Thursday, March 29, 2007

What Time Is It? HNT


SignGurl said...

Skulls Rock!!

You have a very good photographer, hehe!

SignGurl said...

First..............and second!

Anonymous said...

I think that watch is off cause it's wednesday
Very cool Galen.

G-Man said...

Thanks Jenn, Your my hero! er..heroine!!

TC, Jenn, my technical advisor, did this...
I know that it is a tad early, but she can't trust me to do it right!!
Hahahaha...Kinda late isn't it for you?

Manny said...

Right on!

G-Man said...

Right On Time!!


Serena said...

Off or not, that watch is mondo cool -- on you. It wouldn't look nearly as good on me, mainly because I don't think I have any shoes it would go with.:)

G-Man said...

Miss Serena, you don't have to accessorize well at G-Mans place..obviously!

So you were brave enough to return?

Very brave Lady!

Thanks, Galen

jillie said...

BITCHEN watch...

OK Jenn..I'll let you have this one because you're not feeling well xo

TC...yeah, we need to get on g-man for that one.

Serena're gonna love the g-man and MANNY...yeah! Where have you been girl?!?!?!?!?

BTW...I am safe home from happy hour but no pictures and I am sober :o) I had a ways to drive ;o)


S said...

You like being number one, don't you, Gman?

HHNT, swift watch!

Serena said...

So I can hang out here barefooted? Excellent!

Jilly, sober Happy Hour?! Shoot, I'm already in love with the g-man's avatar.:) Manny, I haven't met yet -- so many great people/sites, so little time.

Serena said...

Oh, hell, I misspelled Jillie's name. Sorry, and I can't even blame it on a stupid spell checker.

jillie said...

That's ok Serena...I have known to be difficult!


G-Man said...

Mistress, yes I do!!
You noticed?
Thanks Susie...And BTW
I'm not stalkin you, you just happen to present a fresh post every time I check in..xox

Jildo! I'm so glad your back safe and sound.
So I can only call you a crazy bitch. NOT a drunken crazy bitch?
G-Man loves his Jillie Bean!

Serena baby, Mistress does make an occasional visit. And sometimes she gives Brazilian waxes for free...

lime said...

what time is it? it's howdy doody time!!! er wait...i don't think howdy rode a harley....well anyway....great shot of yet another piece of harleyana. my watch is broken i ;ll rely on you


Mona said...

what is this G-man? you still playing with toys???

cathy said...

depends where you are.

Cha Cha said...

My, MY, Galen...

What a big watch you have.


G-Man said...

Limey, whenever I see you it's Tie Dye Trini Fun Time!!
BTW, What a HOT Hnt!
You outdid yourself this time..It kind of reminded me of a....
Hippie Salome!!
Awesome Michelle...xoxox

Mona, Hi!
Honey, thats no toy, thats a Bulova!!
Hi Cathy...I love teachers. Ask the lovelies Buddha Girl and Limey..
Cause they make me think!
Right now I have to think of what question you are answering, and where I asked it...G

The better to tell time with my dear!

...And what nice teeth YOU have!

...And what nice chocolaty minty breath you have!

...And what pretty toes you have!!

...I could go on for an hour but I do have to work today...Thanks baby!

cathy said...

Too cruel one little mistake and I'm branded forever.
I will be more specific and if you could hear me I would also be pointedly pedantic, what time it is depends on what time zone you are. It is currently 14.07 in Greece. Did I miss anything

Anonymous said...

g-man..let's get some cars off the lot today..good luck.

G-Man said...

You know the beautiful Lime is also pedantic!
I love pedantic women!

It is now 7:30am EST here
And you missed nothing yet...But stick around it will get hopping...only without me cause I gotta go to work *sniff*.so bye for now sweetie....Galen

Mornin TC, I hope to be busy again!!
Sunny and 60,
Keep the ladies in line for me OK?
Later Bro.....G

SignGurl said...

I'm taking a lot of flack for posting this early. Can't a gurl get some sleep?

Anonymous said...

Skuls for everyone... ;-) Happy HNT!

G-Man said...

Not from me sweetie! I love getting a head start. You did good!
Thank YOU Jenn, you are way too good to me.xoxox

Morning Searabbit, I gotta go to work so I won't be over to see your always awesome HNT till after 6...
I'll be over later I promise..Hugs,,, Galen xoxo

Mustafa Şenalp said...

I like your site very much. Thanks for your interest. Have a good day

GAB said...

Cool Cool Cool. You rock G-man!

Mona said...

I INSIT that it is a toy...even if it is a Bulova toy!
& you G man are getting naughty. [ Spank on the bottom! yet another spank on the bottom]
You ask me the number I like? I have no favourites on that one. I like things to come naturally to me, not some circus in my bed.That way you are more creative & original. I like to be original & not a carbon copy. I like to be imaginative & inventive. [ a big SPANK on the bottom!!!]

Melodie Norman Haas said...

So is that Hog standard time or eastern? :) Yup I am corny. Nice piece of wristwear there my friend. I never wear watches because I always forget them LOL

barman said...

Skulls, it is so you! Very nice HNT and as to posting early, let me do a little check here... It was Thursday in Amsterdam. Who know, maybe Sign posted it from over there...

S said...

You're the good type of stalker, Gman!

Cha Cha said...

Wow, Mona's a spanker.

That's hot.

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ strumpet.

Malnurtured Snay said...

Nice pretend watch?

Autumn Storm said...

Made it. ;-)

HHNT! Looks like you own at least one nice, strong hand, G, very nice. Yes, indeedy. :-)

SignGurl said...

I just got hungry looking at the hamburger in the background.'s what's for dinner.

jillie said...

Hey...I didn't see no hamburger!


SignGurl said...

Jillie, it's on the menu. Click the picture to enlarge.

KJ said...

Happy HNT G-Man!!!

jillie said...

Is it "Hammer Time?"

jillie said...

I see it...yeah, I'll one of those too please ;o)

javajazz said...

look how little your arm looks!

jillie said...

JJ <---- too funny ;o)

G-Man said...

Mustafa, thanks for visiting..

Hey Gabby, whats happenin? Back from your trip eh?

Mona, I think that I've discovered something naughty about you as well!
It is a real watch, but if you insist on spanking me, I think thats kinda HOT!!!
Spank away baby!
G-Man xoxox

Miss Melodie, I have dozens of watches, I'm addicted to watches.
And yes it's always Hog Standard Time with me!!
Nice to see you sweetie.

Barman? Is there any particular reason you picked Amsterdam?
Knowing what you know about me I mean?

Strumpet, I am amazed as well about the lovely Mona!!
Maybe the G-Man does need a little discipline!

Susie, that was a very kind thing to say...
Thanks Mistress, You Rock!

TC, Strumpet has got a very sharp eye!
And a very sharp tongue at times...
I try and stay on her good side thats for Damned sure!!
But maybe, if I'm naughty enough, she'll give me a few hard whacks!!

Malnurtured Snay huh?
Do I know you?
Whats a Snay?

Yeah strong enough to hold you here a while..
I Hope!!! xoxoxox

Hi Jenn, I hope my Signgurl is feeling better.xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Do you ever sit still?

wmy said...

You are my Harley God!!

G-Man said...

JJ, It's not the length of the arm thats important!!
It's how you use it!!

....wait, that saying is not about arms is it?

But it could apply to whatever..........

And another thing,,,
don't jump in with a quick quip, and go running off!


Jillie, I know you ain't going anywhere.... xox

G-Man said...

Honey I missed you!
Where you been?
Housefull of Kids?
G-Man loves you comming here...xoxoxox

jillie said...

Just hopping from one spot to the next...LITERALLY!

G-Man said...

Jillie Jumping Bean!!!!

Mona said...

Snay sany commre buddy (((hugs)))...See G Man, didnt I tell ya? it IS a toy. now even Snay knows it. & Pray what is the Naughty thing that you discovered about me????
Tell me tell me!!!!( curious as a cat)

G-Man said...

Mona, that you would administer corporal punishment upon the old, but still firm buttocks, of the G-Man!
Everyone wants to see this now!!!

javajazz said...

ewww, everyone wants
to get smacked now?

i was just kind of surprised
at how rather delicate your
arm looked...i have no doubt
that you know how to use it!

javajazz said...

Jillie, it's true! doesnt his arm look so, oh i dont know, dainty?
not like overly feminine, this
has nothing to do with sexuality
or anything, just, i dont know,
kind of the same gracefulness as when he had his pinky out when he was chowing down with Sign and BarMohawk....its lovely, really.

Mona said...

O THAT! well naughty old men deserve a ' mama spanking' seemed to be wandering astray so I had to set you on the right path.
I am a hard task master Lol

jillie said...

JJ...his skin looks as soft as a babies!!!!

javajazz said...

hey, how do you know, Jillie?

javajazz said...

oh, i get it,
you mean his "arm..."

G-Man said...

Lisa, you are indeed astute. In 1964 at McKinley Jr.High School, I was voted as having THE most delicate arms in the 8th grade. At the time I didn't know it's significance, but as I approach the last sunset of life, I've come to cherish the fact that at least I've won something!
Delicate, and dainty!!!
Thanks sweetie xo

Mona, you're the whip!
You're absolutely striking!
You hit it on the head!
I get a kick, out of you!
Stop dragging my heart around!

jillie said...

WHAT? Mona is going to give g-man a spanking? I'd even buy tickets for this. I mean to see those firm "buttocks"

JJ...yeah, that's right, his arm...hahahaha!

G-Man said...

My 'arm' is not soft right now....
Too much spank talk!!!

javajazz said...

ewww, again!
i dont want to hear that sound,
that smacking sound.
surely there must be something
more of substance that can help
"your arm" at this time....
i may have to turn to another channel.
are you serious about the dainty arms award, Galen? thats just downright out there, man!
and what the heck do you mean
by the sunset of your life...sheesh! how old are you, 94?

G-Man said...

I'm just kidding JJ, I feel great!!
And I mean that....

javajazz said...

you feel great to me too, mr G...

G-Man said...

Thanks sweetie xoxox

barman said...

Now you got Mona delivering punishment and everyone feeling you up? Man I do not know how you do it.

G-Man said...

Barman, I'm the luckiest guy on the face of the earth!!

tkkerouac said...


Cha Cha said...

What happened to the BarMohawak picture...I'm lovin' that JJ...BarMohawk.

javajazz said...

hi Strumpie!
isnt it Barhawk?
so cool, sounds like
a lawyer...
Bryan wasnt impressed
in the least.
but i was impressed
with you wanting to
squeeze Jillies boobs!
i hope she took you up
on the offer.
plus she needs to be
liberated of those horrendous
pink ribbons,
lest they continue to contribute
to her sinus headache,
or whatever you call it
when your ribbons are too tight...
i dont have any ribbons.
i also dont have any underwear.

G-Man said...

Jeezus Girls, this post is 2 posts old!!

Soon to be 3...

javajazz said...

well, you know,
theres always room
for more comment...!

G-Man said...

You mean like Jello?