Hi Everybody, I hope you all survived the Holidays...
You probably are thinking that I'm really digging deep with this weeks Pic..
But nawwww, I happen to love 'Pig-Pen'.
Not only that, I make the rules...hahahahaha
This was an extremely busy stretch for me between Thanksgiving and New Years,
and business was brisk at times.
Coming home after working 11 hr days, AND brooming snow off of cars in the bitter cold is not good blogging atmosphere. I have been very remiss in visiting my good blogging friends and I apologize..I've noticed a marked drop off in commenting and posting, so I guess I'm not the only one that took a brief break from creativity...
I hope this upcoming year proves to be prosperous for you and your loved ones..
Manny..Pam...Go Bucks!!!
w00t!!! doing the 'i marked gman first dance.'
ok, pigpen is cute. i love the line about him being the only one who can make a dustcloud in a snowstorm. hehehe
oh yeah, thirds too ;)
and hey, new year, new blogging patterns. life should settle down a bit now.
I've always loved Pig-Pen, the little cutie. I've noticed a marked drop in blog traffic, too, and have been remiss about keeping up with everyone myself. It's been a busy, busy period. Things will pick up again.
With the great start you're off to, '08 will for sure be happy and prosperous for you.
Hope your New years is wonderful. Ive missed ya but I too have been mia!
I think we have all been a little MIA, some more than others!
Here in Cali I lost my power for a day and a half on Friday, due to the nasty storm we had.
Wind gusts up to 70 m.p.h., scarry!
Pigpen Rocks, and so does G-daddy!
Brief stopover at home again btwn a busy traveling schedule, man! how I hate traveling!!
I came especially to thank you for the most beautiful card you sent me!
I love the rotating Poinsettias and the fact that your handwriting is worse than mine ( Chuckle)
Ok! that was a joke really :D
Thank you once again for your sweet and most thoughtful gesture!
11 hours! I did the same yesterday and I was buggered, thing is, it is summer here and we havent had cool days for a while until today. Low of 30 degrees celcius one night last week, top of 42 degrees celcius...a real hot summer that isnt half over yet :(
hi G-man!
hi Mona!!
Yep, everyone is in hiding. It seems to happen a lot like that especially during the summer. But people seem to resurface. Glad to see you back and hope you find a few moments here and there to come play. I think playing is important.
Would you look at that. Lime got the trifecta and that dance... whoot.
I enjoy pig pen. He is certainly different but yet a super person just the same. He reminds me of someone I went to grade school with.
I married pig pen. He has a little cloud that follows him.
I miss you!
And peace to you :)
You must be very bored!
Hi Sherry..
Yes I am off to a great start!!
And you have been a part of it.
Thanks for your great support and encouragement..Galen
Hi Gale..
At least you come around..Thanks..xoxox
You are a shining star in a sky of gloom!
Hi sweetie!!
I hope your journies are going well..
I miss you..galen
hey thats right, I forgot that it is your Summer.
I hope all is going well with you my dear..
Have a great New Year!
Yeah, Gone but not forgotten eh?
Playing is essential to life, I agree..Galen
I know, I miss you terribly as well..Sorry, I'll make it up to you.
I love Pigpen!
He's such a dirty, little boy...
I think for me the Winter Break period has seen much more of Strumpet than all of fall semester!
I have one more week left.
Hopefully, I won't be sick that whole week...
11-hour days? Argh.
Happy days, G-man, much love.
Funny that you mention blogging and the kind of brief break from it. To make a long story short (there will be a post on my blog all about it in the next day or two) I am no longer working at the hospital anymore so I will be working from my home again and that means more time to blog and stay in touch with all of my friends.
Let me say that I have missed all of you very much the past few months and I am looking forward to getting back into the groove of being around all the time!
Love ya!
Glad to have you back.
Thanks Strumpet..
One more week eh?
And yes, I hope you are not sick..
Nyquil clouds the brain!
Thanks sweetie..
Hi Baby...
So you will soon be back amongst the living eh?
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