a beautiful baby! Deserving of this tribute. Enjoyed the picture also! Have a great weekend, Galen.
My 55 is up!
You have a little weiner dog Sherry?
I bet he IS cute...
Like every lady in your house!
Hi Smoofy, yes I am sensitive!
Ciara...I've seen yours..Thanks
Hi Karen..Yours was Great!
AKE...I'll be right there..
Jenn...GREAT!!! As always..G
Queenie...You know I'll visit!
Bryan...Your next!!!
Hi KJ...Have a Great Week-End!
Hi Heather..Have a Great Week-End.
Limey...I read yours at work but I couldn't comment!
Mr. O...Thanks brother..G
Susie!!! Yay!!..My 55 mentor!
Mona..? You silly? I'll have to check it out!
Poltie...I knew you would come through...G
Strumpet...? Long lost Strumpet?
Now stop saying stuff like that, you'll get me in trouble! I'm so glad you played thanks...:-)
Donnetta...Your in line...Thanks
Oh? Hmmm.:)
G-Man, have u seen this?
I have some friends in PA that have one named Courage. They used to live near me in StL and would take her to the Weiner Dog Race every year. So much fun!
ttys my sweet G-man!
Dickiebo...I'll have a look!
Hi Snow...Having a good Holiday?
Yes? To what I was wondering? Oh, dear, Galen-san.:)
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