Blood of Dionysus.
While your clustered brethren has long since been gathered, pressed, vatted, and swilled... You are still clinging to the vine. Standing your lonely vigil. Waiting to wither. Waiting to freeze!!
But from that frosty raison explodes AMBROSIA!!
Honey Of The Gods!
The ultimate gift from Nature...
To it's very undeserving offspring.
Hi everybody, this is the bottle of Heaven that my daughter brought me from Germany. It cost 45 Euro's, however much that is.
If you or anyone you know has posted a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man, I will visit, read, comment, enjoy, then BOOK!!!!
Please have a Great Week-End.
You are making me thirst G. Shame it's a little early for a drink here. Love this!
Woohoo! I'm first.
Mine's up x
I don't know how much 45 Euros is, either, but if it tasted like ambrosia, it was worth any price. Cheers!:)
My 55's a-waitin for ya
Peace yo.
I have a bottle of ice wine (not really a wine, more of a syrup) that I've been wanting to open. I strongly consider opening it every time Sophia has one of *those* teething nights (I still nurse her - think soothing syrup for mom and baby *grin*)
oh and my 55 will be up in 10, 9, 8,...
Ambrosia... a name that was too...
45 Euro is a lot of money
I love the way you have described the 'way' from Vine to bottle :)
Beautiful expression!
& My 55ve is up too!
darn it, kb beat me LOL oh well. that wine looks delicious, and i'm not much of a drinker. great 55...now i gotta go visit everyone else :)
Wow... 45 Euros is up to about $67 US these days. The dollar has slipped a lot in the last four years. *frump*
Love your tribute, G-diddy. I'm up, too, as you've already discovered. Sorry. I was napping when your 55 finally went up. Doh.
I have got to try some of that ice wine. I've heard it's heavenly. Care to share?
My 55 is up, finally.
Wow you are getting good at this, man!
I played again, can you believe it?
I can almost taste it!!
45Euros is a lot of money! I hope you savoured every mouthful?
Mine's up too.
Just a quick message to KB - every time I load your blog my computer seizes up - so sorry I can't comment on your 55. :(
Cheers, enjoy! BTW I remembered, I'm up....
Hi everybody...
What a wonderful array of 55's this week. Thank you all for playing, and I'll catch all the late posters when I get home from Border's tonight....Ciao
Hard to believe morning on Friday is a late poster but ... yes I finally posted. I think I could use a drink but tell you what, I am not sure I could tell the difference between bones farm or the good stuff so we will just go with some dash board wine.
Have a great weekend. Only one more week left...
honey of the gods inDEED! :)
I've played again this week.
what a thoughtful gift! i'll trade you a hard cider for a glass of that...
Great 55 G.... I missed last week because I forgot that it was Friday. Wow night shift messes up my internal clock.
Here is My 55 for the week.
mmmm icewine.
in Ontario here,
where Inniskillen
brand is made,
it is $54.00 a bottle.
and $7 for a teeny tiny
mini bottle, which so far,
i have had in my fridge
for about 6 months.
what can i say,
i'm a cheap date...
have friday fun G-pal...
Hi, Galen! Mmmm. That sure does look good. Pour me one, won't you?
My 55 is up!
Wine. Ha..
I hope it was lovely. And you didnt even invite me over for some.
I want some!
Oh, that is a great wine, G-man. I was amazed at the great offerings they had while I lived there. Sorry about my prolonged absence, I hope to be back on track with my 55s again real soon. :D
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