This morning....like all other mornings...I was in a rush getting to work!
Looking in the fridge, I spot 3/4 of a rotisserie chicken from Sam's Club, 2 tubes of Pillsbury Buttermilk Biscuits, 4 stalks of celery, and I then grabbed an Onion from the pantry..No carrots were anywhere to be found. I take 2 Chicken-Flavored Boullion cubes, throw everything in a bag, then head off to work...
Since I had to work till 8:00 tonight, I decided to have a late lunch...About 2:00 pm I got my hot plate out, cranked it to high, and commenced to boil 2 qts. of water. I added the chopped up onion and celery, salt and pepper..with a pinch of dill seed and thyme, and boiled it for 10 minutes.
While this stuff was cooking, I de-boned the chicken, and set it aside..
I then made some gravy fixin's (4 heaping spoonfulls of flour disolved and stirred up till the lumps are out..in COLD I repeat...COLD water).
Oh Yeah, I had put the boullion cubes in also. But when the stuff came to a boil, thats when you gradually stir in the thickening goop, after adding the chicken.
It turns to a nice Golden Gravy, and it is quite edible now. But this is when you open the biscuits and drop them on top of the boiling stew. Cover the top, and wait 12-15 minutes.
Honest to God, it's as good as any home cooked Chicken and Dumplin's that you'll get...
And it was cooked on a counter, on a hot plate. Of course I shared!!!!...hehehehe
Mmmmmm. Comfort food. My grandma used to make wonderful chicken & dumplings. Yours sounds every bit as good. If you can also make mashed potatoes and meat loaf, then you're eligible for sainthood.:)
of course everyone hovered around you
like food sluts...
man, i almost thought those were
matzoh balls, baby!
you made this at work?
you deboned a chicken at WORK??
have you been promoted yet?
the food usually works well, i find.
i make my dumplins out of bisquick, yessir i do, they's light and fluffy and oh so yummy
Wow...good for you. That looks really yummy. I can almost smell it from here. Maybe a scratch and sniff?? No such luck.
Honest to God he says..
Java Jazz ( in your ear) psst psst psstpssthecalledusgossipspsstpsstbzzbzzzbzz
I have to laugh thinking about your wife going into the fridge to have some chicken for dinner and finding it gone.
I bow to you Oh Great Food One!!!!!!
Laughing at Top Cats comment, I can picture it too!
Mona, funny lady!
Cat, funny cat!!
there are no secrets
in Blogland!
(okay, maybe a few!)
ha! xo
I hope you like working those hours, because if you cooked and fed the boss, you're going to find yourself doing it a lot more often than you expected.
Oh man, I haven’t had Chicken and Dumplin's in a long time. Ok, me hungry now!
O No Java Jazz ..rubbarbrubarbrubarbheisintojackassery
ruhbarbthesedaysruhbarb !
Two days in a row!!
You got some kind of Mojo Mama!!!
Yes my dear Miss Begotten, I can make THE best mashed spuds!!
Thanks Lisa..
I wish you had a Matzoh Ball in your mouth right now!..xoxyakkingyentaxoxoxo
You should never read my recipe's, you'd shudder!
You always do it up for real!..xox
Thanks Hop-A-Long..
I don't think she noticed yet.
Thanks LW..xoxoxox
Yes Charles,
That has occured to me..
I hope you got your chaps on brother!!!
Having Fun?
Oh my good that sounds so good and like something even I can do! I may need to give this a try this weekend. I heft overs to eat before than.
Boy you are never ever going to get fired from that job if you keep feeding them so well.
I took the cheating way out and am bringing in a bunch of snacky type of things for tomorrow. Nothing as delicious as what you made here but I know everyone likes that cheese/sausage/hamburger dip and it is easy to make. We are moving into our new digs at work for many, many years to come and that of course calls for a celebration.
I know you can make a mean pot of smashed spuds, Saint Galen.:-)
Where you been son?
Nice to see you...G
Anything for you baby.
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