Hi Everybody!! I sure had a busy and fun filled Week-End.
All of my posts this week will re-live them all...
Yesterday, my daughter wanted me to bring the carpet shampoo-er down to her in Ann Arbor, so that she could make sure that she can get her deposit back on her old apt, that she has to out of by the 19th.
Sunday also happened to be the day that the coaches and players of the U/M football team could meet the fans and sign autographs. So at 12 Noon I hightailed it over to the practice facility next to Big House and waited in line for the doors to open.
Pic #1. Ahhhh The Big House..Gate 10. the gate I always enter through, and have for 35 years!
2..They are adding 'Sky Boxes' around the stadium much to the chagrin af some Alumni!!
3..The line to get in...85 degree's and very muggy.
4..Inside finally!! And another hour wait till the coaches and players arrive.
5..The far line was by far THE longest line. I'd say it was over 200 yards long, and they were waiting for Michigans new coach Rich Rodriguez...as I was .
6..They were passing out these free posters , and I got several for my friends that couldn't make it with me.
7..There he is...The man himself!! By this time I had been standing in line over 3 hours in muggy heat.
8..After Rich signed my book I extended my hand and he shook it, and I said..."Congratulations coach, you now have The Greatest Job in the country." He smiled and said.."I sure do!"
Saturday..August 30. High Noon.....
The Tradition Continues.....GO BLUE!!!!!!!
i know you are so excited so i am excited for you. i may need to have you explain some of the game to me since i now have to actually pay attention to football games with my son playing in them.
I presume you're talking football? You may as well be talking martian to me! Still if you enjoy it that's all that matters. :)
Football its all Soccer to me!!
Oh man, I always love to see a game in the Big House although all the games I have seen have always been non conference blowouts. Still, have a wonderful time at the game. I will have my DirecTV dish pointed at the proper spot and be watching from where I am camping. GO BLUE!!!
Hey Lime, I took a peek around and found two books.
Snot Bubbles! A Football Primer for Moms, Wives & Significant Others
Football For Dummies (For Dummies (Sports & Hobbies)) by Howie Long and John Czarnecki
The first one seems to g after the basics and it seems that it was very well received. The Dummies book goes into a bit more but does not cover a lot of the basics I guess. You should be able to take your place among the ranks of proud football Moms.
I love me some football
Go blue, but not in the face. that means constipation!
enjoy your game Buddy!
Clearly, the countdown is on. I know you can't wait. Go, Blue!:)
6 points!!!
Klattu Berada Niktogoblu!!!
Thanks once again for facilitating stuff thats beyond my technical prowess!!! You Da Man...G
I know ya'll does sugar!..;-)
You could now be a cheerleader!!
Michigan Blueberries do NOT give you constipation...The opposite!!
Evacuation!!!!! hahahaha...G
You know that Blue is my favorite color..
But I do indeed Love Love Love Red!! xobgxo
I am so jealous right now.... What a neat time you had! I have been to Ann Arbor once, since my son graduated... Once, while going to a basketball game, we took a short cut through the Big House when nobody else was in it... Quite a memory!
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