Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter Everybody....

Easter...One of my favorite pig-out Holidays. I'm going nowhere, and doing nothing. My brother and nephew are spending the night and all day here, so I get to cook a great breakfast, watch the Masters Golf Championship, and cook a great dinner for all to enjoy! Here is my menu..,
Maple-Flavored sausage links.
Thick sliced Pepper Bacon
Fresh Farm Brown Eggs..Over easy.
Pecan Buttermilk Pancakes
100% pure maple syrup
Fresh squeezed Orange Juice
Folgers dark roast Coffee

Deviled Eggs
Green Bean Casserole
Pirogi..Boiled, then lightly tossed in sauteed onions and butter!
Ham, Bone in shank
Not that preformed boneless stuff.
I like to stick cloves and Pineapple slices on it
Then brush it with Pineapple Preserves till it
turns a golden glazy bronze..
Homemade Cheesecake..( the wife made that )
Pecan Pie ( Sam's Club made that )
Breyers Vanilla Ice Cream

I hope everyone has a great Family Day...
And a very happy Easter......Peace......Galen


javajazz said...

oh, YUMMY!!
(if i leave now,
i could probably make it
just in time for breakfast.)

You are so the EasterChefBunny!
have a happy Easter
oh sweet one!
sounds like someone's gonna
be busy in the kitchen!
(i love when men cook!)
pierogis sauteed in mmmmmmm...!!
xoxo me

cathy said...

Doesn't your wife get upset when you toss in the onions?

Have a great day with your family.

lime said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds yuuuuummy

happy easter, galen. enjoy time with your family.

Anonymous said...

good morning g-man, your meals sound delicious.
I love pierogis.yum yum
Have a Happy Easter.

Mona said...

wow! all that!...
That food would last me for week..of course minus meat.

& we are having spicy stuff here...though I prefer to tone it down with youghurt or buttermilk

barman said...

Oh man, it all sounds wonderful. If I leave now I should be able to meet up with JJ on the way through and make breakfast. By the way, love the Pirogi. It has been forever but it so brings back memories. My Mom never made it but the neighbor down the street did. Yummy as was everything else they made.

Happy Easter G. Have an awesome time with the family.

G-Man said...

Morning JJ, You would be more than welcome, and you could bring the Blintzes..xoxox

Cathy, I got the recipe'
from her Mom...
You have a swell day also!

Boy Michelle, your up early today, I'd love some of your pineapple stuff that you are making!
Have a Happy Easter Limey! xoxox

Mornin TC, Are you comming or going today?

Mona, Sometimes it lasts us a week as well..
I love yogurt and buttermilk, as well as very spicy..Thanks

Barman, Pirogi's were not part of my upbringing either. But thank God for the Polish!
I hope you enjoy some great food today...and drive safe.....Galen

Cha Cha said...


I want to go to Galen's house for Easter.

I'm drooling over here...

G-Man said...

Believe me, No One has ever left my house hungry! That comes from my upbringing.

Remember the old term 'Sunday Driver'?
Before the 70's and the advent of the super-highway structure as we know it today, Traveling a distance of 20-30 miles was an all day ordeal. All families only had 1 car and it was usually on a Sunday that Leisurely travel took place. If you were near an old friend or a cousin while traveling, you would just drop in since there were no cell phones to announce your arrival..
This scenario happenned to us all the time, since my Grandma was an awesome cook and baker..
It would have been a huge embarasment to NOT have enough food to invite them to stay for dinner....
Soooooo, I guess what I'm saying is, I always have enough to share..
Especially with you Chandra. Happy Easter xox

javajazz said...

hey, maybe you really WERE jewish
in another lifetime! well it sure is nice, being around that old fashioned hospitality...i might be able to eat if i ever felt that welcomed in my own home! i think you have all that warm grandma energy in your soul, are a lovely host, not only here in Blogland, but in your home, and at your workplace care about people and that is sweet.

do you actually make pierogi from scratch, like the dough too?
i'd love to learn to make them...!
so many ways to spell them, too...even saw a funny one, something like vereniki or vereneky...! but i found this in my search...

Pierogi are a kind of dumpling also known as perogi, perogy, piroghi, pirogi, or pyrohy. Most English-speakers treat these forms as singular and form the plural by adding -s, but a few consider them plural and form the singular by removal of the -i or -y. In Swedish however, the singular form is pirog and the plural form is created by adding -er at the end. Pierogi is the plural form of the Polish pieróg.

i'd probably just love the potato and onion filled ones, maybe sauteed with a splat of something on the top, like maybe sour cream or yogurt...mmmmmmmm!!!

happy Easter, Bunny!

javajazz said...

ps, i'm a driving wimp in my old age, all scared of the highway...
if i take the big bus to Michigan, maybe Barman can pick me up somewhere convenient for him and well, maybe we'll make it there for dinner instead!! thanks Barman, for your kindness too! that was so hip that you brought that colourful case of Samuel Adams to TC's...! what a kind thoughtful, caring gesture!

you Michigan people have shown yourselves to be a rather delightful bunch of humans...!
xo lisa

(hey, i wonder if i decorated myself in tinsel and shiny easter eggs, if i could be dropped off at sweet mr Cat's door too...!
i promise i'd behave...!)

cathy said...

All this talk of food is making me feel ill. I still havent gotten over watching my mother in law eating sheep's head

Anonymous said...

Well... this is quite a menu!!!!
Here will be fine with a cranberries and rosemary glazed ham, with mashed potatoes and carrots... and a fruits and custard pie... and to be able to eat that diner, I will have to skip breakfast and lunch... ;-))
Happy Easter to you and your family!

Cha Cha said...


Happy Easter.

Sheep's head?

Sounds delightful.

javajazz said...

(i dont think she meant it
quite that way, Strumply!)
happy Easter, bunny lover...

G-Man said...

JJ, actually a dollop of sour cream on top is perfect..Thanks for the Pirogi lesson.. My Aunt lives across the street from us, and we have made dozens of homemade ones in one sitting from scratch. Although these are called Mrs. T's they aren't bad for store bought..

Cathy, you mean sheeps brains? I'd rather eat the leg or chops..

Searabbit, I know that you can cook sweetie. And God, do I ever love Custard Pie!! That sounds terrific...You have a Happy Easter too Jo...xoxoxox

Mona said...

neither has anybody ever left my house hungry...

She does mean it that way JJ..I saw that sheep roasting with my own two eyes, on her blog, head & all,

Cathy your mother in law must be like my paternal granny [ read The booby trap at my blog & you'll know]

GAB said...

Yum! Happy Easter!

S said...

OK its far at 1:30 am, here is what I have eaten:

Two chocolate easter eggs, the tiny kind
A diet coke

Pitiful, isn't it?

Now for dinner I plan to dine on a grilled cheese sandwich and then popcorn and more diet coke as Mr Ratburn and I are about to take Little Rita to see that godawfulfilmabout the ice skating gay men...argh! Am I sure I wanna do this?

Happy Spring Gman!

S said...

erm thats 11:30 am

Dan said...

All I hear from Mona these days is G-Man this and G-Man that ... so of course I had to pop over to see what was up with this G-Man.

Hi G-Man! Happy Easter and Passover and Kwanza and all of the others!

cathy said...

Popped over from Dan's to see what's happening and who do I find but the man himself,I'm not stalking you honest!

cathy said...

mona, I'll go there next.

everybody else, sheep's head the whole thing brains, tongue eyes, THE WHOLE CHODING THING oh ewww BRB

S said...

Ok I just wanna report that the godawfulchoadingskating film was totally hilarious, awesome, silly, funny, and cool.
Go see it G~man, but first, I think you need to take out the garbage....or as they say in your neck of the woods, get some fresh air before you see the film~

Manny said...

Am I too late for leftovers?

I love bone in ham. At Christmas I always tell Squirrel...Make sure you get a picnic ham and not one of those cheapies on sale. She did perfect a glaze. It starts with canned cranberry sauce, pineapples and I think some orange marmalade. She doesn't let me know what else she adds. I love whole cloves.

cathy said...

g-man, just read your comment on Dan's blah. LMFAO. MY COFFEE IS COMING DOWN MY NOSE!

G-Man said...

OK Mona, I just came back from visiting your friend Dans post..
You are much nicer to me over there than you are here...Thanks

Gabby, I hope you had Walleye for Easter dinner. If I lived in Minnesota, thats all That I would eat..

Mistress, you sure know how to put on the feed-bag don't you?
And I don't think those guys were gay were they?

You mean..Listen to some Tapes? I get your drift baby...Don't worry about that, Hahahaha
You Choding Rock!!

Hi Manny, Yes I put whole cloves in it also.
And I would love to cook for you.....G-Man xo

Dan, thanks for stopping by, I don't know how you found the time.

G-Man said...

Cathy..did you see how many comments that guy gets? I type about 30 WPM. How long would it take to answer all of that shit...Damn!!

Cha Cha said...


And I want to see Blades of Glory.

Don't tell me if they're gay.

I want to be surprised.

Amy Poehler is HOT though.

G-Man said...

Is she that Saturday Night live Chick?

Cha Cha said...


Mona said...

G man. That is a sure sign of good friends dont you know. They might be choding nasty in your face, but behind your back they are ALWaYS nice about you.

Dan was here??? O THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WAS HERE????
How the hell did he get time?
That is My Dan!He was here because of choding ME!!!

jillie said...

That sounds GREAT! I should have come over to your!

I made a mixed berrie pie and it was DELISH!

I hope you had the greatest day ever

G-Man said...

So you trash me to my face, but you are nice to me behind my back?
Mona, not very many men in this miserable world could live with that crap, but the older and wiser, G-man, can live with that..
Just think, when you first started visiting, you were so prim and proper, but now that you feel at home here, we all now know what a little kink you really are!!!

Mona, you are one of the smartest people that I or woman!!!
Thanks for making this one of your stops..

G-Man said...

Well Jillie, now that your here it is now perfect!!!xoxoxox

Cha Cha said...

I hope you had a Happy, Happy Easter, Galen!

I did.

Good night.


javajazz said...

g'nite Iron Chef...
g'nite Strumpley.
g'nite Jillie
(pie sounded awesome!)
xo the matzoh bunny

Mona said...

isnt that like marriage G man? In the beginning you dont evn fart in front of each other, & ten years later you go BOOM BOOM!!

Trash!..Did I EVER trash you Gman?
How can that be?
What I really mean here is not about trashing, Its about being quite frank in your retorts.

I AM still prim & propah everywhere else but here. There is something choding fishy about this blog...

Are you sure it does not release some smoking drug fumes on opening?

See? One step inside & we are all choding chootadh ka ched[ fucking assholes] here.

No No no...calm down...I am a mere TECHER here...I am just illustrating this Hinglish through USAGE

Mona said...

On second thoughts...
I guess it is the CAUSE & EFFECT Aura that has become operational here...

In lieu we all have gone berserk

& strumpet is the cause...she is so foxy, she wudnt let you escape even if you want to.

Remember I tried two times. & was stopped twice by strumpet & JJ

But dont worry Gman. I will get everything in order fast.

((((HUGS)))) [ speaking in ENGLISH for that one]

Mona said...

THREE times...
Once by YOU too

cathy said...

Ok. LISTEN UP Y'ALL, I'm speaking American to get your attention. something Mona just said made me feel brave enough to reveal my mad ideas here.
When I visit other blogs I can feel their atmosphere. Some are friendly and some uptight some condescending and some downright frightening so I find myself revisiting a few favourites many times, others just once in a while and some I get out as quick as I can and never go back. How can I feel this through a computer screen?
With people who are in front of me it is easy to feel their mood, though I know not everyone does this as some people are closed in on themselves, but over the internet?!Does this make any sense or am I imagining things?

Mona said...

cathy, I told you I will get back to you with this in a mail.
It is a subject that cannot be dealt with in a comment box.
You require attention on that one.
No I am not frightening you.
But we can be more open about Individual issues via mail.

Autumn Storm said...

We're all coming to yours next Easter, G, hope you've enough room for the entire blogging community. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think I frightened cathy.LOL
She doesn't know I'm just blogger burned out right now but I'm weally weally a very nice puddy tat.

Mona said...

kehne ko bohot kuch thaa agar kehne pe aate, apni to yeh aadat hai ke hum kuch nahin kehte
un ko yeh shikaayat hai ki hum kuch nahin kehte
apni to yeh aadat hai ki hum kuch nahin kehte...


Anonymous said...

om mani padme om

SignGurl said...

Good morning everyone! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend.

Dan said...

I can't believe that Mona just stumbled upon something that can't be dealt with in a comment box!!!!

HA HA!!! Mona, you're slipping! :)

Hi G-Man! (Dan waves.)

Mona said...

When I came into blogsvillie, It was for 'self remembering'...where one remembers oneself & just goes on watching.
It is about how you relate with people. How you relate with strangers, how you relate with people who are known to you.
My relationship with you all has served as a mirror to enable me to watch me change my masks: to look at my greed, my fears, my anxities my jealousies , my possessiveness...
At each one of your blogspace, my behaviour has been different & this has enabled me to come face to face with my own being.
In different moods.. when I have been sad, I have watched, when happy, watched, when indifferent, watched, in desire, watched, in frustration watched
& every mood has seved me as a window to look within myself..
I have watched how I have changed & where I have changed
G- man's blog has brought the most potent change so I choose to say all this here.
& I have made a discovery with my watching
That which makes me uncomfortable with watching, no matter how good & fun it might feel at that moment, does not fit with my not right for me.
There can be no objectives for this measuring, each one has his/her own scales.So I am not saying anything is good or bad. Gosh! those are such loaded values, I cant even imagine being either of them!
But I know, that if I continue this post of proffessorship here I shall be stupid.
Because this is not the gestalt of my being.

G-man I am sorry If I have hurt your sensiblities with my senseless behaviour.
I know you are one of the most generous person around & I love you for that.

G-Man said...

Mona, one thing that I want you to know is, that if I thought that you were really mean and malicious I could have always deleted your comments..
Secondly I encourage outrageous dialogue all of the time. I like it, and I like to be enlightened on many subjects. I myself open my big mouth up and say stuff I wish I hadn't..

Your Marriage analogy Mona was absolutely right! Thats the way that most bloggers get to feel one another out..
You've shown to be extremly resourcful and knowledgeable in two different languages and cultures, To have you visit me almost every day is something that I look VERY foreward to.
Please don't change, or think that you have to tippy-toe around anything or any subject matter, or even me..

You are Mona, One Very Enlightening Personality!
Don't change a thing, and please keep teaching!
I am very lucky to have you..(((Hugs)))...Galen

G-Man said...

Cathy, it makes a lotta sense.. And so does most of the things that you say. Unless you say it in Greek of course!
Our moods can't all be perfect, some days are better than others.
When you are sitting in front of the PC screen typing out words, the thoughts that are in your head, are coming out of your fingers...
Sure it's better to hear a voice to get a persons real intent, but many things are silently conveyed on the screen my dear...Thats the Fun!!
Have a great day Cathy..G

G-Man said...

Mornin TC, Et Tu Top Cat?
I don't know very many foreign phrases, I feel like such a schmo!

We all get burned out, I'm sure the fire will be rekindled soon, and we will have a rip roaring TC bonfire once again!!
Take your time.....Galen

G-Man said...

Good Morning Jenn,
I know you have a very busy day at work, at least the Sun's out..
G-Man misses you sweetie.

Good Morning Dan,
Yeah, you've come on a soul cleansing day.
But hopefully, your presence will make Mona feel more at home...
As far as I'm concerned, this is everyone's home!

Dan, you obviously already know Mona, cause she really really likes you a lot! If you consider being the " Love of your Life", a lot! And you know Top Cat I believe, and the beautiful Cathy, and the exquisite Lime..Hell, this is like a resort cabin for you...come back as often as you like, but I do know that you are a busy boy!!

G-Man said...

Autumn Storm,

I had a great Easter!
I hope that the onset of Real Spring is close behind...Have a great day ladies, I gotta go to work now..xoxox

javajazz said...

actually, Mona,
i believe if you read my words more carefully and quieten down inside of yourself and really listen to who you are, you will see that the kind of "encouragement" offered by Strumpet and myself, were of two entirely different natures, even though you read them as one in the same...

i said, as i have copied here, for your re-reading pleasure:

"Mona, i think deep down in our hearts we know that the true way to be here on the earth is just the way we really are, instead of being what we think people want us to be...that way everyone gets to contribute their unique flavour to this wonderful soup of humanity...i think your deeper instincts are very in tune, and i see you as a beautiful, graceful, kind, intelligent soul, who brings a wealth of riches from her own culture all the way over here...this is your true beauty and your pure essence...i say always follow what your heart and your instincts tell you...for ultimately you know the truth and nothing external to that can change it...this is true for all humans.
sent with love, lisa..."

when we know who we truly are deep in our essence, then nothing external to ourselves should ever influence or change that...nobody forces someone to be a certain way, only we can decide who and how we wish to act towards our fellow humans, and that means in person, on paper, on computer screen, anywhere...the choice is always ours to make, and no one else's.
it appears you do have an understanding of what i originally said when you have made these discoveries today, and stated:

"I have watched how I have changed & where I have changed...
& I have made a discovery with my watching...
That which makes me uncomfortable with watching, no matter how good & fun it might feel at that moment, does not fit with my not right for me...

But I know, that if I continue this post of proffessorship here I shall be stupid.
Because this is not the gestalt of my being..."

Bingo, baby.

and all that means,
is that you really do know
who you are...

Mona said...

JJ, I really knew what you were saying.What I meant was that I was convinced one way or the other, one[you] by the wisdom & other [strumpet] fun factor.
What I felt uncomfortable about was MY response to the whole thing going berserk in a way...& me joining in the freakyness of it all.
Information part is all right...but all that necro choding part & Arc of squirting etc. was as if we had begun to compete with each other as to how far we could go with it.

That is what it felt to me, I cant be so sure about others.
& Perhaps I was being a little rude with Galen along the way...[ that is my usual defence mechanism as far as men go...or when they act fresh]
Of course Galen was having fun like any other of us, but in our culture such fun is a big no no...& so you can call it a bit of a culture shock effect on me.
If I were to say all this in front of Indians, I would be labled a harlot a lose charachter for life.
So I hope you can understand my periodic discomfiture...

& this was added with the self doubt whether I had crossed my limits this time kind of thoughts.
That is what made me so uncomfortable.

But then, you ppl are a cool lot.
Thanks, for understanding & thanks for being non judgemental1

Specially Thanks to Galen!

G-Man said...

One thing I can say about my blog, hardly ever a dull moment!!
Between Lisa, Mona, and Chandra, I have three of the deepest thinking women that I have ever come across..( not literally either )..
I really consider myself very fortunate, to have all of you visiting me..

I don't know what I would do without you ladies, and I never want to find out!!!

Cha Cha said...

I do believe that my Screen Name reads as ....


It is a perfect name for my whacked sense of humour.

My whacked sense of humour is by no means meant to compete with anyone else's sense of humour.

My dirty, dirty mind is by no means meant to compete with the level of dirtiness in anyone else's mind nor with their level of communicating about those kinds of thoughts here in Blogland ...or elsewhere.

It's a BLOG! It doesn't really matter. At least to me, it doesn't. I mean, it matters in the sense that I love blogging a whole bunch or I wouldn't do it...but it doesn't matter cos it's all about just a place to let my fingers do the walking.

I am what I am. I goof around. I talk about sex. A lot.

By no means does ANYONE have to respond to anything that I say.

I completely and totally respect your decision to not play along in such a fashion, Ms. Mona. And my most sincere apologies for making you feel as though playing in Galen's chatroom was meant to be any sort of competition in any way for I DEFINITELY do not see commenting here in that way AT ALL!

I mostly comment on Galen's blog...because it's Galen's blog and I love him so.

Anyone who's been a reader of my blog for the long haul...they already know that I have been trying to achieve squirterdom. (I don't need the arc...just the squirt-part.) And I do mean people who've been reading a LONG time...even longer than Galen! I didn't even realize when I said it, that he hadn't been around for those tangents at my place in the past.

I don't think ANYONE should EVER say ANYTHING that they don't feel comfortable with saying EVER. I mean, if I don't want to say something...I don't. But, if I DO want to say something...I DO! It's kind of just that simple.

I think one of the things that is the most beauteous (if that's not a word, pretend,) in Blogland is that everyone can let their soul run free and float around and gravitate towards different blogs and come together and be themselves and RELAX.

I am a single, 35-year-old, punk chick living alone in the city of Chicago. I wait tables for a living. I'm a loner and a pothead and hang-out with a lot of musicians and drink a lot of wine and watch a lot of movies. My life is not at ALL glamourous in any sense of the word. I live in a one-bedroom (VERY MESSY because I don't clean,) apartment in Logan Square and ANYONE who feels the need to compete with me talking about squirting on Galen's little blog has totally lost the point in my comment...

It was only meant to encourage a smile.

And if even one person smiled after reading my dirty little smartass remark...well then...that's all that matters to me.

I do, however, love that you taught me to say choding, Ms. Mona. Cos that brought a smile to MY face.

Now Galen,

How are your Easter Eggs?

Mona said...

You fail to understand me strumpet,
It is not about YOU trying to compete or the way YOU feel
Its about ME trying to outdo & outwit..which I feel is not a good thing to do.
& which I also feel is being very unreal & very un-yourself.
I am not used to talking like this, & i have never done it before, so that is why I am surprised at MYSELF as to why I kept carrying on doing what is UNLIKE MYSELF.
I hope you understand what I mean.
I just want to be myself here.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Just as you want to be YOURSELF here.
So no offence.

Cha Cha said...

I see what you are saying and I really agree with that. no one should ever try to be anything other than who they are.

javajazz said...

i have to say, i think you are right about Galen, Mona....he is a lovely and welcoming host, and VERY non judgemental....he does what few can really do, with an open heart...he allows people to be themselves, he offers a place where we can all roam freely, and he sits patiently and kindly and compassionately in and amongst this environment that he has created himself with his lovely and generous spirit...he always encouraged you to stay here and be whatever you needed to be, and he extends that equally to each and every one of his visitors....and look at all the beautiful and wonderfully fun and diverse souls he has attracted here...its no accident that we all have been drawn to this place...i think more than anyone, Galen wants you to feel comfortable and happy to be yourself here, and it is actually a compliment to him that you have made such discoveries about your inner nature and your truth in this warm environment where you wont be judged but rather encouraged to stay and carry on learning...i believe Galen is way more evolved than he likes to show in creating such a place for his friends to shine...he is ever positive, very generous and caring, with a heart of gold and a kind word for everyone...what a rare gem on this yes, thanks to Galen, indeed!
Mona, i think its kind of neat that you felt enough trust to kind of stretch out here and try on some ways that your culture might be a bit less approving of...the acceptance that you have received from everyone, especially Galen, is what allowed you to take it to the limits and discover more about a way, you kind of reminded me of a kid in a candy store, all this wild colourful new stuff to taste, everything spinning all around you, and just getting caught up in the moment...
but you watched yourself in all this, made some wise observations, and the experience helped to clarify who you already knew yourself to be...but you are in the company of some wonderful and very human human beings here, all imperfect, all real, all learning about themselves as well, in a place we are most fortunate to have discovered, thanks to the generosity of one kind, sensitive, caring, compassionate soul...

and ya, Strumpie, no one should ever try to be anything other than who they are...i guess Dorothy, in the Wizard of Oz summed it up best, when she said, after all her travels and discoveries, "there's no place like home..."

Mona said...

Thank you Strumpet, thank you java jazz THANK YOU GALEN
You all make me cry with relief here.
Love you all

G-Man said...

I'm glad thats settled!
You Girls rock!!
Galen xoxoxox