The feast day of St. Lawrence is coming up on August 10th. He was roasted alive on a spit, but faced death heroically telling his torturer's..."Turn me over, I'm cooked on that side."
St Lawrence is the patron saint of those who grill!!!
Here are a couple more little known saints that may pique your interest...
St. Denis is the patron saint of syphilis and Paris (coincidence? I think not). And he should NEVER be confused with St. Fiacre, the patron saint of non-specific venereal diseases. He combined this with looking after gardeners AND hemorrhoid sufferers!
One day after an altercation with a non-believer in Brittany, St. Fiacre sat down heavily on a rock and miraculously left an impression of his buttocks on it. Christian acne and hemmorrhoid sufferer's later claimed that they could get relief by sitting on this impression.
Thousands flock to this shrine today, near the village of Clearasil...
St Agatha is the patron saint of Malta, bell ringers, fire, earthquakes, sterility, and diseases of the breast. In the 3rd century, she defended her virginity against a high-ranking Roman and was sent to prison, where her breasts were cut off; They were restored by devine intervention!
(Much like Pam Anderson's) She was later sent to work in a brothel, (where her virginity somehow remained intact). She was then burned at the stake, where she failed to ignite!!! Finally she was beheaded. Sicillians honor her every year by carrying an image of her breasts through the streets. ( St Agatha, NOT Pam Anderson)
And you know what? I just had breakfast so I'm saving the story of St. Catherine of Sienna for another time..
so you're saying i should give thanks to st. agatha?
Hahahaha!! G-man, you are both brilliant and clever!
Your cooking looks fantastic too. :)
Brilliant Snow?
What is so brilliant about stating just knowledge that you gather from here & there? ( Frowns)!?!
I think all those people who applied the knowledge about the beatifying buttocks for their given usefulness...THEY are brilliant!
Good Lord, I think I'd rather be a heathen than have to go through all that stuff to achieve sainthood. The mind boggles!
Galen is the saint of the blogger babes...
Yes you should!!..:-)
No shit!!
You too!!! U2..hehehe
Hi Snow..
Why thank You My Dear...G
Don't get your sari in a bunch.
Sherry my dear...
NOTHING boggles your mind..xox
Hi Jenn...
St. Bloggo?
St. Bosco?
St. He Ain't!!!
tell me a bedtime story, baby...
I wonder what I could be the Saint of? *polishes halo*
No Galen, I am not getting my saree in a bunch...
What I mean is that you have a propensity to get praised for all the wrong reasons. Now just see... knowledge is available at a click of the mouse so no need to inflate your brain with praises of such. You have greater potential than that. You should be praised more for your ideal self...for who you are : a person so large hearted, so loving & caring & forgiving etc.
& of course for your sense of humor!
hey , you already are... maybe I do not read all the comments here!
St Lawrence really turned my stomach, I'll look at spare ribs in a completely different way. Mums getting sorted now so I'm posting again. Give me a week to settle in and I'll have ago at 55s.X
Happy Hump Day Gman
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