You've heard about the Giant African Goliath Frog (conraua goliath). That giant hopper can weigh 6-8 pounds, and can measure up to 13 inches!!
Meet BEELZEBUFA, A.K.A.....Devil Frog!
It lived 65 million years ago.
It weighed over 10 pounds
It grew to over 16 inches.
It ate baby dinasaur's for breakfast!!!
OK Peeps, one week from today I'll be leaving for Daytona Bike Week!!
I'll still be pulling 55 duty for today. But for the next TWO Friday's, I'll be ridin and smilin in sunny Florida..So remember to tell the Beautiful Susie if you've created a 55 masterpiece!! Have a great week-end everybody..
No Missy, I'm just a nature lover... Hahahaha
Congrats on being first, and you also have a great week-end....G
yes, a veritable treehugger, methinks.
i'm a nature lover too, G...!
i love your nature..
Well Thanks for telling me Missy...I'll be right there..
Hello Ms. Lisa...
I've hugged a few natural wonders in my day thank you!!
You my dear have a very kind and loving nature..
Thank You for being such a loyal friend....G
See, this is the problem when it comes to kissing frogs -- is it a good little green frog, or is it a toad named Beelzebufa? One will give you good results and the other will give you warts -- or worse. I haven't kissed my newest froggie yet; I'll let you know what happens.
Have a wonderful time down South. I know you will.:-)
What I'd give to be such a lucky frog for ONE day!
Let met know what happens Sherry....G
What I'd give to be such a lucky frog for ONE day!
Let met know what happens Sherry....G
PPPPardon the sttttutter!
S'okay, I know why you're stttttttutttterin'.:) You'll be the first to know how that frog makes out.:-)
That is ONE SCARY FROG!!!!
I did a 55 this week too!!
You are gonna make out with a frog?
Jildo, I marked my West-Coast territory already, Thanks...xoxox
He wishes but, ummmm -- no.:)
` Specking of frogs, I think Froggy has been killed once more. It's a weekly occurrence anyway.
You never know with frogs & beasts...They tend to transform with a kiss I heard my granmom say...
Keep away from frogs,she said, they become humans if you kiss them, They are so dangerous, she said...
Thank God that ate only dinos, I wouldn't like to imagine, my head hanging out of east end and my legs hanging out of west end of that frog,& that too writhing...
Hey, I love the frog theme though...I love froggies despite of my granma's warnings!! ;D
That was one bigass froggy!!!!!!!!!!!
I am up, if anyone wants to check it out!
Croak, that is one hell of a frog. Will miss you, have a fantastic time.
That is one scary horny toad. Ok, frog!
I posted a 55 this morning.
Sherry, Sherry, Sherry, Sherry....xoxox
Now when I click this link, I wanna see some frogs!!!
Your Grandma sounds very wise indeed..
So all this worldly insight obviously runs in your family..
Thanks Mona Dear..xoxmrxox
Jadey, LOVED your 55!!
Thanks for playing..G
I mysteriously Loved your 55..hehehehe...G
I've been there, and now I'm hungry...G
A dead Frog??
For once you weren't kidding!!!
Thanks for sharing that..
I'd wager there's some who wish those were still around (the some would be frog leg consumers.)
My 55 is up.
Oh no, Rebicmel stole my comment! :(
Most interesting froggy there. Greta 55. Have a wonderful trip there G. Soak in all that wonderful sunshine and awesome weather. When you are back we will be on or will shortly be on Daylight Savings time and spring will be just around the corner. Ah.
Nice 55 as always. And I am not kissing a frog. Besides, I am not looking for a prince anyways.
O No Galen! My Grandma was a terror!
My 55 is up too!
WOW!!!! That is one big frog!
I'm a regular of SignGurl's and today I did a 55. I am going to post it now. :)
Ok well, I made the mistake of ctl - v and I hadn't copied my 55 yet so now it's gone. Crud. It was really good too! wah. Ok, maybe next week...dammit
Wow Gman, that frog is big!
I am so excited for you, you are going to have so much fun.
Be sure to take plenty of pictures!
that is one HELL of a frog. Frogzilla.
Have fun riding in the sun.
I played this week too.
i bet those frog legs could have fed an entire village! that is, assuming the frog didn't eat you first.
OOOOh I read about the devil frog - what a monster!
Have a great bike week next (2) weeks.
Mine's up too.
Enjoy your weekend G-man!
Again have a good trip and be safe. Ive updated my blog if your interested
now that is a big frog! You have a good time in Daytona and remember to take lots of photos for us back here awaiting your return.
and the amphibians WILL rule the world
Galen bring me back some sunshine and a happy, relaxed G-man!! Have a great time!!
G Man....
Sniff Sniff ! :(
good morning!!!! I love frogs.
Wheeeeeee! Daytona! Have a great time! I'm planning (hoping) to leave Monday (four days early!!!) for Michigan, so I'll be on the road next week, too. I shoudl still be able to post, though.
Man. To be a devil frog. I wonder how far they hopped. Do you think the 'brow ridge' really looked devil-horn-esque like in that sketch? Pretty cool. Giant sinister frogs... I love it!
I'll be around to visit everybody else shortly. Hectic and still recovering from my cold.
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