Hi Everybody....Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT leaving till This Friday, Leap Day!!!
Thank You those that wished me well...
This will be a very hectec week at work and home, so I may be somewhat scarcer than I have been already. But I'll be postin somethin...I really really need this vacation!!!
we love you...!
...and we miss you already...
I'll bet you can already feel the Southern breezes blowing your hair. Vrooooooom.:)
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bottom biker chicks! lol Thanks for cheering me up
And we are just making sure you know we are wish you and safe and good trip. RELAX!
Those little chicks really are rockin' the leather! So cute!
I hope your week flies by and you are on your way to the glorious sunshine that all Northerners desperately need this time of the year.
Oh man, that chick on the bottom right ... hot momma.
You week will be over before you know it. Hopefully the snow misses us and you wont have to deal with that. Just think, less than a week and you will be THERE! Hang in there, biker week will be there before you know it.
Not even gonna wish you a good time!!!!!!
If you don't have a good time it's your own fault, LOL!!!!!!!
(what happens in Daytona stays in Daytona)
I hope you have a really good time on vacation Galen. We are in need of a good one here as well but we can't go anywhere until the kids go on Spring Break from school which is March 17-21. I can't wait.
You have a good hectic week and just make sure you post a good bye post.
lisa Dear...
I'm never very far away..
Yeah Sherry, I sure can!
Thanks Red..xoxbgxoxo
Thanks Gale...xox
Very well said ...
You Rock!!!
You know it Brother..
Very sound advice...
Thanks sweetie..xox
Breazy, I certainly will !!!
Galen? One chick trying to cover up the other one's ass? I like that kind of trade unionism...
Happy Riding Galen. My this leap on the leap day be a quantum leap for you!
Take care. & yes you need to spend time with the family before you leave, so we won't mind a bit if you are not here. All we wish for you is a good quality time with your family before you leave and a happy times ahead when you go a riding...
((HUGS)) & Bon Voyage!
You are such a beautiful and thoughtful and caring person....
The jacketed chicks could use pedicures, and some thinning down, they remind me too much of Roseanne Barr.
hahaha, love the second set of chicks!
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