Hi Everybody...With 2007 winding down, I'd like to thank each and every one of my Blogging Buddies for making this one of My Greatest Years EVER!!!
The Friends..
The Support
The Talent
The Creativity
The Love that is floating around the Blogesphere is immeasurable!
Last Year I listed everyone that visited me the previous year, This year I can't even begin to list my visitors......But Thank You All!!!
Special Thanks To Jenn The SignQueen for her Patience, Love, and High-Tech Prowess..xox
...and to my very special Holler-Girl.. .. xoxoxoxox
Drive safe..
Drink in Moderation..
And to those that have my number..
Drunk Texting IS Acceptable New Years Eve!!
Happy New Year....Galen
Ok, now that I've dried my tears *sniff*. That was so sweet of you to say, Galen. Look how far you've come under my tutelage!
Happy New Years, my friend!
You said it, Galen. There are a lot of very talented, very creative, very special people floating around Blogdom and it's been my privilege to meet a number of them in 2007. Some are more special than others, but that's another tale for another time. Anyhow ... you've put me to shame with such a nice New Year's post; I haven't even started thinking about anything yet.:)
Drunk texting? Nope. I don't think so.:-)
Happy New Year, Galen!
Happy New Year..
My Mentor AND Master..
Serena Joy....
You My Dear comprise all that I posted about..ALL!
Have a very Happy New Year Sherry...xoxbgxoxox
Who is Holler-girl?
Is she anything like Roller Girl?
Cos I've gotta thing for Sex on Wheelz.
Happy New Year!
Oh Strumpet..
You would be HELL On Wheels!!
Thanks sweetie..xox
Happiest of New Years to you, Galen!
Aww, you're making me stammer and blush, G-man. I wish for you the absolute very best that 2008 has to offer. And as long as my mojo doesn't go bust, you shall have it.:)
Buddha Girl?
OMG Hi sweetie...xox
Happy New Years to you too..
And Look who's here!!
Another Virginia Beauty..
You deserve every kudo I toss your way Red..
Hi G.
Have a very good time at New Year, Galen... and I wish you the new year to come to only be better than this last one!!!
Happy New Years Galen! Sorry you wont be one of those I'll be text messaging too...but then again I will be sober I gotta babysit once again"sigh" and poor Mr Gab has to work! Ahhh life!
LOL, i wanna know if you'll be posting the drunk texts!
happy new year to you, gman. here's to a bright and happy 2008.
Don't do that G-Man! Having that adorable cartoon character with that frightening message. I really thought that you were gonna call it a day. Thank Gawd you were only referring to 2007.
All the very best for a great year man.
Hi Manny
Thanks Jo for your loyalty and friendship.
Happy New Year Sweetie
The consumate parent and Grandparent...Always!!
Happy New Year...xo
Thats a GREAT idea!!
We'll just have to see.
Dang! You had ME scared for a minute...
Have a Happy New Year..
Happy New Year G-man, love happiness and good health be with you always.
I haven't been a frequent visit as I only found you when I started doing the 55's but if it's OK with you I'll drop by a bit more.
Have a great New Year's Eve. :)
HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIEND!! I will be by more this new year!!
The P-word was mentioned.
But, I almost didn't notice it because Missy has me under her spell.
Man, I need to learn how to play canasta.
It sounds so cool.
'Oh yeah, I'm playin' canasta.'
May peace break into your house and
may thieves come to steal your debts.
May the pockets of your jeans become
a magnet of $100 bills. May love stick
to your face like Vaseline and may
laughter assault your lips! May your
clothes smell of success like smoking
tires and may happiness slap you
across the face and may your tears be
that of joy. May the problems you had
forget your home address!
In simple words ...........
May 2008 be the best year of your life!!!
Now you tell us about the texting, I'm going to have to get your number for next year, so I'll have an excuse to drink it up.
I'm jealous, such good wishes from LW.
Hey, I almost forgot, Happy New Year, G.
Man, you make me wanna drink even though I wasn't gonna, just to see what silly text message I could come up with.
Maybe I can just pretend.
Happy New Year, Gayland.
happy healthy new year, putz.
oh fuck, charming,
my son has infiltrated my blog...
i give up.
happy new year, sweetie pie.
(yes, this is Yenta...!)
Happy New Year Mr. G - it's been fun hasn't it? Wishing you peace and prosperity - and tons more fun blogging :)
Man, look at that? Lisa - you changed man!
hi Terry!
are we having fun yet?
my house smells like
a giant cigarette.
i decided to be a nice mom
and let my kid have
"a few" people over...sheesh!
(i know it says Brian but i swear
its me, it's Fleabutton!!)
anyway, so it stinks here
and they're already
at the drink spilling stage....
thank the powers that be
that i have a basement
and that i finally cleaned it up
so it could get dirty and disgusting.....
happy new year...
did anyone drunk text Galen yet??
Happy New Year G. One could not ask for a better friend. Happy New Year Galen filled with lost of Horton's of course. May the Winter be short so you can get back in the saddle again!
Take care ...
ps sorry i didnt drunk text you...
i'm not that good a texter...
i'm not that good a drinker either...
tho i do love coffee
and you.
hope you had a great new years eve,
Mr. Knowitall...
You are one of my joys of 2007...
Thank you
Get better
Happy New Year
You absolutely have to spend more time here..
If you did, you would realize that My Blog is EVERYBODY'S Blog!!!!
You can chat, grouse, play, and let off steam, anything but puke...G
You are just so wonderful, caring, talented, and special..
Thanks for deciding that you want to hang here!!!
Happy New Year...Galen xox
Jodie Girl..
I hope so...xox
Yeah, she said the P word.
Hahahaha..I bet your playing Canasta...hehehe
WoW..What a GREAT LIST of New Years Wishes!!
Thanks sweetie for coming into my life..xox
Well 2007 ended on a little high note for you Brother, lets hope it stays that way..
Happy New Year...G
My screen is still blank you Hoser!!!
I knew it was you!
You make me smile everytime you say something..
In fact, everything that comes out of your mouth is either funny, insightful, or intuitive!
You are of of the planets most meaningful creatures, thanks for caring about me...xoxox
We don't visit that often, but when we do, it's like we are old friends. And the key word is old! Thanks for all of your beauty, charm, and kindness...
Happy New Year...xoxox
I'm so glad we got together several times this year and had a chance to become friends.
You are one of the most helpful guys in the world, and a great human being..Happy New Year..G
Happy New Year G!
Happy New Year! :-)
Thanks Jodie..xox
Thanks Evalinn..xoxox
I know.
I was sleeping.
I really am a hoser.
And if I LEARNED to play Canasta, I WOULD play it and it would make like this huge comeback all across the city.
I am completely serious.
I like playing cards.
I used to love playing rummy with my grandparents when I was a kid and when I talked to them last week we had a long talk about how I miss that so much.
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